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PhuocLe edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 10 revisions

DynamicsCrm.DevKit support 4 connection types

  1. AD
  2. ClientSecret
  3. OAuth
  4. OOB SDK Control Login


DynamicsCrm.DevKit Connection Dialog


  • AD, ClientSecrect, OAuth connection types saved your connection string to file DynamicsCrm.DevKit.json in the root folder of your visual studio solution. It can re-use later when you open this dialog with the Saved Connections dropdown.
  • With AD and OAuth connection types, password will encrypted before saved to file.

Note: decrypt method also included in this project, so anybody with a small skill can know the decrypt method in the project and use it to decrypt your password. We recommend you use your temporary password if you want use these connection types.

  • ClientSecrect saved the Client Id and Secret Key to file without encrypt.
  • OOB SDK Control Login when use, it don't save your password to file. We recommend you use this connection type.


DynamicsCrm.DevKit OOB SDK Control Login Dialog

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