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Nabigeta provides simple API to declare routes for navigation. Compatible with trait environments.


Classic app navigation tights View Controllers together, making hard to change workflow when needed.

Magellan helps you by defining a simple routing system abstracting View Controllers usage, making it easier to introduce changes, deep linking, tagging, and so on...


1 - Declare an enum with your routes

enum AppRoutes {
  case book(Book)
  case cart(Cart)

2 - Declare your route handler

func route(for context: AppRoutes, _ sender: UIViewController?) -> Route? {
  switch context {
  case .book(let book):
    return Route(BookViewController())
  case .cart(let cart):
    return Route(CartViewController()).present(PresentationModal())

3 - Create your navigation

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  var navigation: Navigation! = nil

  func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    navigation = Navigation(router: route(for::))

4 - Use it!

class ViewController {
  var cart: Cart!

  func onCartTapped() {
      navigate(to: .cart(cart))

Advanced Usage


Magellan provides some default Presentation strategies:

  • PresentationPush
  • PresentationModal
  • PresentationPopover
  • PresentationSegue

If none of them feed your needs, you can provide your own custom presentation just by creating a class/struct implementing the PresentationStrategy protocol.

Stopping navigation

Navigate back

You can cancel navigation from source controller:

  bookViewController.navigateBack() // come back to BookViewController

You can also stop navigation from destination controller:

  cartViewController.navigationTerminated(status: .canceled) // dismiss CartViewController

You can also be notified when navigations are stopped:

    .navigate(to: .cart(self.cart))
    .onTerminate { status in
      if status == .canceled {
        print("author controller cancelled")