This Project is to get the Nutri Values from USDN DB.
#Version : Init - Base 0.2
#Whats New Fixed #1: Search for Fod product is better now , taking the mist appropriate result (still need to be improvized) Issue#1 Fixed #2: JSON format data extracted and formed from the response.
#How it Works Bascially it uses two API calls one for the search for food and other is to get the Nutrient Values
#Known Issues:
- (Solved) Food Search Returns Multiple results , We've just picked the first item for this run
- (Solved) Though All Nutrients are retrived , only Energy is displayed at this moment to have better Parsing capabilities
- When searching , the cache need to be reinit as the result is displayed only after second search, So for every subsequent result it is trying to get details from previous run/session.