This is a reporter for TestCafe. It sends the output of the test to slack.
Once configured the repoter sends test results to Slack depending on a .env file from the folder the tests are run from
Follow the instructions bellow to configure this plugin.
First install this package globaly to the machine you would like to run your tests on and then:
Running TestCafe with testcafe-reporter-slack.
In order to use this TestCafe reporter plugin it is necessary to define .env variables in your test project, hence the folder from where your call TestCafe.
- cd into your test project.
- Edit or create the .env file by adding the following ki-reporter required variables:
Now run your tests from the commmand line with the ki-reporter specified, e.g.:
$ testcafe chrome 'path/to/test/file.js' --reporter slack
When you use TestCafe API, you can pass the reporter name to the reporter()
.reporter('slack') // <-