This adds support for Blinds2go Electronic blinds, powered by the Tuiss Smartview platform (if other brands exist they should work, but are untested). These blinds use bluetooth low energy and are controlled through a simple cover interface. As well as control of the blinds position through Home Assistant, this also includes 2 services. 1 service can be used to get the battery status (normal or low). The other can be used to periodically poll your blinds to get their position, as using the Tuiss app or bluetooth remotes will not automatically update the position of the blind in Home Assistant due to limitations in the Tuiss platform itself.
Note: This integration only controls blinds using BLE (bluetooth low energy), it will not control blinds that also or only support RF control.
To get started you need to download and use the Tuiss Smartview app to set the upper and bottom limits of the blinds.
- Add the integration from the HACs marketplace (instructions here)
- Restart Home Assistant if required
- Click Settings
- Click Devices & Services
- Click the "+ add integration" button
- Select Tuiss SmartView from the dropdown
- Enter the MAC address from the tag including in your blind, or written within the top bracket of the blind, close to where the battery is plugged in
- Give the blind a name
- Click Submit
- Set position
- Open
- Close
- Stop
- Battery State (through service)
- Blind position (through service)
An accurate battery percentage is not provided by the blind, but it is possible to return two states:
- "Battery is good"
- "Battery needs charging"
To accomplish this a service has been provided: "Tuiss2ha.Get Battery Status". This can be called manually from Developers -> Services or included as a part of an automation which I'd recommend runs on a weekly schedule. The resulting battery state of "Normal" or "Low" is then recorded against the Battery entity. The automation can then send a notification if the battery state is returned as low from the service. For example:
alias: Blinds_Battery_Notify
description: ""
- platform: time
at: "02:00:00"
condition: []
- service: tuiss2ha.get_battery_status
- binary_sensor.hallway_blind_battery
- binary_sensor.study_blind_battery
data: {}
- if:
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.hallway_blind_battery
state: "on"
- service: notify.iPhone
message: Hallway Blind battery is low
- if:
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.study_blind_battery
state: "on"
- service: notify.iPhone
message: Study battery is low`
The blind will not update its position within Home Assistant if controlled using the Tuiss app or bluetooth remotes. To compensate, a service "Tuiss2ha.Get Blind Position" has been provided. This can be called manually from Developers -> Services or included as a part of an automation. The automation can be set to run periodically throughout the day to update the position. I would not recommend running this more than hourly as it will likely drain your blinds batteries (though I have not tested this).
- Setting the top and bottom thresholds of the blind. Currently, you still need to pair with and use the Tuiss app to set these values.
- I've only tested with HAOS installed on a Raspberry Pi4b and the built in Bluetooth module did not work, so I had to use a couple ESP32 devices with Bluetooth proxy software installed (See here)
- I only have access to a number of TS3000 blinds where I have tested this. Other models may or may not function the same way, but please do raise an issue if you find anything
- Sometimes the devices take a few attempts to connect, so expect some delay to commmands (though much improved from HA 2023-07 onwards when using ESPhome)