This project is designed to process and analyze molecular data using Ligand based models run with CPSign. It includes components for data storage, processing, and web-based interaction.

- Navigate to the specified serving url.
- Upload a csv smiles file.
Se the example in test/smiles_example.csv for valid input file format.
There are two options. Docker-compose is fast to get started. The alternative and production-like alternative is skaffold. See for more information on how to run.
To use this project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd ptp
Run the application:
docker-compose up --build
Modify values.yaml according to your specification.
Deploy using Helm:
helm install --upgrade charts/ptp --values values.yaml
Note: The deployment will create a Job to fetch all depdendency models before starting services. This may take some time since there are 10Gb+ downloadables. This is only needed on load (new version) or reload of model library.
- Build and run the Docker containers:
docker-compose up --build
Build container
docker build -t ptp .
Push container to registry
- By default the folder /app/ext_storage/ should be mounted to outside storage to avoid ram bloat. It will contain database, media, and models.
- Place the downloaded models (from to /app/ext_storage/models/
- Currently static files are served by Django itself even with DEBUG=False
- All defaults of environmental variables make sense for SciLifeLab Serve. Here are some environmental variables that can be changed if needed:
etc for email settings.MAX_MODELS
to limit the number of active models (for debug purposes) .otherwise it iterates all models present (currently 800+).MEDIA_DIR
for media directoryMODEL_DIR
for models directoryDATABASE_DIR
for database directorySITE_URL
for generating download links in emails
Model repository on Hugging Face: pharmbio/ptp
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Jonathan Alvarsson - Research, scipipe version and models - jonathanalvarsson
- Morgan Ekmefjord - Web service, deployment and service packaging - morganekmefjord