A template to fast starting new Nuxt 3 projects.
- Pug Template Engine
- Stylus Pre-processor
- CSS Modules Support
- Layout Compositions
- I18n
- Google Fonts API
- HTML Validation
- Robots txt
- Responsive Images Support
- Ready to use Composition Utilities
- Dark Mode Support
- PurgeCSS Support
- Google Web Vitals Support
- Icons Libs Support
- Easy Transitions
- Pinia
- Vitest
- Typescript by default
- Predefined Mixins
- Ready to use Utility Classes
- Custom Error page
- Prettier Code Formatting
Feel free to explore the code and see how to use some features.
I believe you could be interested in Nuxt's Docs
- Improve Documentation
- Add prefers-color-scheme media in compositions when necessary
- Add component factory for compositions
- Create a Dark theme
- Anything that worth in the Issues section