This is a fully customizable control to select data in a list (i.e. Telephone numbers) like the Whatsapp application. Supports multiselection + English and Spanish. It's Easy to use and customizable.
SMContactsSelector *controller = [[SMContactsSelector alloc] initWithNibName:@"SMContactsSelector" bundle:nil]; controller.delegate = self; // Select your returned data type controller.requestData = DATA_CONTACT_ID; //DATA_CONTACT_EMAIL , DATA_CONTACT_TELEPHONE // Set your contact list setting record ids (optional) controller.recordIDs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"1", @"2", nil]; [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES]; [controller release];
This control implements one delegate methods:
- (void)numberOfRowsSelected:(NSInteger)numberRows withData:(NSArray *)data andDataType:(DATA_CONTACT)type;
Loop over delegate method to parse each kind of data.