The following workflow provides some guidance on running flow and transport model using PFLOTRAN. This workflow has been used to generate a reach scale flow and transport model for the Hanford Reach, Washington. The simulation results have recently been published in Water Resources Research.
Shuai, P., X. Chen, X. Song, G. Hammond, J. Zachara, P. Royer, H. Ren, W. Perkins, M. Richmond, M. Huang (2018). Dam Operations and Subsurface Hydrogeology Control Dynamics of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in a Regulated River Reach. Water Resources Research.
Software needed in the workflow: Jupyter Notebook, Paraview, HDFView
Run PFLOTRAN_preprocesses.ipynb to configurate model setup (model domain, parameters, inital conditions and boundary conditions and etc.) This Jupyter Notebook uses R as the kernel.
This section gathers model parameters such as dimension, coordinates for the structured grids.
This section gathers the geologic framework for the model. Each geologic layer is an Ascii file that contains the topography for each geologic unit. It can be interpolated to the model grids.
This section generates material id for each grid cell and finds the river boundary cells (where river stage is applied).
Output: Material.h5
A sample material ids are listed below. Please note id = 0 is reserved for inactive cells.
Material id | Unit |
0 | Inactive cells |
1 | Hf |
2 | Cc |
3 | Rtf |
4 | Re |
5 | Rlm |
6 | Ra |
![]() |
A snapshot of the Material.h5 |
This section generates the initial head over the domain and the head boundary at model bounds.
Output: Initial.h5
and BC.h5
![]() |
A snapshot of the Initial.h5 |
![]() |
A snapshot of the BC.h5 |
This section generates transient river stage boundary.
Output: Gradient.txt
and Datum.txt
Note: the default time unit in external file is in seconds. You can change the time unit by specifying TIME_UNITS hr as the header in .txt file. See this example.
An example of the Gradient.txt
(header should not go into the .txt file):
time (sec) | grad_x | grad_y | grad_z |
0. | 4E-05 | 4E-05 | 0 |
An example of the Datum.txt
(header should not go into the .txt file):
time (sec) | x | y | z (stage) |
0. | 1000 | 2000 | 105.6 |
![]() |
Figure showing model domain |
Run PFLOTRAN_input_deck.ipynb to generate PFLOTRAN input deck for the model. This notebook uses R
as the kernel. Right now, the sink
and cat
function do not work properly in Jupyter Notebook. The alternative is to export this notebook as R script
, and use Rstudio
to execute.
A set of parameters can be set: model run time, timestep, hydraulic properties, river conductance, observation wells, output variables and file format and etc.
A sample pflotran input deck can be found here.
A sample hydraulic properties are listed below:
Unit | Permeability ( |
Hydraulic conductivity ( |
Hanford (Hf) | 7e-09 | 7000 |
Cold Creek (Cc) | 1e-10 | 100 |
Ringold Taylor Flats (Rtf) | 1e-12 | 1 |
Ringold E (Re) | 4e-11 | 40 |
Ringold Lower Mud (Rlm) | 1e-12 | 1 |
Ringold A (Ra) | 1e-12 | 1 |
run_job_on_NERSC.ipynb has some batch script to submit, monitor and modify jobs on NERSC.
An example batch script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -A m1800
#SBATCH -N 171
#SBATCH -t 48:00:00
#SBATCH -J job_name
#SBATCH --qos regular
#SBATCH --mail-type ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user <user_email>
srun -n 4096 /global/project/projectdirs/pflotran/pflotran-edison/src/pflotran/pflotran -pflotranin
This section has some python
script for post-processing data from PFLOTRAN outputs and generate plots.
Paraview can be easily used to open PFLOTRAN output HDF5
file (i.e. pflotran.h5
). It visulizes the model in 3-D and can be used to export plots and animations. For detailed instruction, please take a look at Paraview manual.
Paraview can also be run in batch mode on NERSC documentation.
![]() |
A snapshot of Paraview |
Run NERSC-plot_flux_from_massBalance.ipynb to generate flux heat map, net gaining and flux snapshots.
![]() |
Flux heat map generated from the notebook |
Run NERSC-plot_flux_from_river_cells.ipynb to pre-process h5 outputs and generate absolute exchange bar plots.
![]() |
Flux plot generated from the notebook |
Run NERSC-plot_gw_level.ipynb to generate groundwater level contours.
![]() |
Groundwater contour plot generated from the notebook |
Run NERSC-plot_gw_age.ipynb to generate groundwater age contours.
Run NERSC-plot_solute_contour.ipynb to generate solute concentration plots.
![]() |
Groundwater tracer plot generated from the notebook |
Run NERSC-plot_simu_obs_well_data.ipynb to generate tracer breakthough curves.
![]() |
Tracer BTC against observation data plot generated from the notebook |
Other notebooks that are used for post-processing.
- Run HEIS_data_retrieval.ipynb to retrive well data from HEIS. The common database names are listed here:
Table name | Description |
pflow.GW_SAMPLE_RESULTS_MV | HEIS--ALL groundwater chemistry data |
pflow.well_construction_mv | HEIS--well construction data, includes depth, casing, and other fields |
pflow.HYDRAULIC_HEAD_MV | HEIS--manual water level data |
pflow.tblWells | HEIS--AWLN well information |
pflow.tblProcessedData | HEIS--AWLN raw data (hourly) |
pflow.vAwln | a view of Awln data that includes Hanford well names |
note: table name above begin with "v" indiates it is a view that Patrick created and it is not a token from HEIS, rather , it is a query based on the HEIS database.
- Run external GIS application (ArcGIS/QGIS) to retrieve GIS data (such as well locations, geologic units and plumes) using PostgreSQL/PostGIS access.
- Run NERSC-plot_GW_chemical_dataset.ipynb to analyze groundwater chemistry data downloaded from HEIS.
- Run ImageMagic.ipynb to batch process figures using ImageMagic.
- Run river_stage_flux_spectral_analysis.ipynb to use spectral analysis (
) inR
for time series data.
- Run rewrite_hdf5_file.ipynb to rewrite PFLOTRAN output