Releases: phunkyg/ReaControl24
Mappings and Scribble Fixes
This release contains a fix for scribble strip updates, making the 'Show Values, Show Names' etc. buttons usable. The wait time to return to default after an update has also been reduced, making them feel more responsive.
When Reaper sends a 'hail mary' of text when a project loads, there is now a trap to ensure this 'spam' does not clog up the traffic flow, while still storing the values for later display.
In addition, many new Reaper.OSC mappings have been created to enable more buttons and functions being available via the desk. OSC addresses that send text strings have also been mapped wherever possible.
This release also lights up some of the Bus VU meters with OSC addresses for MASTER VU, so 2 channels are now shown from the master. The 2 additional scribble strips have been located and mapped to various text addresses, experimentally. These sometimes show up when region names/numbers or markers are encountered.