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This is a simple wireguard VPN user management script using on VPN server. Client config file and qrcode are generated.
- wireguard
- qrencode
The wireguard default config directory is /etc/wireguard.
The script config file is wg.def, create and edit it according to wg.def.sample.
You can generate the public key and private key with command wg genkey | tee > prikey | wg pubkey > pubkey
Running as root.
./ -a alice
This will generate a client conf and qrcode in current directory which name is alice and add alice to the wg config.
./ -d alice
This will delete the alice directory and delete alice from the wg config.
./ -v alice
This will show generated QR codes.
./ -d
./ -r
By default, data from wireguard peers cannot access the LAN. To allow peers to access the LAN, uncomment the following line in /etc/sysctl.conf
A restart is required after this has been enabled.
The default iptable rules for wireguard will allow all traffic from the peers to the LAN. If you wish to limit access to certain addresses, add the LAN range to the server.conf.blacklist. IP addresses added to server.conf.whitelist will be forward from the peers.
The following will only allow and and prevent any other access to the LAN
By default all ports are open to be routed through wireguard. If you wish to restrict access to certain ports, add the ports to server.conf.ports.whitelist. This will block every TCP and UDP ports except those specifed in the whitelist. If there is no ports specified in the whitelist, then all ports will be available to the client.
The following will only allow SMB access from a wireguard client
When these files are changed, a reload of the wireguard interface is required.
./ -r