"Command Line Gui Tools" to make launching Electron apps easier, faster and fun
- GUI for electron-builder - package and build your app
- App Icon Generator - generate app icons for all platforms
for Windows.icns
for macOS.png
for Linux
- Screen Capturer - create assets for mockups, store listings, online marketing...
- Take screenshots
- Record videos
- Website Builder - go public and launch a website for your app
- Lean template for desktop apps
- Responsive design
- Custom styling options
Overview |
Electron Builder GUI | Icon Generator |
Screen Capturer | Website Builder |
- Install electron-toolkit inside your Electron app directory
npm install electron-toolkit --save-dev
- Add the electron-toolkit script to your package.json file
"scripts": {
"electron-toolkit": "electron ./node_modules/electron-toolkit"
- Make sure Electron and Electron Builder are installed.
npm install electron --save-dev
npm install electron-builder --save-dev
- Now you can run electron-toolkit directly from your project directory
npm run electron-toolkit
- Windows (32/64 bit)
- macOS
- Linux
See Wiki
- Only display secure (https) content:
<webview :src="'https://' + url" :preload="preloadScript" ></webview>
- Disable the Node integration in all renderers that display remote content (setting nodeIntegration to false in webPreferences)
- Enable context isolation in all renderers that display remote content (setting contextIsolation to true in webPreferences)
- Use ses.setPermissionRequestHandler() in all sessions that load remote content
- Do not disable webSecurity. Disabling it will disable the same-origin policy.
- Define a Content-Security-Policy , and use restrictive rules (i.e. script-src 'self')
- Override and disable eval , which allows strings to be executed as code.
- Do not set allowRunningInsecureContent to true.
- Do not enable experimentalFeatures or experimentalCanvasFeatures unless you know what you're doing.
- Do not use blinkFeatures unless you know what you're doing.
- WebViews: Do not add the nodeintegration attribute.
- WebViews: Do not use disablewebsecurity
- WebViews: Do not use allowpopups
- WebViews: Do not use insertCSS or executeJavaScript with remote CSS/JS.
- WebViews: Verify the options and params of all
tags before they get attached using the will-attach-webview event
app.on('web-contents-created', (event, contents) => {
contents.on('will-attach-webview', (event, webPreferences, params) => {
// Strip away preload scripts if unused or verify their location is legitimate
delete webPreferences.preload
delete webPreferences.preloadURL
// Disable node integration
webPreferences.nodeIntegration = false
// Verify URL being loaded
if (!params.src.startsWith('https://yourapp.com/')) {
We welcome and encourage all sorts of contributions that help us make this project more awesome. Contact me [email protected].
License for electron-toolkit
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Philipp Langhans & Alina Sinelnikova / Hytag,inc -
License for website template (inside Website Builder)
Copyright (c) 2017 Hytag, inc
The License grants you, free of charge, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, copy, modify, manipulate the template to create a website for your commercial or non-commercial end product. You are not allowed to sublicense, and/or sell the template.