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Releases: piplabs/story

Story v1.1.1

26 Feb 06:45
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Story v1.1.1 is an optional upgrade of the Story consensus client. It improves CLI for validator operations.


  • add update validator commission cli (#477)
  • add cli to generate priv json file from evm key (#481)


  • add input validations for validator operation CLI (#479)
  • improve documentations (#476)

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.

Users may download the client from the attached binaries. Note that the binaries are compiled with ubuntu-24.04.1 LTS and go1.22.11. If you are running the client on incompatible machines, please compile the story client from source code by pulling the tag on your machine.

Virgil (Story v1.1.0)

05 Feb 05:59
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Story v1.1.0 is the first upgrade of the consensus client for Story Dev Mainnet. It updates fixed-period staking parameters, applies security patches, and improves APIs and logs.



  • [SIP-00003] Fix short-period staking duration (#463)
  • [cometbft] Apply a ComefBFT patch (#471)

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.

Users may download the client from the attached binaries. Note that the binaries are compiled with ubuntu-24.04 and go1.22.11. If you are running the client on incompatible machines, please compile the story-geth client from source code by pulling the tag on your machine.

Homer (Story v1.0.0)

30 Jan 06:59
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Story v1.0.0 is the first official consensus client release for Story Mainnet. It fixes several security issues and enables smart contracts to interact with the staking contract. It also adds an option to run consensus clients in Story Aeneid testnet.


  • (contracts) IPTokenStaking allows smart contracts as stakers (fd4fc2e)
  • (evmstaking) Derive bech32 address from EVM address (f2c37e3)
  • (evmstaking) Emit events for staking transaction result (3d4d9e1)
  • (cli) Support setRewardsAddress CLI (7e2bc9c)
  • (cli) Support redelegate for Story CLI (2f7b49b)
  • (api) Support query Story API by EVM address (ad894be)
  • (netconf) Support Aeneid flag (bd8af30)


  • (evmstaking) Automatically convert delegation ID for locked token (5ff7e42)
  • (evmengine) Enhance verification of execution payload (16c7d69)
  • (app) Fix handling error from PostFinalize (8f5e96e)
  • (cli) Fix error in parsing receipt of stake tx (4630cc0)
  • (api) correct api endpoint with url var (306ce33)
  • (contracts) Add limit of data length in IPTokenStaking contract (dd1f046)
  • (app) prevent and reject empty proposal (fde293e)
  • (evmstaking) Automatically convert delegation ID of redelegate for locked token (d3dd43b)
  • (evmengine) Add withdrawal type validation (4a0498b)
  • (evmstaking) Withdraw remaining rewards after totally unstake (b243361)
  • (evmengine) Disallow unknown fields in execution payload (9757304)
  • (evmstaking) withdraw validator commission if totally self-unstaked (f695d2a)
  • (evmengine) Verify exec payload authority (55253d0)
  • (evmstaking) Withdraw remaining commission (9e54779)
  • (evmengine) Add cosmos app transaction validation (fddd057)
  • (cli) Fix unjail CLI in parsing parameter (edf5064)

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our [public issues tracker]( For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our [public Discord](

Users may download the client from the attached binaries.


18 Jan 03:01
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v0.13.2 is a hotfix release for the story consensus client that addresses a critical bug related to rounding errors in reward calculation. Existing operators should upgrade directly to this version. New operators syncing from scratch should first upgrade from v0.13.1 to v0.13.2.


v0.13.2 is a hotfix release that addresses a critical bug related to rounding errors in reward calculation.


  • Truncate decimals from reward calculation. It is a temporary fix. The proper fix will be in the mainnet version.

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.


29 Nov 06:03
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v0.13.1 Pre-release

Note that this version should only be used by pure validator CLI users. Node/validator operators should only use v0.13.0, since we identified node stability issues with v0.13.1. We will provide fixes in the next release soon.

v0.13.1 is a bugfix release for the story consensus client that upgrades staking contract to charge a fee for a list of staking operations and updates CLI to adapt to the contract change.


v0.13.1 upgrades staking contract to charge a fee for unstake, unstakeOnBehalf, redelegate, redelegateOnBehalf, removeOperator functions, and updates validator CLI to adapt to the contract change. The change helps story network to defend against DoS attacks. The release also handles a few errors to avoid network halts.


  • Resolve a panic that can cause by mismatched bit-length (#371)
  • Upgrade staking contract to charge a fee for a list of staking operations (#360)
  • Enhance staking events error handling (#370)
  • Fix validator CLI compressed pubkey to uncompressed pubkey conversion (#368)
  • Graceful post finalize errors (#373)
  • Separate unjail and unjailOnBehalf command in CLI (#369)
  • Enhance api server security (#377)
  • Refactor validator CLI to charge a fee for updated staking operations (#382)
  • Handle engine errors (#372)

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.

Users may download the client from the attached binaries.


19 Nov 04:15
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v0.13.0 is a major release for the Story Odyssey network. This update addresses issues identified during audits and testing, and includes minor improvements to the staking API. Node operators must ensure their client be updated to this release via a hard-fork upgrade at block 858000.


v0.13.0 addresses issues identified during audits and testing, and includes minor improvements to the staking API.


  • Fix typo of comet bft (#331)
  • Prevent validator to be jailed and tombstoned due to double signing during singularity phase (#337)
  • Skip logic for downtime slahsing during singularity phase (#338)
  • Prevent partial state on failed transaction (#339)
  • Fix the issue on converting uncompressed pubkey to compressed pubkey (#355)
  • Add execution layer transaction hash into consensus layer failure log (#363)
  • Add a data argument to unjail command (#365)


  • Add API document (#343)

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.

Users may download the client from the attached binaries.


01 Nov 01:34
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v0.12.1 is the bug fix release for the Story Odyssey network. This release shortens fixed staking periods and resolves several issues within the staking module. Node operators must ensure their client be updated to this release via a hard-fork upgrade at block 322000.


v0.12.1 shortens fixed staking periods and resolves several issues within the staking module.


  • Reduce fixed staking periods from 3 months, 1 year, 36 months to 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks for testnet purpose, since mainnet will launch early next year and we want to have partners and users experience all features before that. (#322)


  • Fix an issue where staking operations are not processed by the order they come (#325)
  • Simply event processing (#328)
  • Fix a reward distribution issue that could cause chain halt (#321)
  • Fix repeat createValidator call refund issue (#330)
  • Fix setWithdrawalAddress/setRewardAddress issue (#329)

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.

Users may download the client from the attached binaries.


25 Oct 05:20
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v0.12.0 is the official client release for the Story Odyssey network. Odyssey introduces new staking mechanisms, a Genesis stake suspension phase known as the Singularity, new staking and reward distribution mechanisms, and new staking smart contract updates. Users who wish to switch to Odyssey should download the new v0.12.0 release client.


v0.12.0 introduces client support for Story's Odyssey test network. One of the major additions of Odyssey is the introduction of new mechanics for staking and reward distribution for tokens, which receive different emissions depending on whether they are locked or unlocked. These changes include the Singularity, a period immediately preceding Genesis in which anyone can create or stake tokens, but only the eight original genesis validators remain active. Another prominent new feature is UBI for validators, which allocates a percentage of inflationary rewards for validators with the highest participation rate. Odyssey also includes a bunch of consensus-level optimizations, including the addition of the evidence module, timelocks for more secure contract administration, and separation between rewards and withdrawal queues. Finally, the story CLI has been updated to improve the developer UX and support better key management and tooling for key conversions.


  • Addition of the Singularity, a phase occurring during the first 1,209,600 blocks after genesis, during which everyone can create validators and stake tokens, but only the genesis validator holds voting power [#236, #265, #271)
  • UBI validator support (#222, #228)
  • Introduction of new staking mechanisms for locked and unlocked tokens (#189, #209, #215)
  • Built-in story client API for period delegations (#232)
  • Introduction of the wrapped IP token and pre-deploy (#282)
  • Reservation of timelock-controlled proxy addresses for future pre-deploys (#278)
  • Addition of the ERC-6551 registry as a predeploy (#276)
  • Customization of a mint module for new inflation mechanics (#169)
  • Addition of create3 and timelock contracts (#242)
  • CLI support for the Odyssey network, including better key management tooling (#174, #239)


  • Various optimizations and fixes around reward distribution claims, notably separation between rewards and withdrawal queues (#260, #277)
  • Different fixes around staking validation and delegation (#251, #257)
  • Porting of various security fixes (#212)

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.

Users may download the client from the attached binaries.


04 Oct 22:17
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v0.11.0 is a new major release for the story consensus client that enables the unjail feature along with miscellaneous improvements around unstaking and node operations. Node operators must ensure their client be updated to this release via a hard-fork upgrade at block 1,325,860.


v0.11.0 introduces a major upgrade (requiring a hard-fork) for enabling the unjail feature and improving how unstaking operations work.


  • Enables the unjail feature, which allows validators which were automatically unbonded due to downtime to rejoin the bonded set
  • Fixes a bug on how unbonding checks triggered by unstaking operators are processed (#163)
  • Adds scripts for deploying the story token slashing contracts (#159)
  • Adds a CLI validator subcommand for unjailing

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.


Users may download the client from our set of pre-built binaries:


03 Oct 07:19
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v0.10.2 is a maintenance release for the story consensus client that enables clients to roll back state by a single block.


v0.10.2 addresses a story client issue faced by operators who fail to upgrade their execution client before a geth hardfork. Previously, in such situations, even if the operator were to upgrade their geth client, the story consensus client would remain in an invalid state, with the only way of re-syncing requiring clearing the data and syncing all the way from genesis. This releases provides a remedy for such situations in allowing story nodes to roll back a block.


  • Adds a rollback command to the story CLI, allowing operators to rollback their consensus state by a single block

Feedback & Support

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our public issues tracker. For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our public Discord.


Users may download the client from our set of pre-built binaries: