I'm a boring developer, who happens to do something, sometimes.
- ping-localhost/seventeen-track-card - Lovelace Companion card for sensor.seventeentrack (1 week ago)
- ping-localhost/fixi - Home Assistant Fixi Integration (1 month ago)
- ping-localhost/vuln-check-reproducible - False positive for GO-2025-3408 (1 month ago)
- bambulab/BambuStudio - PC Software for BambuLab and other 3D printers (2 months ago)
- ping-localhost/zabbix-agent - Automates the installation and configuration of the Zabbix agent (5 months ago)
- ping-localhost/vuln-check-reproducible - False positive for GO-2025-3408
- ping-localhost/fixi - Home Assistant Fixi Integration
- ping-localhost/zabbix-agent - Automates the installation and configuration of the Zabbix agent
- ping-localhost/foobar - minimal reproducible example for golangci-lint
- ping-localhost/grpc-bug-report - grpc/grpc issue #24469
- bambulab/BambuStudio (v01.10.02.76, 1 week ago) - PC Software for BambuLab and other 3D printers
- ping-localhost/seventeen-track-card (v1.2.0, 2 weeks ago) - Lovelace Companion card for sensor.seventeentrack
- trisacrypto/envoy (v0.30.1, 2 weeks ago) - An open source TRISA node for use in Travel Rule information transfers
- ping-localhost/fixi (v0.0.1, 1 month ago) - Home Assistant Fixi Integration
- gethomepage/homepage (v0.10.9, 1 month ago) - A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.
- Added GitHub actions on ping-localhost/seventeen-track-card (2 weeks ago)
- Tiny English translation update (now in the proper file) on bambulab/BambuStudio (2 months ago)
- Tiny English translation update on bambulab/BambuStudio (2 months ago)
- fix: autobrr description on runtipi/runtipi-appstore (6 months ago)
- Enhancement: support more fields for zabbix widget on gethomepage/homepage (6 months ago)
- cherryduck/BambuTagScanner - An Android app to scan, dump and save Bambu tags (1 week ago)
- Doridian/OpenBambuAPI - Bambu API docs (2 months ago)
- Bambu-Research-Group/RFID-Tag-Guide - Instructions on how to read out the bambulab nfc tags (2 months ago)
- capull0/BambuAMSCtrl - A Flask application that allows users to load any filament into a Bambulab AMS using an RFID reader or QR scanner. (2 months ago)
- mauriciofsnts/hermes - Email API service for seamless integration of email functionalities in applications. (3 months ago)