Those file are the core of devcontainer.
is a multi-stage dockerfile with following features:
- Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 (switchable)
- git (latest, form
) - common utils (sudo, nano, patch, less, htop, unzip, tzdata)
- network utils (curl, wget, ca-certificate, socat, net-tools, iputils-ping, dnsutils)
- jdk 8/15/17 (switchable)
- maven
- nvm
- node 14 & npm 6
- aws-cli 2
is a set of pre-defined images, and
is the builder script.
is a set of service containers used in local development, including:
- zrk container (all-in-one service, used by legacy project)
- zookeeper
- kafka & kafka-ui
- redis
- plantuml server
- sonar, postgresql and openldap
is the starter.
Sample docker-compose files that can be used with IDE's devcontainer feature.
Frontend also need to configure AWS credential before start developing. Check .env.example
Nginx service to serve frontend locally.
This service is depend on backend devcontainer.