This documentation provides details for Running the Beer App Frontend Demo lab.
Please verify that you have read and completed the follow documents before continuing the Lab exercises:
prerequisites Setup Setup Mesh Proxy Setup Apigee
Enable all the Beer App services to route to v1 via the virtual-service-all-v1.yaml file. This changes all VirtualService destinations to be v1. Note Beer App VirtualService needs to bind to the Ingress Gateway.
kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/virtual-service-all-v1.yaml
Dynamically route the authorized users to route to v2 of the Beer API via the This file changes the Beer App VirtualService destinations for Beer API to be v2 for any email claim.
kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/
Login to the Beer Developer Portal or Apigee Edge Management UI and create an application with access to a Beer App API Product(s) and capture the client ID. Launch the Beer App Frontend in your browswer, click the settings icon in the top right, modify the Clien t ID, and click Save
Add the OAuth API Base URL from the OAuth provider or the Apigee Edge instance and click Save
Click on the login and login with any username/password combination and token format. After successful token, you will be redirect to the user acount profile:
Navigate to the Beers tab and you will see a list of beers:
Click on the login and logout/login with username/password combination and token format. After successful token, you will be redirect to the user acount profile:
Navigate to the Beers tab and you will see a list of beers with likes:
Open the Apigee Edge analytics to view the errors and success for the service proxies.
kubectl delete -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/
kubectl delete -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/virtual-service-all-v1.yaml