Notable changes
hal/interfaces/AnalogToDigitalPin; increased ADC results to int32_t
services/network/ConnectionMbedTls; On CloseAndDestroy, empty buffers before forwarding close request
services/util/Terminal; fixed crash by using services::Tracer to write data to the console, synchronously
.travis-ci.yml; Travis-CI build pipeline
.gitattributes; Ignore external vendor packages in language analysis on GitHub
https_client example
services::HttpClientJson; base class to easily interact with REST services exposing large payloads. Uses infra::JsonStreamingObjectParser
services/network/ExclusiveConnection; only allow one active connection at a time
protobuf/protoc_echo_plugin: Support enums
hal::UartWindows; hal::SerialCommunication implementation for Windows serial port
services::SerialServer; TCP/IP <--> UART bridge, see serial_net example
services::WebSocketClientConnectionObserver; WebSocket client support
services::WebSocketServerConnectionObserver; WebSocket server support
Support for Linux host builds with GCC
Detailed changelog
All changes
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