PINJOC is a decentralized fixed-rate lending protocol that revolutionizes DeFi lending by implementing a market-driven interest rate mechanism. Built on the Monad Network, the protocol leverages CLOB (Central Limit Order Book) technology from pinjoc clob to ensure efficient price discovery and optimal interest rate determination based on real-time supply and demand dynamics.
This page serves as the main interface for borrowing, lending, and managing assets within the PINJOC ecosystem.
- React.js - Frontend framework
- TypeScript - Type-safe JavaScript for better maintainability
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for styling
- ShadCN UI - Modern UI components
- RainbowKit - Ethereum wallet connection
- Privy Wallet - Secure and seamless wallet connection
- Wagmi - React hooks for Ethereum-based applications
- Users can browse available markets for borrowing and lending.
- The order book displays real-time data on borrowing and lending offers.
- Users can place orders to borrow or lend assets directly through the interface.
- Borrowers:
- View borrowed assets.
- Repay Loan: A button to repay borrowed funds.
- Add Collateral: Increase collateral to maintain loan health.
- Lenders:
- View lent assets.
- Withdraw Funds: Retrieve lent assets when eligible.
- Tokenized representations of lent assets can be traded.
- Users can buy and sell bonds obtained from lending transactions.
- Enables additional liquidity and secondary market participation.
- Logs all past borrowing, lending, and repayment activities.
- Displays order book interactions and secondary market trades.
- Provides a clear overview of financial activity within the protocol.
Follow these steps to deploy the PINJOC Lending & Borrowing Page:
git clone
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
This will start a local development server at http://localhost:3000/
npm run build
Ensure you have the Vercel CLI installed:
npm install -g vercel
vercel login
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete deployment.
- The page is fully integrated with the PINJOC smart contracts.
- Data displayed is currently using dummy values for testing purposes.
- Live smart contract data can be integrated when ready.
For further inquiries, feel free to reach out!