Wind Viewer is a level viewer and editor for Zelda: Wind Waker and (to an extent) Twilight Princess.
Original author: xDaniel
#Compiling the Project# WindViewer is written using Visual Studios 2012. This means the project solutions are incompatible with previous versions. To solve this issue, you can get the Virtual Studios 2012 Service Pack 1 to enable compatibility with Visual Studios 2010. Other versions will require modifying the Solution file to open.
Original Thread: https://www.the-gcn.com/topic/721-wind-waker-hacking-thread/
Recent activity thread: http://jul.rustedlogic.net/thread.php?id=13745
Our Wiki: https://github.com/pho/WindViewer/wiki
http://www.amnoid.de/gc/ ( RARC and Yaz0 specs)
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