A collection of my config files. Tested (to various degrees) on OS X, Debian, Raspbian, and Ubuntu.
The installation init.sh script can be piped directly to bash, but you should probably inspect it before running random bash scripts from the internet:
# If you want your github public keys to be added, specify your username as the
# first argument
# To use the main branch
curl -sfL init.chevalierforget.com | bash -s -- $YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME
# Or to use a specific branch, eg `some-feature`
curl -sfL init.chevalierforget.com/some-feature | bash -s -- $YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME
Give this repo a try in a docker container using the Dockerfile:
# If you've already got the repo checked out, from the repo root:
docker build . -t dotfiles
docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}:/home/dotfiles/workspace/dotfiles/:ro" dotfiles bash -c './init.sh; bash'
# Or to build the Docker image and run the init script from github directly:
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/philipforget/dotfiles/main/Dockerfile | \
docker build -t dotfiles - && \
docker run --rm -it -h dotfiles dotfiles \
bash -c 'curl -sfL init.chevalierforget.com | bash; bash'
You'll be dropped into a container after it finishes running init.sh
for the