Here are a list of recent (multimodal) anomaly detection/classification resources. I particularly focused on the methods for time-series data. Let me know if you want to add any relevant papers in this list. Currently, there is no selection criteria.
- Multimodal anomaly detection for assistive robots, D. Park et al. [[pdf]]
- A Multimodal Anomaly Detector for Robot-Assisted Feeding Using an LSTM-based Variational Autoencoder, D. Park et al. [pdf]
- A Multimodal Execution Monitor with Anomaly Classification for Robot-Assisted Feeding (2017), D. Park et al. [pdf]
- A study of deep convolutional auto-encoders for anomaly detection in videos, Ribeiro et al. [pdf]
- Multimodal Execution Monitoring for Anomaly Detection During Robot Manipulation (2016), D. Park et al. [pdf]
- Variational inference for on-line anomaly detection in high-dimensional time series, M. S ̈olch et al. [pdf]
- Lstm-based encoder-decoder for multi-sensor anomaly detection, Malhotra et al. [pdf]
- Variational autoencoder based anomaly detection using reconstruction probability, An and Cho [pdf]
- Long short term memory networks for anomaly detection in time series, Malhotra et al. [pdf]
- Anomaly detection in ecg time signals via deep long short-term memory networks, Chauhan and Vig [pdf]
- Estimating joint movements from observed emg signals with multiple electrodes under sensor failure situations toward safe assistive robot control, Furukawa et al. [pdf]
- Data-driven online decision making for autonomous manipulation, Kappler et al. [pdf]
To the extent possible under law, Daehyung Park has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.