A very simple and small script (930bytes minified and gziped), made to make working with "Drag n Drop" of files in JS a breeze. demo: lzf.childnodes.com License: Do whatever you want with it.
Usage: dragNDrop( document.getElementById('____'), "myOverlay", myCallback, "arrayBuffer" );
If you want to use this script in a strictly memm monitored app, then it is highly suggested that is instanciated as a class, var dragndrop = new parent.dragNDrop(); so you will have access to dragndrop.destroy() which will remove the listeners (and extra objects) and release memm.
Parent object of the overlay
The overlay (droppable area), if a string is specified then a div will be built and appended to the "1" object, with its id that string. If a dom object is specified then that will be used as the overlay. If left null the "1" param, will be the overlay
Callback that will be run with 2 arguments( fileData and fileName )
Method used, ("arrayBuffer", "binary" or "text" )