Neural network framework in Haskell
- Base. This package defines the abstract neural-network, and a extendable specification of layers.
- Backend-hmatrix. This package implements the full-connect layer and convolution layer based on hmatrix library. It has a simple and plain representation but some issues in both time and space efficiency.
- Backend-blashs. This package implements the full-connect layer and convolution layer based on blas-hs library. A imperative interface for manipulating dense vector and matrix is devised for better storage utilization.
- with openblas flag true in the flags section, please install the openblas by the official package management.
- or else, install blas/lapack package.
- Download OpenBLAS from
- Modify the following fields in the stack.yaml
- extra-include-dirs: path-to-include-dir-of-openblas
- extra-lib-dirs: path-to-lib-dir-of-openblas
- The vec128 flag for neural-network-blashs can be turned on, and many operations will utilize SIMD for better performance.
vec128: true
The flags vec256 and vec512 cause segment-fault for the moment.
A known bug on windows. vec128 implies compiler option -fllvm for ghc. However due to a known bug of binutils on mingw-w64, this option leads to a segment fault
- mingw-w64-x86_64-binutils < 2.27-2
- ghc <= 8.0.1 (because it is bundled with old binutils)
- stack resolver <= lts-7.14 (because it imples ghc <= 8.0.1)
- See bug report here