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Blink Utilities is a set of tools that I use for my blink setup at home. Currently there are two tools in this toolkit:
- download-clips.py -- A tool that is used to download your clips for local storage.
- update_snapshots.py -- A tool that is used to update your snapshots on the camera
These tools rely on the api documented in MattTW/BlinkMonitorProtocol as well as the module fronzbot/blinkpy.This api is unofficial and can be rendered inaccessible at any time. Please keep this in mind when using these tools. Especially since utilizing them in excess can result in the loss of these "privileges".
Further information about each tool can be found in each of the tool files. These are licensed under the MIT license and I simply ask that you leave my copyright/information section in each script. Aside from that, do what you wish.
If you have any issues or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions are welcome! Including new tools to add to the Blink Utilities toolkit.