I liked the concept of RatOS and wanted to use it on my Prusa MK3S BEAR and edited it also to fit my LDO Voron 2.4R2 350 (shouldn't be compatible to stock vorons).
Therefore, the configuration is present for Standard Einsy (from https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS-configuration-MK3S, Thanks @HelgeKeck !), but currently in untested condition.
I use an BTT Octopus 1.1 Board in my Bear, so I matched everything to my PINs, please see https://github.com/OXERY/RatOS-configuration-Prusa/blob/master/boards/prusa-btt-octopus-11/BIGTREETECH%20Octopus%20-%20PIN.pdf, where the corresponding pins are marked. (copied from https://github.com/Prutsium/3D-Druckerplausch-Klipper/tree/main/Klipper_cfg/Prusa_Universal_Config_Revised, the config I used before. Thanks for the great cooperation @Prutsium !)