This is a systemd service that reads the output from the KA9Q ft_lib when it is decoding FT4 and FT8. It converts this output into data suitable for PSKReporter and submits it.
To install, various files need to be edited and then copied:
Add your callsign, locator and antenna to the ft*-pskreporter.conf files
The file
needs to be modified to enter OP's callsign, locator and "antenna information" (between " ").
sudo cp ft*conf /etc/radio
sudo cp wspr*conf /etc/radio
sudo cp [email protected] /etc/systemd/system/
Once that is done, the services can be started:
sudo systemctl start pskreporter@ft4
sudo systemctl start pskreporter@ft8
sudo systemctl start pskreporter@wspr
If this works, then you probably want to do
sudo systemctl enable pskreporter@ft4
sudo systemctl enable pskreporter@ft8
sudo systemctl enable pskreporter@wspr