Live URL :
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ng serve
There have two JSON files which are kept in assets folder ( oranganization_structure.json, employee.json ). I have implemented two components : 1. addchart - to enter data in chart 2. viewchart - to show the organization chart using directive i.e orgachart.directive.
Using this orgachart.directive, organization chart is implemented dynamically in DOM.
import { Directive, OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewInit, Input, Renderer2, ElementRef, KeyValueDiffers } from '@angular/core';
selector: '[appOrgachart]'
export class OrgachartDirective implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, DoCheck {
@Input() empArr;
@Input() orgaArr;
@Input() isEmpArrChange;
oldval = [];
constructor(private renderer: Renderer2, private elementRef: ElementRef, private _differ: KeyValueDiffers) { }
ngOnInit() {
console.log('renderer => ', this.renderer);
console.log('elementRef => ', this.elementRef);
console.log('empArr => ', this.empArr);
this.oldval = this.empArr;
ngDoCheck() {
if (this.oldval !== this.empArr) {
console.log('empArr updated => ', this.empArr);
console.log('this._differ => ', this._differ);
createOrgaChart() {
console.log('this.empArr => ', this.empArr);
const supervisorList = => ele.supervisorid);
console.log('supervisorList => ', supervisorList);
const uniqueSuoervisorList = supervisorList.filter((ele, index) => supervisorList.indexOf(ele) === index);
const ulcount = uniqueSuoervisorList.length;
console.log('ulcount => ', ulcount);
const isUlEle = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('ul');
console.log('isUlEle => ', isUlEle);
if (isUlEle.length > 0) {, (node) => {
node.parentNode.removeChild( node );
for (let i = 0; i < ulcount; i++) {
const liLists = this.empArr.filter(ele => ele.supervisorid === i);
this.createUlElem(i, liLists);
createUlElem(parentid, liLists) {
console.log('liLists ------------------------------------- ', liLists);
const ulelem = this.renderer.createElement('ul');
if (parentid === 0) {
this.renderer.appendChild(this.elementRef.nativeElement, ulelem);
const lielem = this.renderer.createElement('li');
this.renderer.appendChild(ulelem, lielem);
this.insertLiText(parentid, liLists, lielem);
} else {
// const parentul = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('ul:nth-child(' + parentid + ')');
for (let z = 0; z < liLists.length; z++) {
console.log('supdervisor => ', liLists[z]['supervisorid']);
const supvisorDiv = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('#emp' + liLists[z]['supervisorid']);
console.log('supvisorDiv => ', supvisorDiv);
const supvisorLi = supvisorDiv.parentElement;
console.log('PIYALI => ', '#emp' + liLists[z]['supervisorid']);
console.log('supvisorLi => ', supvisorLi);
console.log('ulelem => ', ulelem);
this.renderer.appendChild(supvisorLi, ulelem);
const lielem = this.renderer.createElement('li');
this.renderer.appendChild(ulelem, lielem);
this.insertLiText(z, liLists, lielem);
insertLiText(item, liLists, lielem) {
console.log('lielem => ', lielem);
const div = this.renderer.createElement('div');
this.renderer.setAttribute(div, 'class', 'user');
this.renderer.setAttribute(div, 'id', 'emp' + liLists[item].empid);
this.renderer.appendChild(lielem, div);
const imgpath = this.renderer.createElement('img');
this.renderer.setAttribute(imgpath, 'src', '');
this.renderer.setAttribute(imgpath, 'class', 'img-responsive');
this.renderer.appendChild(div, imgpath);
const divname = this.renderer.createElement('div');
const divname_text = this.renderer.createText(liLists[item].empname);
this.renderer.setAttribute(divname, 'class', 'name');
this.renderer.appendChild(divname, divname_text);
this.renderer.appendChild(div, divname);
const divroll = this.renderer.createElement('div');
const divroll_text = this.renderer.createText(liLists[item].empdesgname);
this.renderer.setAttribute(divroll, 'class', 'roll');
this.renderer.appendChild(divroll, divroll_text);
this.renderer.appendChild(div, divroll);
ngAfterViewInit() {}