Basic support for monitoring HP 3PAR arrays by Nagios
check_3par -h | -H <3PAR> [-d] [-u <username>] [-i <inform_cli> [-p <password_file>]] [-w <warning>] [-c <critical>] COMMAND [ arg [arg ...]]
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-H, --hostname=ADDRESS
3PAR controler
-i, --inform-bin=PATH
Path to 3PAR Inform CLI. Default connection method is SSH.
-u, --username=USER
3PAR username
-p, --password-file=PATH
Password file for 3PAR Inform CLI
-w, --warning=TRESHOLD (default: 80)
Warning treshold
-c, --critical=TRESHOLD (default: 90)
Critical treshold
-d, --debug
Turn on debugging
check_pd : Check status of physical disks
Degraded -> Warning
Failed -> Critical
check_node : Check status of controller nodes
Degraded -> Warning
Failed -> Critical
check_ld : Check status of logical disks
Degraded -> Warning
Failed -> Critical
check_vv : Check status of virtual volumes
Degraded -> Warning
Failed -> Critical
check_port_fc : Check status of FC ports
loss_sync -> Warning
config_wait -> Warning
login_wait -> Warning
non_participate -> Warning
error -> Critical
check_cap_ssd : Check used SSD capacity
>= 80 -> Warning
>= 90 -> Critical
check_cap_fc : Check used FC capacity
>= 80 -> Warning
>= 90 -> Critical
check_cap_nl : Check used NL capacity
>= 80 -> Warning
>= 90 -> Critical
check_ps_node : Check Power Supply Node
Degraded -> Warning
Failed -> Critical
check_ps_cage : Check Power Supply Cage
Degraded -> Warning
Failed -> Critical
check_volume <VOLUMENAME> : Check status of volume
Degraded -> Warning
Failed -> Critical
check_qw <QWIP> : Check status of quorum witness
loss_sync -> Critical
error -> Critical
check_health : Check overall state of the system
check_alerts : Check status of system alerts
Copy file check_3par
to Nagios plugins directory (for example /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
Nagios plugin developement []