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The portal website for student theatre in Cambridge

Build Status

Camdram is an open source project developed for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community. Anyone can contribute to the bugs and new features. Below are the steps required to set up a development checkout of Camdram. If you encounter any problems with the below, please create a Github issue or send an e-mail to [email protected]

  1. Install programs

Use one of the following commands to install the necessary packages required to run Camdram

###Debian-based distributions, e.g. Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install git-core php5 php5-cli curl php5-curl php5-intl php5-sqlite php-apc php5-gd php5-json

###RPM-based distributions, e.g. Fedora

$ sudo yum install git php php-cli curl php-intl php-pdo php-gd
  1. Create a checkout of the Camdram repository

Create an account on Github, then 'fork' this repository using the link above.

Run git clone, which will pull a copy of the code into a new folder called 'camdram'

Change into the newly created 'camdram' directory before proceeding:

cd camdram
  1. Install PHP dependencies

Symfony (and therefore Camdram) uses Composer to download the PHP libraries it uses. First, install composer locally inside the Camdram source code folder:

curl -sS | php

This downloads a file named 'composer.phar'. Run this to download all the PHP libaries:

php composer.phar install -n

If this generates an error unable to open database file, check if the subdirectory app/data exists. If not, create it (mkdir app/data).

If app/data/orm.db and app/data/odm.db already exist, delete them or chown them to your user and try again.

  1. Create a database

Run the command below to generate a SQLite datastore which contains randomly-generated sample data

php app/console camdram:database:update

Should this (or any other php commands) produce 'out of memory' errors ("allowed memory size exhausted" or similar), you can allow more memory for this command only like this:

php -d memory_limit=512M app/console camdram:database:update

This is most likely to happen with database updates and calls to composer.phar. Naturally you need to consider how much memory (RAM) your system has available.

  1. Run the web server

Run php app/console server:run to start a web server. You should then be able to visit http://localhost:8000/app_dev.php in your web browser to see your personal version of Camdram's homepage.

The 'app_dev.php' in the URL launches Camdram in the 'development' environment, which is optimized for the frequent code changes that occur when doing development work. It also contains a useful toolbar at the foot of the page which contains, amongst other information, useful information about load times, memory usage and the number of SQL queries run. Read more about Symfony's environments here, including information about how to use the 'production' environment.

  1. Read the Wiki

The Wiki has various pieces of information about both the current and in-development versions of Camdram. Reading through those pages can give insight into the more esoteric parts of the system.

The following wiki pages detail how to create a server set-up that's more similar to the live version of Camdram:

You can also read information about Camdram's suite of tests

  1. Pull in other people's changes

At a later date, once your local repository has become out of sync with Gituhb (because other people have committed code), you can run the following commands to pull in other people's changes and update your checkout:

git pull
php composer.phar install
php app/console camdram:database:update

This will pull in the latest code, update any changes to the dependencies and update the database. The second and third command may not be necessary if no one has recently changed the dependencies or database schema, but there's never any harm in running them (apart from database camdram:database:update with a SQLite, which completely drops and recreates the whole database).

  1. Write some code

  • The site uses the Symfony PHP framework - read the documentation at
  • Use the Github issue tracker to get an idea what we're currently working on. If you think you know how to do something, write the code, commit it, and submit a pull request.
  • If you want to discuss how to implement a new feature or how to fix a bug, get in touch with one of the developers. It would probably be wise to get in touch before starting on any significant projects to avoid wasted effort!
  • Visit if you're not familiar with Git.
  • Code should ideally conform to the style guide here:
    If this is far too daunting, a poorly styled but functional improvement is better than no improvement. You can use to (mostly) clean your code up after writing it.
  1. Commit some code

  • Run git add file1.php file2.php for each file you wish to include in the commit
  • Run git commit and enter a message describing the changes you have made
  • Run git push to send your changes to Github

It is good practice to include the relevant issue number (prefixed with a hash #) at the end of the commit message - this will cause your commit message to appear on the issue page on Github.


Camdram main repository







No releases published


No packages published


  • PHP 69.7%
  • Ruby 20.2%
  • JavaScript 6.9%
  • CSS 3.1%
  • Perl 0.1%