This repository has been archived since we are not using it anymore internally. Feel free to use it AS-IS, we won't be providing any support anymore.
This package provides an easy-to-use mail-manager for ZF2 that lets you focus on creating your mails. Every e-mail is a class that you can configure based on your own needs. The mail manager uses a configurable mail adapter so that you don't have to worry about sending your mails.
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install
"phpro/zf-mail-manager": "~0.3"
return array(
'modules' => array(
// other libs...
// Other config
return array(
// Define a Default Mailmanager
'service_manager' => array(
'aliases' => array(
'Phpro\MailManager\DefaultAdapter' => 'Phpro\MailManager\Adapter\ZendMailAdapter',
// Paths to e-mail templates for renderable e-mail objects.
'view_manager' => [
'template_map' => [
'mails/layout' => __DIR__ . '/../view/mails/layout.phtml',
'mails/customer/registered' => __DIR__ . '/../view/mails/customer/registered.phtml',
// Custom e-mail plugin manager
'mail_manager' => [
'invokables' => [
'CustomerRegisteredMail' => 'CustomerRegisteredMail',
use MailManager\Mail\Base\ZendMail;
* Class ShareCollection
* @package MailManager\Mail
class CustomerRegisteredMail extends ZendMail
protected $viewFile = 'mails/customer/registered';
protected $subject = 'Customer Registered';
protected $to = ['[email protected]' => 'Me'];
protected $from = ['[email protected]' => 'Me'];
// Custom view parameters
protected $params = [
'name' => 'Me',
'email' => '[email protected]',
// Other settings like headers, attachments, ...
// Through the mail plugin manager:
$mailManager = $serviceManager->get('Phpro\MailManager');
$mail = $mailManager->get('CustomerRegisteredMail');
// Without the mail plugin manager:
$mailManager = $serviceManager->get('Phpro\MailManager');
$mail = new CustomerRegisteredMail();
At the moment following adapters are supported:
- ZendMail
- Mandrill