X-SlickGrid is a extension of the great SlickGrid
- Adaptive virtual scrolling (handle hundreds of thousands of rows with extreme responsiveness)
- Extremely fast rendering speed
- Supports jQuery UI Themes
- Background post-rendering for richer cells
- Configurable & customizable
- Full keyboard navigation
- Column resize/reorder/show/hide
- Column autosizing & force-fit
- Pluggable cell formatters & editors
- Support for editing and creating new rows.
- Grouping, filtering, custom aggregators, and more!
- Advanced detached & multi-field editors with undo/redo support.
- “GlobalEditorLock” to manage concurrent edits in cases where multiple Views on a page can edit the same data.
- Support for millions of rows
- Footer Row
- Tree Columns
- Column Picker with functionalities
- Group
- Show/Hide
- Totalize
- Frozen Columns and Rows.
- Frozen Rows (top & bottom)
- Frozen Columns (left only, right coming soon)
- Horizontal scrolling of frozen viewport with mousewheel
- Scroll viewport during row drag
- Scroll viewport during column drag
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
Copy the changed file and paste in nodemodules, it is not necessary to run local gulp build and not nine specific. But for production environment it is necessary to generate release, and change package lock and packagejson