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pghpython website


This site is built using Pelican, a static site generation framework.


The redesign branch is our current hub for development changes. Check back soon to see improvements. Contact a contributor to find out how you can help.

  1. Clone this repository and change to the newly created directory:

    $ git clone [email protected]:pghpython/website.git  # or over HTTPS if you prefer
    $ cd website/
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment for working on this project. You can use whichever tool you like (I use pyenv/pyenv-virtualenv myself, but the built-in venv works fine):

    $ python3 -m venv .venv/
    $ source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the dependencies:

    (.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Build and serve a local copy of the content:

    (.venv) $ pelican content
    Done: Processed 0 articles, 0 drafts, 1 page, 0 hidden pages and 0 draft pages in 0.14 seconds.
    (.venv) $ pelican --listen

    The site should now be available on your local host.

    You can also use make if you prefer (you can just type make to see all the available options):

    (.venv) $ make regenerate
    (.venv) $ make serve


The master branch is automatically built and deployed on Netlify. Here's the live site.