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pi8027 committed Nov 3, 2023
1 parent e01cb81 commit ba6872d
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 110 deletions.
194 changes: 84 additions & 110 deletions theories/stablesort.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Local Definition condrev (T : Type) (r : bool) (xs : seq T) : seq T :=
if r then rev xs else xs.

Local Lemma condrev_nilp (T : Type) (r : bool) (xs : seq T) :
nilp (condrev r xs) = nilp xs.
Proof. by case: r; rewrite /= ?rev_nilp. Qed.

(* The abstract interface for stable (merge)sort algorithms *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,25 +241,20 @@ Module Insertion.
Module Abstract.

Definition sort (T R : Type) (leT : rel T)
(merge : R -> R -> R) (merge' : R -> R -> R)
(singleton : T -> R) (empty : R) :=
(merge merge' : R -> R -> R) (singleton : T -> R) (empty : R) :=
foldr (fun x => merge (singleton x)) empty.

Parametricity sort.

End Abstract.

Section Insertion.

Variables (T : Type) (leT : rel T).

Definition sort : seq T -> seq T := foldr (fun x => merge leT [:: x]) [::].
Definition sort (T : Type) (leT : rel T) : seq T -> seq T :=
foldr (fun x => merge leT [:: x]) [::].

Lemma asort_catE : Abstract.sort leT cat cat (fun x => [:: x]) [::] =1 id.
Lemma asort_catE (T : Type) (leT : rel T) :
Abstract.sort leT cat cat (fun x => [:: x]) [::] =1 id.
Proof. by elim=> //= x xs ->. Qed.

End Insertion.

Definition sort_stable :=
StableSort sort Abstract.sort Abstract.sort_R (fun _ _ _ => erefl) asort_catE.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,9 +289,8 @@ Module CBN_ (M : MergeSig).
Module Abstract.
Section Abstract.

Variables (T R : Type) (leT : rel T).
Variables (merge : R -> R -> R) (merge' : R -> R -> R).
Variables (singleton : T -> R) (empty : R).
Context (T R : Type) (leT : rel T).
Context (merge merge' : R -> R -> R) (singleton : T -> R) (empty : R).

Fixpoint push (xs : R) (stack : seq (option R)) : seq (option R) :=
match stack with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,28 +340,15 @@ Definition sort3 : seq T -> R := sort3rec [::].

Fixpoint sortNrec (stack : seq (option R)) (x : T) (xs : seq T) : R :=
if xs is y :: xs then
if leT x y then
incr stack y xs (singleton x)
decr stack y xs (singleton x)
pop (singleton x) stack
with incr (stack : seq (option R)) (x : T) (xs : seq T) (accu : R) : R :=
sortNrec' (leT x y) stack y xs (singleton x) else pop (singleton x) stack
with sortNrec' (incr : bool) (stack : seq (option R))
(x : T) (xs : seq T) (accu : R) : R :=
let accu' := (if incr then merge' else merge) accu (singleton x) in
if xs is y :: xs then
if leT x y then
incr stack y xs (merge' accu (singleton x))
sortNrec (push (merge' accu (singleton x)) stack) y xs
pop (merge' accu (singleton x)) stack
with decr (stack : seq (option R)) (x : T) (xs : seq T) (accu : R) : R :=
if xs is y :: xs then
if leT x y then
sortNrec (push (merge accu (singleton x)) stack) y xs
decr stack y xs (merge accu (singleton x))
if eqb incr (leT x y) then
sortNrec' incr stack y xs accu' else sortNrec (push accu' stack) y xs
pop (merge accu (singleton x)) stack.
pop accu' stack.

Definition sortN (xs : seq T) : R :=
Expand All @@ -377,7 +365,7 @@ End Abstract.

Section CBN.

Variable (T : Type) (leT : rel T).
Context (T : Type) (leT : rel T).

Fixpoint push (xs : seq T) (stack : seq (seq T)) : seq (seq T) :=
match stack with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,6 +435,7 @@ Definition sortN (xs : seq T) : seq T :=
(* Proofs *)

Let geT x y := leT y x.

Let astack_of_stack : seq (seq T) -> seq (option (seq T)) :=
map (fun xs => if xs is [::] then None else Some xs).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,21 +493,23 @@ Qed.
Lemma asortN_mergeE :
Abstract.sortN leT merge merge' (fun x => [:: x]) [::] =1 sortN.
have mergeEcons x y rs :
(if leT x y then merge' else merge) (condrev (leT x y) (x :: rs)) [:: y]
= condrev (leT x y) (y :: x :: rs).
by case: ifP; rewrite /= ?revK /geT /= => ->.
case=> // x xs; have [n] := ubnP (size xs).
rewrite /Abstract.sortN /sortN -[Nil (option _)]/(astack_of_stack [::]).
elim: n (Nil (seq _)) x xs => // n IHn stack x [|y xs /= /ltnSE Hxs].
by rewrite [LHS]apop_mergeE.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec.
rewrite -/(Abstract.incr _ _ merge' _) -/(Abstract.decr _ _ merge' _).
pose rs := Nil T; rewrite -{1}[[:: x]]/(rcons (rev rs) x) -/(x :: rs).
elim: xs Hxs x y rs => [_|z xs IHxs /= /ltnW Hxs] x y rs.
rewrite /Abstract.incr /Abstract.decr !apop_mergeE rev_rcons revK /= /geT.
by case: leT.
rewrite /Abstract.incr -/(Abstract.incr _ _ merge' _).
rewrite /Abstract.decr -/(Abstract.decr _ _ merge' _).
rewrite -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ merge' _).
move: (IHxs Hxs y z (x :: rs)); rewrite -rev_cons rev_rcons revK /= /geT.
by do 2 case: leT; rewrite // apush_mergeE ?rev_nilp // IHn.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _).
have {1}->: [:: x] = condrev (leT x y) [:: x] by rewrite [RHS]if_same.
move: xs Hxs x y (RS in x :: RS) {-2}(leT x y) (erefl (leT x y)).
elim=> [_|z xs IHxs /= /ltnW Hxs] x y rs incr incrE.
by rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec' apop_mergeE /= incrE mergeEcons; case: ifP.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec'.
rewrite -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ _ _).
rewrite eqbE incrE mergeEcons apush_mergeE ?condrev_nilp // IHn //.
by have [/[dup] /IHxs -> // ->|] := eqVneq; do 2?case: ifP.

Lemma apush_catE (xs ys : seq T) stack :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,14 +553,14 @@ case=> // x xs; have [n] := ubnP (size xs).
rewrite /Abstract.sortN -[RHS]/(flatten_stack (x :: xs) [::]).
elim: n x (Nil (option _)) xs => // n IHn x stack [|y xs /= /ltnSE Hxs];
first by rewrite [LHS]apop_catE.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec -/(Abstract.incr _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.decr _ _ _ _).
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _).
pose rs := Nil T; rewrite -[x :: y :: _]/(rs ++ _) -[[:: x]]/(rs ++ _).
elim: xs Hxs x y rs => [_|z xs IHxs /= /ltnW Hxs] x y rs.
by rewrite if_same [LHS]apop_catE -catA.
rewrite /Abstract.incr -/(Abstract.incr _ _ _ _).
rewrite /Abstract.decr -/(Abstract.decr _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ _ _).
move: (IHxs Hxs y z (rcons rs x)); rewrite IHn // apush_catE -cats1 -!catA /=.
by case: leT => ->; rewrite if_same.
by rewrite [LHS]apop_catE if_same -catA.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec'.
rewrite -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ _ _).
move: (IHxs Hxs y z (rcons rs x)).
by rewrite eqbE if_same IHn // apush_catE -cats1 -!catA; case: eqVneq => // ->.

End CBN.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -621,9 +612,8 @@ Module CBV_ (M : RevmergeSig).
Module Abstract.
Section Abstract.

Variables (T R : Type) (leT : rel T).
Variables (merge : R -> R -> R) (merge' : R -> R -> R).
Variables (singleton : T -> R) (empty : R).
Context (T R : Type) (leT : rel T).
Context (merge merge' : R -> R -> R) (singleton : T -> R) (empty : R).

Fixpoint push (xs : R) (stack : seq (option R)) : seq (option R) :=
match stack with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -678,28 +668,17 @@ Definition sort3 : seq T -> R := sort3rec [::].

Fixpoint sortNrec (stack : seq (option R)) (x : T) (xs : seq T) : R :=
if xs is y :: xs then
if leT x y then
incr stack y xs (singleton x)
decr stack y xs (singleton x)
sortNrec' (leT x y) stack y xs (singleton x)
pop false (singleton x) stack
with incr (stack : seq (option R)) (x : T) (xs : seq T) (accu : R) : R :=
if xs is y :: xs then
if leT x y then
incr stack y xs (merge' accu (singleton x))
sortNrec (push (merge' accu (singleton x)) stack) y xs
pop false (merge' accu (singleton x)) stack
with decr (stack : seq (option R)) (x : T) (xs : seq T) (accu : R) : R :=
with sortNrec' (incr : bool) (stack : seq (option R))
(x : T) (xs : seq T) (accu : R) : R :=
let accu' := (if incr then merge' else merge) accu (singleton x) in
if xs is y :: xs then
if leT x y then
sortNrec (push (merge accu (singleton x)) stack) y xs
decr stack y xs (merge accu (singleton x))
if eqb incr (leT x y) then
sortNrec' incr stack y xs accu' else sortNrec (push accu' stack) y xs
pop false (merge accu (singleton x)) stack.
pop false accu' stack.

Definition sortN (xs : seq T) : R :=
Expand All @@ -716,7 +695,7 @@ End Abstract.

Section CBV.

Variables (T : Type) (leT : rel T).
Context (T : Type) (leT : rel T).
Let geT x y := leT y x.

Fixpoint push (xs : seq T) (stack : seq (seq T)) : seq (seq T) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -799,15 +778,7 @@ Definition sortN (xs : seq T) : seq T :=

(* Proofs *)

Let condrev (r : bool) (s : seq T) : seq T := if r then rev s else s.

Lemma condrev_nilp mode xs : nilp (condrev mode xs) = nilp xs.
Proof. by case: mode; rewrite /= ?rev_nilp. Qed.

Lemma condrevK mode : involutive (condrev mode).
Proof. by case: mode; first exact: revK. Qed.

Let Fixpoint astack_of_stack (mode : bool) (stack : seq (seq T)) :=
Fixpoint astack_of_stack (mode : bool) (stack : seq (seq T)) :=
match stack with
| [::] => [::]
| xs :: stack =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -874,19 +845,23 @@ Qed.
Lemma asortN_mergeE :
Abstract.sortN leT merge merge' (fun x => [:: x]) [::] =1 sortN.
have mergeEcons x y rs :
(if leT x y then merge' else merge) (condrev (leT x y) (x :: rs)) [:: y]
= condrev (leT x y) (y :: x :: rs).
by case: ifP; rewrite /= ?revK /geT /= => ->.
case=> // x xs; have [n] := ubnP (size xs).
rewrite /Abstract.sortN /sortN -/(astack_of_stack false [::]).
rewrite /Abstract.sortN /sortN -[Nil (option _)]/(astack_of_stack false [::]).
elim: n (Nil (seq _)) x xs => // n IHn stack x [|y xs /= /ltnSE Hxs].
by rewrite [LHS]apop_mergeE.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec -/(Abstract.incr _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.decr _ _ _ _).
pose rs := Nil T; rewrite -{1}[[:: x]]/(rcons (rev rs) x) -/(x :: rs).
elim: xs Hxs x y rs => [_|z xs IHxs /= /ltnW Hxs] x y rs.
rewrite /Abstract.incr /Abstract.decr !apop_mergeE rev_rcons revK /= /geT.
by case: leT.
rewrite /Abstract.incr -/(Abstract.incr _ _ _ _).
rewrite /Abstract.decr -/(Abstract.decr _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ _ _).
move: (IHxs Hxs y z (x :: rs)); rewrite -rev_cons rev_rcons revK /= /geT.
by do 2 case: leT; rewrite // apush_mergeE ?rev_nilp // IHn.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _).
have {1}->: [:: x] = condrev (leT x y) [:: x] by rewrite [RHS]if_same.
move: xs Hxs x y (RS in x :: RS) {-2}(leT x y) (erefl (leT x y)).
elim=> [_|z xs IHxs /= /ltnW Hxs] x y rs incr incrE.
by rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec' apop_mergeE /= incrE mergeEcons; case: ifP.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec'.
rewrite -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ _ _).
rewrite eqbE incrE mergeEcons apush_mergeE ?condrev_nilp // IHn //.
by have [/[dup] /IHxs -> // ->|] := eqVneq; do 2?case: ifP.

Lemma apush_catE (xs ys : seq T) stack :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -937,14 +912,14 @@ case=> // x xs; have [n] := ubnP (size xs).
rewrite /Abstract.sortN -[RHS]/(flatten_stack (x :: xs) [::]).
elim: n x (Nil (option _)) xs => // n IHn x stack [|y xs /= /ltnSE Hxs];
first by rewrite [LHS]apop_catE.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec -/(Abstract.incr _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.decr _ _ _ _).
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _).
pose rs := Nil T; rewrite -[x :: y :: _]/(rs ++ _) -[[:: x]]/(rs ++ _).
elim: xs Hxs x y rs => [_|z xs IHxs /= /ltnW Hxs] x y rs.
by rewrite if_same [LHS]apop_catE -catA.
rewrite /Abstract.incr -/(Abstract.incr _ _ _ _).
rewrite /Abstract.decr -/(Abstract.decr _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ _ _).
move: (IHxs Hxs y z (rcons rs x)); rewrite IHn // apush_catE -cats1 -!catA /=.
by case: leT => ->; rewrite if_same.
by rewrite [LHS]apop_catE if_same -catA.
rewrite /Abstract.sortNrec'.
rewrite -/(Abstract.sortNrec' _ _ _ _) -/(Abstract.sortNrec _ _ _ _).
move: (IHxs Hxs y z (rcons rs x)).
by rewrite eqbE if_same IHn // apush_catE -cats1 -!catA; case: eqVneq => // ->.

End CBV.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1003,15 +978,15 @@ Proof. by move=> x y /=; case: (leT x y) (leT y x) => [] []. Qed.

Section StableSortTheory_Part1.

Variable (sort : stableSort).
Context (sort : stableSort).

Local Lemma param_asort :
StableSort.asort_ty_R (StableSort.asort sort) (StableSort.asort sort).
Proof. by case: sort. Qed.

Section SortSeq.

Variable (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T).
Context (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T).
Let geT x y := leT y x.

Local Lemma asort_mergeE :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1100,7 +1075,7 @@ Qed.

Section EqSortSeq.

Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T).
Context (T : eqType) (leT : rel T).

Lemma perm_sort (s : seq T) : perm_eql (sort _ leT s) s.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1275,12 +1250,12 @@ Qed.

Section StableSortTheory_Part2.

Variable (sort : stableSort).
Context (sort : stableSort).

Section Stability.

Variables (T : Type) (leT : rel T).
Variables (leT_total : total leT) (leT_tr : transitive leT).
Context (T : Type) (leT : rel T).
Context (leT_total : total leT) (leT_tr : transitive leT).

Lemma eq_sort_insert : sort _ leT =1 Insertion.sort leT.
Proof. exact: eq_sort. Qed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1308,9 +1283,8 @@ End Stability.

Section Stability_in.

Variables (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T).
Hypothesis leT_total : {in P &, total leT}.
Hypothesis leT_tr : {in P & &, transitive leT}.
Context (T : Type) (P : {pred T}) (leT : rel T).
Context (leT_total : {in P &, total leT}) (leT_tr : {in P & &, transitive leT}).

Let le_sT := relpre (val : sig P -> _) leT.
Let le_sT_total : total le_sT := in2_sig leT_total.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1346,8 +1320,8 @@ End Stability_in.

Section Stability_subseq.

Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T).
Variables (leT_total : total leT) (leT_tr : transitive leT).
Context (T : eqType) (leT : rel T).
Context (leT_total : total leT) (leT_tr : transitive leT).

Lemma subseq_sort : {homo sort _ leT : t s / subseq t s}.
Expand All @@ -1372,7 +1346,7 @@ End Stability_subseq.

Section Stability_subseq_in.

Variables (T : eqType) (leT : rel T).
Context (T : eqType) (leT : rel T).

Lemma subseq_sort_in (t s : seq T) :
{in s &, total leT} -> {in s & &, transitive leT} ->
Expand Down

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