event handler factory
This angular module is usefull for integrating angular.js with With it one can construct socket based services and integrate them into controllers.
The module assumes that your socketio methods will emit messages in the form of:
First create a service for your namespace, then use the service in your controller:
angular.module('articleServices', ['socketEventHandler']).factory('ArticleService', function ($socketEventHandler) {
var socketEventHandler = new $socketEventHandler({host:'http://localhost:3000/'});
function ArticleService(eventHandler) {
var self = this
self.getArticles = function (params) {
eventHandler._trigger('article_stream', {event:'get_articles', data:{params:params}});
self._bind = eventHandler._bind
self._unbind = eventHandler._unbind
function ViewerCtrl($scope, $routeParams, ArticleService) {
$scope.articles = []
$scope.getArticles = ArticleService.getArticles