Adds HTML comments to the start and end of each view, so you can more easily keep track of what's being used.
Inspired by this feature request.
You may have a Blade file like this:
My view file
More stuff
It will be rendered like this:
<!-- Start view: /path/to/views/my-view.blade.php -->
My view file
<!-- Start view: /path/to/views/sub-view.blade.php -->
Sub view
<!-- End view: /path/to/views/sub-view.blade.php -->
More stuff
<!-- End view: /path/to/views/my-view.blade.php -->
Of course, since they are HTML comments, it will look no different unless you view the source.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require pixelfear/laravel-view-debug --dev
This package will be enabled while your app is in debug mode.
This package will conflict with Livewire because it would result in components having more than a single root node.