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ISBN Visualization

Please read for the live version and description of this project


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Fetch the main repo and (if you want) the precomputed data.

# code
git clone [email protected]:phiresky/isbn-visualization.git
# precomputed prefix data
git clone [email protected]:phiresky/isbn-visualization-json.git
# precomputed png datasets
git clone [email protected]:phiresky/isbn-visualization-images.git
cd isbn-visualization
mkdir public
ln -s $PWD/../isbn-visualization-images public/images
ln -s $PWD/../isbn-visualization-json/prefix-data public/prefix-data

Then install the JS dependencies. You'll need pnpm. The easiest way is corepack, which is bundled with nodejs:

corepack enable
pnpm install
# run in dev mode (WARNING: perf in dev mode is worse than prod mode!)
pnpm run dev
# build in prod mode
pnpm run build
# serve from any static http server (example)
cd dist && python3 -m http.server

Preprocessing scripts

This repo contains a few scripts to generate the relevant data for the web viewer.

Running in docker

You can build a docker container containing all relevant code using

docker build -t phiresky/isbn-visualization .


A convenience script to run the JS build and all processing steps that have not been run yet:


  • PUBLIC_BASE_PATH: the url prefix you will host the project under (e.g. /isbn-visualization)
  • DATA_DIR: the directory the input data files are in and intermediary products will be stored
  • OUTPUT_DIR_PUBLIC: the output dir that you will host on your webhost (under PUBLIC_BASE_PATH)

Run in docker:

docker run --rm -it \
    -e PUBLIC_BASE_PATH=/isbn-visualization \
    -e DATA_DIR=/data \
    -e OUTPUT_DIR_PUBLIC=/public \
    -v ./data:/data \
    -v ./public:/public \


PUBLIC_BASE_PATH=/ OUTPUT_DIR_PUBLIC=./public DATA_DIR=./data ./scripts/


This script generates the json files representing the groups/publisher ranges.

  • Input: isbngrp_records.jsonl.seekable.zst
  • Output: public/prefix-data/*.json (split by size), data/prefix-data.json (the full data)
pnpm tsx scripts/gen-prefixes.ts .../aa_meta__aacid__isbngrp_records__20240920T194930Z--20240920T194930Z.jsonl.seekable.zst
# compress them with zopfli (if you don't want to install zopfli, use `gzip -9 public/prefix-data/*.json`)


This one written in Rust for performance. You'll need the Rust compiler.

  • Input: aa_metaaacidworldcat__20241230T203056Z--20241230T203056Z.jsonl.seekable.zst
  • Output: data/library_holding_data.sqlite3
cd scripts/rarity
export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"
cargo run --release -- ~/Downloads/annas_archive_meta__aacid__worldcat__20241230T203056Z--20241230T203056Z.jsonl.seekable.zst

It takes 20min-1h to process the 250GByte source file.


This script generates the png datasets.

Use pnpm tsx scripts/write-images list to list datasets:

Special datasets: [ 'publishers', 'all', 'rarity' ]
Normal datasets: [...depends on

The syntax is pnpm tsx scripts/write-images [dataset] [zoom-level|all]

Use all to generate all zoom levels from 1-4.


  • for the all and normal datasets: data/aa_isbn13_codes_20241204T185335Z.benc.zst (or set env var INPUT_BENC=path)
  • for the publisher dataset: data/prefix-data.json (generated by scripts/gen-prefixes.ts, or set env var INPUT_PREFIX_DATA=path)
  • for the rarity dataset: data/library_holding_data.sqlite3 (generated by scripts/rarity or set env var INPUT_HOLDING_SQLITE=path)


  • public/images/tiled/[dataset]/zoom-{1,2,3,4}/*.png
  • public/images/tiled/[dataset]/written.json with the list of images (only if zoom level=all)
  • public/images/tiled/[dataset]/stats.json
# you might want to run some these in parallel, each takes a 1-10 minutes.

for dataset in all publishers rarity publication_date cadal_ssno cerlalc duxiu_ssid edsebk gbooks goodreads ia isbndb isbngrp libby md5 nexusstc nexusstc_download oclc ol rgb trantor; do
    pnpm tsx scripts/write-images $dataset all

Special datasets:

Dataset all

Aggregates all datasets, sets white pixels for every book in any of the datasets, black pixels otherwise. Zoomed out views contain the average, so a pixel with 50% existing books will be brightness 50%.

Dataset publication_date

The red in each pixel is the average publication year (minus 1800, clamped to 0-255). The green pixel is the same. The blue pixel is the ratio of books present in the dataset (255 = 100%).

Dataset publishers

Publishers are assigned an incrementing integer ID by unique registrant_name. This integer is stored in the PNG RGB: publisherId = red * 65536 + green * 256 + blue.

Zoomed out views contain non-aggregated data (publisher ranges smaller than a pixel will not appear).

Dataset rarity

The variables holdingCount, editionCount, bookCount are set in the r,g,b colors respectively.

Zoomed out views contain the sum of each of the values. If one of the values is ≥ 255, all values are scaled down accordingly. For example:

r=4,g=2,b=1 means that there is exactly one book in this pixel with 4 holdings and 2 editions r=10,g=3,b=3 means there's three books with a total of 10 holdings and 3 editions r=10,g=3,b=255 means thre's more than 254 books, with on average 10/255 holdings per book, and 3/255 editions per book. r=255,g=10,b=30 means there's more than 254 holdings, with on average 255/10 holdings per edition and 255/30 books per edition

Other datasets

The other datasets contain the data directly from the benc file (white=exists, black=does not exist)


Merges the statistics from the different datasets into a single file.

  • Input: public/images/tiled/*/stats.json
  • Output: public/prefix-data/stats.json
pnpm tsx scripts/merge-stats.ts

scripts/ (optional)

Minify the images using oxipng and pngquant (for lossy datasets).

This reduces image size by 5-50%!

scripts/ public/images/tiled/
# or
scripts/ public/images/tiled/[dataset]

Running the main web viewer

URLs and paths are configured in src/config.ts. The default "advanced config", stored in the URL, is configured in src/lib/RuntimeConfiguration.ts.

Development: pnpm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5173 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.

You can use the following debug objects exposed in the dev console:

  • store: the main state store which can be manipulated, e.g. store.showGrid = false
  • threejsRoot: the main threejs objects, e.g. console.log(
  • isbnlib: the isbn3 library for parsing ISBNs

pnpm run build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder.
It bundles the project in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. If the app should not be hosted in the root path of a domain, set the env var e.g. PUBLIC_BASE_PATH=/isbn-visualization.


You can deploy the dist folder to any static host provider (netlify, surge, now, etc.)


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