1 npm install
- duplicate config.sample.env and rename it to 'config.env' and google secret and client id.
- npm run dev
- GET -> /auth/google/ -> Sign in
- GET -> /auth/google/callback -> Callback for oauth
- GET -> /auth/logout -> Logout user
- GET -> /question -> Get all unanwered questions
- POST -> /question/create -> Create a new question
- PUT -> /question/:id -> Update a specific question, id of question
- DELETE -> /question/:id -> Delete a particular question, id of question
- GET -> /question/:id -> View a specific question with answers
- POST -> /question/:id/answer/create -> Add answer to a specific question, id of question
- PUT-> /answer/:id, id of answer
- DELETE -> /answer/:id, id of answer
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Google Id
- Name
- Role
- Google Token
- ClassroomId - array
- ProfilePic
- Questions - array
- classId
- className
- teacherID
- students - array =======
- googleId
- firstName
- displayName
- image
- role
- image
- createdAt
- topic
- votes
- subject
- text
- votes
- images - array
- answers - array of Answer ID
- correctAnswer - User ID
- askedBy - User ID
- votes
- text
- createdAt
- images - array
- answeredBy - User ID