v2406: Starting class-based dev for solvers/libraries + new dispersion model
- new dispersion model with two sets of parameters used for saturated
(alphaL_sat/alphaT_sat) and unsaturated areas (alphaL_unsat/alphaT_unsat).
Transition between values are computed using theta thresholds
(thetaThreshold_unsat and thetaThreshold_sat)
- new dispersion model with two sets of parameters used for saturated
- new classes have been designed to handle multi-time stepping techniques
using c++Objects instead of #include. All the solvers use this new feature.
As a result, multiple files have been removed, such as all the setDeltaT.H.
- new classes have been designed to handle multi-time stepping techniques
Similary to timestepManager, outputEventFile class coupled with new class
outputFields allows to use c++ object to handle eventWrite + mass balance
computation. As a result, multiple files have been removed such as eventWrite.H
and readEvent.H. -
Minor change for eventInfiltration keyword :
eventFileInfiltration => infiltrationEventFile
- new library/class has been created to ensure compatibility with API. PMF
keywords are liste in etc/keywords.yaml file
- new library/class has been created to ensure compatibility with API. PMF
Transient simulations use directly the OpenFOAM fvMatrix residuals to
evaluate Picard convergence. Relaxation factor can be used for transient. -
Two modes are available for time-stepping :
- truncation: based on truncation error (using truncationError value)
- nIterPicard: based on the number of Picard iteration requires at each
timestep (using nIterPicard)
Bug fix
eventInfiltration compute velocity along gravity-axis (instead of patch
normal) to avoid lateral infiltration for non-planar patch. Negative values in
infiltration.dat still mean inflow (and positive value exfiltration) -
fix missing updateForcing fo GWTfoam
fix CmassBalance computation for porousScalarTransportFoam
fix parallel efficiency with CSV file outputs
fix h relaxation based on openfoam residual