- Record identifier
- Related item identifier
- Language
- Geographical coordinates
- Roles and contributors
- Titles
- Constituent title
- Series title
- Edition statement
- Place of publication
- Publisher
- Date of publication
- Extent
- Production method
- Format
- Footnotes
- Classification
- Keyword chains
- Generated (not mapped) fields
"i1" : "-",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "AC08790778",
"label" : "a"
"id" : "001",
"i2" : "1"
<mods:identifier type="ac-number">AC08790778</mods:identifier>
"i1" : "b",
"id" : "037",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "a",
"content" : "ger"
"i2" : "1"
<mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">ger</mods:languageTerm>
Is not mapped into MODS but into a separate datastream called GEO
If there is nothing in 034- then check 078k
- a - ignore
- b - scale
- d - W
- e - E
- f - N
- g - S
"subfield" : [
"label" : "a",
"content" : "a"
"label" : "b",
"content" : "220000"
"label" : "d",
"content" : "E0124300"
"label" : "e",
"content" : "E0151700"
"content" : "N0471200",
"label" : "f"
"content" : "N0462000",
"label" : "g"
"id" : "078",
"i2" : "1",
"i1" : "k"
<kml:kml xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
<kml:coordinates>46.3333333333333,12.7166666666667,0 46.3333333333333,15.2833333333333,0 47.2,15.2833333333333,0 47.2,12.7166666666667,0</kml:coordinates>
Could be:
100 _ a, 104 a a, 108 a a … 196 a a
100 b a, 104 b a, 108 b a … 196 b a
100 _ p, 104 a p, 108 a p … 196 a p
100 b p, 104 b p, 108 b p … 196 b p
200 _ a, 204 a a, 208 a a … 296 a a
200 b a, 204 b a, 208 b a … 296 b a
200 _ p, 204 a p, 208 a p, 296 a p
200 b p, 204 b p, 208 b p, 296 b p
100... persons
200... corporate entities
- a - not GND normalized name
- p - GND normalized name (in case of 200 fields /corporate entities/ it's not 'p' but 'k','g' or 'b')
- 9 - GND identifier
- b - role
Role mapping
MAB | MODS | Note |
[Bearb.] | edt | # Fällt im Englischen mit editor zusammen |
[Hrsg.] | edt | |
[Drucker] | prt | |
[Ill.] | ill | |
[Widmungsempfänger] | dte | # drm steht eigentlich für Technischer Zeichner, es gibt aber ansonsten nur Künstler - in beiden Fällen ist etwas anderes gemeint, aber Technischer Zeichner trifft es m.E.n. noch eher |
[Zeichner] | drm | |
[Mitarb.] | ctb | |
[Kartograph] | ctg | |
[Lithograph] | ltg | |
[Stecher] | egr |
If the role wasn't found then
- If field is 100 and indicator is 'a' or '-' then the role is 'author'
- If indicator is 'b', the role is 'contributor'
If the name is a GND normalized name, then the attribute authority=gnd
will be added. If there is a '9' subfield, it's the GND identifier - in this case two attributes are added authorityURI=http://d-nb.info/gnd/
and valueURI=http://d-nb.info/gnd/<GND identifier here>
The names are parsed in a following way: (firstname),trim(lastname)
Following special characters are removed from the names: '<<','>>'
Firstname is ignored if it equals to ...
Eg: Mechel, Christian <<von>>
would be firstname: Christian von
lastname: Mechel
"id" : "100",
"i1" : "b",
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "p",
"content" : "Mechel, Christian <<von>>"
"content" : "1737-1817",
"label" : "d"
"label" : "9",
"content" : "(DE-588)116976659"
"content" : "[Hrsg.]",
"label" : "b"
<mods:name authority="gnd" authorityURI="http://d-nb.info/gnd/" type="personal" valueURI="http://d-nb.info/gnd/116976659">
<mods:namePart type="given">Christian von</mods:namePart>
<mods:namePart type="family">Mechel</mods:namePart>
<mods:roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">edt</mods:roleTerm>
<dc:creator>Mechel, Christian von</dc:creator>
With any indcator (indicator is the value of 'i1').
MAB Field | Subtitle pair field | MODS title type |
304 | none | uniform |
310 | none | alternative |
341 | 343 | translated |
345 | 347 | translated |
349 | 351 | translated |
331 | 335 | none |
Following special characters are removed: '<<','>>'
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "Karte des Herzogthums Kaernten",
"label" : "a"
"id" : "331",
"i1" : "-"
<mods:title>Karte des Herzogthums Kaernten</mods:title>
<dc:title>Karte des Herzogthums Kaernten</dc:title>
With any indcator (indicator is the value of 'i1').
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "Karte des Herzogthums Kaernten",
"label" : "a"
"id" : "331",
"i1" : "-"
<mods:relatedItem type="constituent">
<mods:title>Geologische Karte des Burst</mods:title>
<dc:relation>Geologische Karte des Burst</dc:relation>
<dcterms:isPartOf xsi:type="dcterms:URI">Geologische Karte des Burst</dcterms:isPartOf>
With any indcator (indicator is the value of 'i1').
<mods:relatedItem type="series">
<mods:title>Artaria's General-Karten der österreichischen und ungarischen Länder; Nr. 5 Trunk's Schulhandkarte</mods:title>
<dc:relation>Artaria's General-Karten der österreichischen und ungarischen Länder; Nr. 5 Trunk's Schulhandkarte</dc:relation>
<dcterms:isPartOf xsi:type="dcterms:URI">Artaria's General-Karten der österreichischen und ungarischen Länder; Nr. 5 Trunk's Schulhandkarte</dcterms:isPartOf>
"id" : "403",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "3., erg. Aufl.",
"label" : "a"
"i2" : "1",
"i1" : "-"
<mods:edition>3., erg. Aufl.</mods:edition>
<dc:relation>3., erg. Aufl.</dc:relation>
<dcterms:isVersionOf xsi:type="dcterms:URI">3., erg. Aufl.</dcterms:isVersionOf>
The difference between place of publication and place of printing will be ignored.
"subfield" : [
"label" : "a",
"content" : "Klagenfurt"
"id" : "410",
"i2" : "1",
"i1" : "-"
<mods:placeTerm type="text">Klagenfurt</mods:placeTerm>
The difference between publisher and printer will be ignored.
"i2" : "1",
"id" : "412",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "Kleinmayr",
"label" : "a"
"i1" : "-"
"subfield" : [
"content" : "1880",
"label" : "a"
"id" : "425",
"i2" : "1",
"i1" : "a"
"id" : "425",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "a",
"content" : "s.a. [ca. 1880]"
"i2" : "1",
"i1" : "-"
<mods:dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">1880</mods:dateIssued>
With any indcator (indicator is the value of 'i1').
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "a",
"content" : "1 Kt."
"id" : "433",
"i1" : "c"
<mods:extent>1 Kt.</mods:extent>
<dc:description>1 Kt.</dc:description>
Indicator always '-' and subfield 'a'.
"i2" : "1",
"id" : "434",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "a",
"content" : "mehrfarb."
"i1" : "-"
<mods:form type="productionmethod">mehrfarb.</mods:form>
Indicator always '-' and subfield 'a'.
"i1" : "-",
"i2" : "1",
"id" : "435",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "86 x 64 cm",
"label" : "a"
<mods:extent>86 x 64 cm</mods:extent>
<dc:description>86 x 64 cm</dc:description>
Field | Indicator | Subfield |
501 | _ | a |
507 | _ | a, p |
511 | _ | a |
512 | _, a | a |
517 | _, a, b, c | p + a (with colon) |
525 | _ | p + a (with space) |
"i1" : "-",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "Mit Schraffen. - Mit statist. Übersicht. - Maßstab in graph. Form (Wr. Klafter). - Nebenkt. Stadtplan Klagenfurt",
"label" : "a"
"id" : "501",
"i2" : "1"
"id" : "525",
"i1" : "-",
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "p",
"content" : "Aus"
"content" : "Stielers Hand-Atlas",
"label" : "a"
<mods:note>Mit Schraffen. - Mit statist. Übersicht. - Maßstab in graph. Form (Wr. Klafter). - Nebenkt. Stadtplan Klagenfurt</mods:note>
<dc:description>Mit Schraffen. - Mit statist. Übersicht. - Maßstab in graph. Form (Wr. Klafter). - Nebenkt. Stadtplan Klagenfurt</dc:description>
If indicator is 'c' or 'g' it is ignored (some classifications from other systems from Germany).
We only map the identifier (the label for the identifier is already available in Phaidra/Vocabulary server).
"i1" : "f",
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "74.20",
"label" : "a"
"label" : "b",
"content" : "Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz <Geographie>"
"id" : "700"
<mods:classification authority="bkl">74.20</mods:classification>
Entries with the same field number (eg 902) represent one keyword chain. Each instance of the same field is a separate category. Eg if the field 902 is present 4 times, then there are 4 different categories of this keyword chain. The subfields (eg 'g', 'f',...) define the various types of keywords in the category. Eg there can be a keyword chain like this:
"id" : "907",
"i1" : "-",
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "g",
"content" : "Hüningen"
"content" : "Region",
"label" : "z"
"content" : "(DE-588)4746833-6",
"label" : "9"
"id" : "907",
"i1" : "-",
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "s",
"content" : "Belagerung"
"content" : "(DE-588)4125327-9",
"label" : "9"
"id" : "907",
"i1" : "-",
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"label" : "z",
"content" : "Geschichte"
"id" : "907",
"i1" : "-",
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "Altkarte",
"label" : "f"
Then this means a keyword chain like:
Hüningen, Region; Belagerung; Geschichte; Altkarte
In MODS, each keyword chain will be represented as a separate node with a separate child node for each category. If there are multiple subfields for one category (eg as in the example above, under one '907-' there are 'g', 'z' and '9' ) then these are separated by colon. Eg if 'g' is Hüningen and 'z' Region then it's Hüningen, Region
. '9' is always an GND identifier - in this case the appropriate attributes will be set ('authority','authorityURI','valueURI' - see Roles and contributors)
In DC, each chain will be represented as one node, with categories separated by semicolon: Hüningen, Region; Belagerung; Geschichte; Altkarte
Sometimes a subfield (eg 'z') can mean different things depending on context (that's why it's twice in the guide). One important example:
- z subfield
- If the category contains a GND identifier (it's saved in '9' subfield) the the subfield 'z' particularizes the 'g' keyword. Eg. since Hüningen is both a city and a region, 'g' will contain 'Hüningen' and 'z' will contain 'Region' to differentiate it from the city.
- If the category DOES NOT contain GND identifier, then 'z' is a temporal keyword (eg 'History')
The 'h' subfield should also be added after a comma (similar to 'z' as discussed). It cannot stand alone, so it's only necessary to check for it if there is another subfield in the chain.
The MAB/Aleph guide to subfields:
p = Name (GND)
k = Körperschaftsname (GND)
e = Kongressname (GND)
g = Gebietskörperschaftsname (GND)
s = Sachbegriff (GND)
b = Untergeordnete Körperschaft, untergeordnete Einheit (GND)
n = Zählung (GND)
c = Personen: Beiname, Gattungsname, Titulatur, Territorium (GND)
c = Kongresse: Ort des Kongresses (GND)
h = Identifizierender Zusatz (GND)
d = Personen: Lebensjahre (GND)
d = Kongresse: Datum des Kongresses (GND)
x = Allgemeine Unterteilung (GND)
z = Geografika: Geografische Unterteilung (GND)
z = Zeitschlagwort (ohne GND-IDNR)
9 = GND-Identnummer
t = Titel (GND)
f = Titel: Erscheinungsjahr eines Werkes (GND)
f = Formschlagwort (ohne GND-IDNR)
m = Besetzung im Musikbereich (GND)
n = Titel: Zählung (GND)
o = Angabe des Musikarrangements (GND)
u = Teil eines Werkes (GND)
r = Tonart (GND)
s = Version (GND)
Beispiel für z Geografische Unterteilung:
g Minnesota z Nordwest
g Gastein z Region (= Umgebung von Gastein)
Beispiele für h-Zusatz:
g Lippe h Fluss
Here is the subfield <-> child node mapping:
Subfield | Child node |
k | <name type="corporate"><namePart> |
p | <name type="personal"><namePart> |
g | <geographic> |
f | <genre> |
s | <topic> |
z | <temporal> if the category does NOT contain GND identifier |
"i2" : "1",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "Kärnten",
"label" : "g"
"content" : "(DE-588)4029175-3",
"label" : "9"
"id" : "902",
"i1" : "-"
"i1" : "-",
"i2" : "1",
"id" : "902",
"subfield" : [
"content" : "Karte",
"label" : "f"
<mods:geographic authority="gnd" authorityURI="http://d-nb.info/gnd/" valueURI="http://d-nb.info/gnd/4029175-3">Kärnten</mods:geographic>
<dc:subject>Kärnten, Karte</dc:subject>
For every map, following parts are generated automatically:
<mods:recordContentSource>Universitätsbibliothek Wien</mods:recordContentSource>
<mods:recordOrigin>Maschinell erzeugt</mods:recordOrigin>
<mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">ger</mods:languageTerm>
<mods:note lang="ger" type="statement of responsibility">Bestand der Kartensammlung der Fachbereichsbibliothek Geographie und Regionalforschung, Universität Wien</mods:note>
<mods:accessCondition type="use and reproduction">http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/</mods:accessCondition>