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Free Text Search {#ch-freetext}

Basic Concepts {#txtidxquickstart}

A text index is created with the CREATE TEXT INDEX statement. This creates a number of stored procedures and triggers which will transparently manage the text index. A text index is dropped by dropping the generated words table, called <table>_<column>_WORDS, where <table> and <column> are the table and column over which the index is made.


This is the simplest case of making a text index. This process will add an extra column to the table being indexed which it will use to reference rows from the new text index. If there already exists an integer primary key then this will be used and no new column will be added. Such a column may not be 0 or negative.

Once the index is made the contains query can be used to retrieve rows:

insert into ftt (id, dt) values (1, 'foo');
select from ftt where contains (dt, 'foo');

The contains predicate is a normal SQL predicate and can be used together with other predicates in the where clause. Contains may however not figure inside an OR or NOT. Hence:

select * from ftt where contains (dt, 'foo or bar ');

is OK but

select * from ftt where contains (dt, 'foo ') or contains (dt, 'bar');

is not.

Creating Free Text Indexes {#creatingtxtidxs}

The CREATE TEXT INDEX statement {#createtxtidxstmt}

Define and optionally initialize a text index on a column.

    : CREATE TEXT [XML] INDEX ON q_table_name '(' column ')'
    [WITH KEY column]
    [CLUSTERED WITH '(' column_commalist ')' ]

XML - The XML keyword specifies that the data is to be indexed as XML, hence element names and attributes will be processed separately for use with the XCONTAINS predicate.

The q_table_name is a qualified table name on which the index is created. The generated procedures and auxiliary tables will be with the owner and qualifier of this table.

The column must be a column of the above table, of the VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, LONG NVARCHAR, LONG XML or XMLTYPE data type. The column may additionally have the IDENTIFIED BY option if the content is XML. This will be used to provide a base URI for traversing relative references. The XML option for the index has to be specified if the content is LONG XML or XMLTYPE.

WITH KEY column - This allows optionally specifying a uniquely identifying column which will be used as a foreign key for referencing the table from the text index. If this is not specified and there is a single part integer primary key, this primary key is used as the key. If there is no suitable primary key and the option is not present, an integer column is added and a sequence object is used to supply distinct values.

When specified, the column must be non-NULL and its run time value must either be an integer or a composite (See composite data type). The length of the values of this column is crucially important since it is repeated for each distinct word of each row. This column is called the free text document id column in the rest of this documentation.

NOT INSERT - If present, specifies that the index is not filled when created. The VT_INDEX_<table> function is still created but not run. You can run this manually or scheduled at an appropriate time. If batching is enabled then the index will be filled up at that time.

CLUSTERED WITH - The column list must consist of columns of the table. Their values are stored in the text index so that the values can be more efficiently located for filtering than if they had to be retrieved from the table itself. The combined length of the columns should be relatively small, not much over 200 bytes for this to be effective. There is no hard upper limit but long blobs are not advisable.

USING FUNCTION - This allows specifying a hook function for indexing an unindexing a document. The index hook is called before processing the words of the column to be indexed. This can be used to index extra text in addition to the column value or to modify the text before indexing. If the hook function returns 1 the column is not additionally processed. If hook returns 0 the column is processed normally, in addition to the words the hook may have inserted. See the section on hook functions. The hook functions are always named <table>_<column>_INDEX_HOOK and <table>_<column>_UNINDEX_HOOK, in the owner and qualifier of the table, where <table> is the unqualified name of the table.

LANGUAGE - The string literal following this keyword may be a language name. See Internationalization for details.

ENCODING - The string literal following this keyword may be an encoding name.

Creating the text index may take a long time. All this time is in 'atomic' mode, so no other database activity is allowed during it and no log is generated. If there is an error, e.g. out of disk the created index is dropped and the error is reported. A checkpoint should be made after the index is complete. If the index should be created under a different qualifier or the generated tables altered after the index is created the NOT INSERT option should be used to delay filling the index.

The CREATE TEXT INDEX statement will automatically make a unique index based on the free text document id, if this is not the PK of the table. If one wishes to modify this index, it can be found and dropped with DROP INDEX and reconstructed, but make sure that the reference in SYS_VT_INDEX matches and that the new index has the same name as the previous version.

A freshly created text index is in synchronous mode. This means that that changes to the table are immediately reflected on the index as they occur. This is done through a set of automatically generated triggers. If large changes to data will be performed, the batch mode is far more efficient.


Although it is recommended to use the methods described above, the vt_create_text_index function can also be used

Choosing An Application Specific Document ID {#appspecificdocid}

The free text index conceptually works by making an index entry for each distinct word of each indexed column value which references back to the row containing the data being indexed. Therefore the table must have a unique ID that will be stored in conjunction with each distinct word in the indexed column in the text index. For space efficiency this should be as short as possible. If nothing else is specified the CREATE TEXT INDEX statement makes such a unique column and fills it automatically from a sequence producing unique numbers. If a single part integer primary key exists then this key is used as the free text index document ID. Note However that the values <= 0 are prohibited. This is however not always optimal, hence the application may specify what column is used to identify the row for text indexing. Such a unique column is referred to as the Free Text Document ID .

Suppose that a table contains news articles that should most frequently be retrieved latest first, in descending order of a datetime field. This can be achieved by just selecting the matching articles and sorting them with a SQL ORDER BY clause but this can be very inefficient. The reason for this is that all hits will first have to be found, then sorted and only then can the first hit be returned to the user. Further, the sort key will have to be retrieved from the table, causing a random access for each text hit. The sorting can be totally avoided if the document ID that is used to refer to the table from the index is itself ordered by date. This has several advantages:

  • To retrieve the n latest, one just takes the n first hits produced by the contains search, no sorting required.

  • To get the next n hits, one repeats the search but now specifying that the start ID is the ID of the last row of the previous set. No sorting and no scrollable cursors are required and the first hits can be returned before generating all hits. This is specially useful if the search criteria match many articles.

This has a disadvantage in that a longer document ID will have to be stored for each distinct word of each distinct article. This may result in a 60% increase in the index size but largely offsets the penalties of sorting. One should however exercise the utmost care in making this ID as short as possible. The maximum length of the ID is 30 bytes, but with this length the storage is extremely wasteful, so an ID with fields adding up to some 10 bytes is much better.

We will note that the document ID can be an aggregate of several scalars. In the news article example, it could be a datetime, ID number pair. This is so because the datetime typically would not be unique and the ID is required itself to be unique.

However, rather than storing the datetime and an integer article number, it is advisable to compress the datetime into a number, e.g. a count of minutes after a given date. This maintains the temporal order to within a minute and takes less than half the space taken by the datetime with all its fractions, time zones etc.

For handling multi-part ID's like scalars there is a special data type, composite. Thus, if an application specific document ID is not an integer, it must be a composite totaling less than 30 bytes of content divided among its members.

The composite Data Type {#compositedatatype}

A composite is like a heterogeneous array, except that it is limited in length, may be stored as a column value for a column declared as ANY, and may be a key part in a SQL index. Thus, comparison is defined for composites as follows:

  • Composites are equal if all parts are equal.

  • A composite is less than another if the first part of it which is not equal to the corresponding part of the other composite is less than that part.

  • If a composite has less parts than another and all of its parts are equal to the corresponding parts of the longer composite, then the shorter is considered less.

The collation of composites is just like that of strings, except that in the place of characters, arbitrary run time typed scalars are compared.

When strings are compared inside composites, they are compared as binary, without any specific collation. Normal numeric coercion applies to comparison of composites. Narrow and wide strings are compared with binary collation. If two elements are of different types, e.g. a number and a string and are compared, the data type will decide the outcome. For example any integer is always less than any string.

The composite SQL function makes a composite. It takes a variable number of arguments and returns a composite. The composite_ref function takes a composite and a zero based index and returns the value. The serialized length of a composite is limited to 255 characters. If a composite is used in a free text index it is limited to 30 characters.


See the Data Types section for the storage requirement of each data type.

Free Text Index Examples {#fttexamples}

composite (1, 2) = composite (1, 2)  is true
composite (1, 2) < composite (1, 3) is true.
composite (1, 0) > composite (1) is true.

composite_ref (composite (1, 2), 1) = 2

Example of a Composite Application Specific Document ID

The below code creates a table for news articles and defines a text index with a composite document id.

create table article(author_name varchar(255),
             description long varchar,
             pub_date datetime,
             id integer,
             title varchar(255),
             dtid any not null,
             primary key(id));

create text index on article (description)
    with key dtid clustered with (pub_date, author_name);


The dtid must be unique, non null and must be a composite since it is used as a custom text index id.

Next we define a mapping between dates and integers. These will be minutes consecutive of 1990-1-1 0:00. With 525600 minutes per 365 day year we will not run out of values for a long time, the positive integer limit being 2**31.

create procedure date2short (in dt datetime)
  return (1440 * datediff ('day', {d'1990-1-1'}, dt)
    + hour (dt) * 60 + minute (dt));

create procedure short2date (in n integer)
  return (dateadd ('minute', mod (n, 1440),
    dateadd ('day', n / 1440, {d'1990-1-1'})));

Now we can insert an article:

insert into article (id, drtid, description, pub_date)
    values (1, composite (date2short ({dt '2001-1-15 12:44'}), 1),
        'sample news article', {dt '2001-1-15 12:44'});


The composite is the date2short of the datetime and the id. The dtid must be specified and cannot be generated by a trigger, since the free text index related triggers must have access to the value.

The text index will be in synchronous mode by default so we can now query the data:

select id from article where contains (description, 'sample');
select id from article where contains (description, 'sample', descending);

The first query will return the oldest hits first, the second the newest first. Note that inserting in ascending order of the document ID is incomparably more efficient than in descending order. There is no great speed difference between reading in ascending or descending order.

If no application specific ID were specified the order would reflect the insertion order. Note that in this example articles do not have to be received in publication order, although insertions will naturally tend to follow this.

Now since the ID has an application semantic, we can use it for filtering based on date:


select id from article where contains (description, 'sample', descending,
    start_id, composite (date2short ({dt'2001-1-5'})));

Since the search goes in descending order of id and starts at an id beginning with the numeric value corresponding to 2001-1-5 0:00, we may only get hits where the id date component is less than this, newest first.

There is no time penalty for the start_id option. This is therefore incomparably faster than the query:

select id from article where contains (description, 'sample', descending)
and pub_date < {dt '2001-1-5'};


The reference section for contains for a definition of these options.

Pre-processing and Extending the Content Being Indexed {#preprocessingandext}

Let us consider the news application. Assume now a many to many relationship between articles and numbered news channels.

create table article_channel (
    a_id integer references article,
    c_id integer,
    primary key (a_id, c_id);

Assume further that free text search criteria be combined to channel membership tests.

This could be expressed as follows

select * from article
    where contains (description, 'sample')
    and exists
        (select 1 from article_channel
        where a_id = id and c_id = ?);

We have a random access per each hit to a table with at least the population of the article table for each hit. The situation is yet worse if there is an OR of multiple channel id's to which the article may belong.

To optimize this, we may choose to add an extra word for each channel in which the article appears. Likewise, we may add the text of the title of the article to the text being index.

This can be done with the index hook feature.

create text index on article (description)
    with key dtid clustered with (pub_date, author_name)
    using function ;

We then define the hook functions

create procedure
    article_description_index_hook (inout vtb any, inout d_id any)
  for (select c_id from article_channel
    where a_id = composite_ref (d_id, 0))
      vt_batch_feed (vtb, sprintf ('ch%d', c_id), 0);
  vt_batch_feed (vtb, coalesce ((select title from article
    where dtid = d_id), ''), 0);
  return 0;

This function gets all channel id's where the article appears and adds the word ch<nnnn> where <nnnnn> is the channel id. Thus to look for 'xx' on channel 1 or 10 one can use the text expression xx and (ch1 or ch10). Additionally, the text of the title is added to the text being indexed. Note that the d_id supplied is the free text document id and that the second part of it is the article id.

To reverse the effect, the unindex function works as follows:

create procedure
    article_description_unindex_hook (inout vtb any, inout d_id any)
  for (select c_id from article_channel
    where a_id = composite_ref (d_id, 0))
      vt_batch_feed (vtb, sprintf ('ch%d', c_id), 1);
  vt_batch_feed (vtb, coalesce ((select title
    from article where dtid = d_id), ''), 1);
  return 0;

These hooks accept 2 inout parameters, the so called vt batch and the free text document ID of the row at hand.

The function returns 1 to indicate that it has processed all words of the row to be indexed and 0 to indicate that it expects the default text to be processed by the caller as normally. Returning 1 is useful for example if extra word normalization is applied by the hook.

If the resulting index is used by xcontains() special predicate then hook functions should not alter the indexing of XML documents. xcontains() reads both free-text index and the actual document in order to locate particular fragments and it may miss search hits or get false hits if free-text index of a column does not match to the actual content of the column. It is still safe to call vt_batch_feed more than once during a single call of a hook function: first call for an unmodified XML document in the column plus calls for additional data.

If offband columns are declared then any call of a hook function should either return 0 or call vt_batch_feed_offband() before returning a non-zero value. If this condition is violated for a document then NULL is returned instead of correct offband value for the document without signalling any error.

The vt batch is an opaque data structure that accumulates words that will be added to the text index entry for a given row. The vt_batch_feed function adds words to the batch, the first argument is the vt batch, the second is the text and the third is a flag 0 for insert and 1 for delete. The text to be associated to the d_id in the index is the concatenation of all the text supplied by successive calls to vt_batch_feed . Word proximity is defined as if all text were a single string in the order of calling vt_batch_feed .

It is possible to partially alter the rtext associated with an existing document. This could be done when adding channels to an article which already exists. This could be done with the procedure:

create procedure
    ch_add_article (in cid integer, in aid integer)
  declare vtb, _dtid, cname any;
  if (exists (select 1 from article_channel
    where c_id = cid and a_id = aid))

  insert into article_channel (c_id, a_id) values (cid, aid);
  select dtid into _dtid from article where id = aid;

  vtb := vt_batch (1);
  vt_batch_d_id (vtb, _dtid);
  vt_batch_feed (vtb, sprintf ('ch%d', cid), 0);
  vt_batch_process_db_dba_article (vtb);

This first checks if the article is already on the channel, and if not, it makes a vt batch, gets the free text document id of the article, associates it to the vt batch and then adds a single word, ch<nnnn>. The vt batch is applied by calling the generated procedure vt_batch_process_<table>_<column> with the vt batch as only argument.

If multiple documents should be processed in one batch, it is possible to call vt_batch_d_id multiple times to feed data about multiple documents. In this case the successive document ids must be given in ascending order. The batch can be processed (applied to the words table) by calling T_BATCH_PROCESS_<table>_<column>, generated by the index creation.

The sensitive columns of the UPDATE trigger generated are the free text document id, the CLUSTERED WITH columns and the main text column. If more columns are needed for hook functions etc., the triggers should be manually edited.

If an explicit integer document ID column is specified, its value may not be 0 or negative.


vt_batch , vt_batch_feed , vt_batch_feed_offband , vt_batch_d_id .

Hit Scores {#hitscores}

When a document satisfies a text search expression a score is computed to reflect the closeness of the match. This is a positive integer, with a higher value meaning a closer match. The scores are only comparable between results of the same query against the same database. Moreover, the scoring rules are different for different versions of Virtuoso server, due to the progress in information retrieval theory. Thus the only really safe thing to do with scores is to sort the list of hits by descending score to produce more relevant hits first. In addition, the CONTAINS predicate allows specifying a lower limit to the score of produced hits so a smart application can reduce a number of retrieved documents by filtering out the less relevant documents.

While the real scoring rules of the server are too sophisticated to be listed here, the basic concept is simple: hits for restrictive terms are most important than hits for generic terms, frequent hits in same document are more important than occasional, hits that are probably concentrated in same sentence are more important than hits here and there in a long text:

The score of a single word term is proportional to the frequency of the word in the document. The score of a phrase is proportional to both the frequency of the phrase in the document and the number of words in the phrase. The score of a proximity term 'A NEAR B' depends on the distance between A and B in words - greater distances result in smaller scores. E.g. the score is 100 for zero distance, 80 for 5 word distance, 50 for distance 10, 20 for distance 20; then it slowly decreases to 1 for distance 100. If the distance is 100 words or greater then the condition A NEAR B is considered not to be satisfied. If the A-B pair occurs several times throughout the document the scores of each pair are added. Virtuoso searches for shortest possible pairs, so if there is more than one word A around B then the nearest A is selected for scoring. Score of a term like A AND B AND C... AND Z is a minimum of scores of A, B,... Z plus some bonuses. Longer list of AND'ed terms get higher score. A special bonus for term A AND B is added if hits of subterm A are close to the hits of subterm B. Score of a term like A OR B OR C... OR Z is a maximum of scores of A, B,... Z, with some additional corrections. Longer list of OR'ed terms get lower score. A special bonus for term A OR B is added if hits of subterm A are close to the hits of subterm B. Score of a term like A AND NOT B is equal to the score of subterm A. The subterm B is used for filtering out redundant hits but it does not affect the scoring. The XCONTAINS predicate can also return scores. These scores are somewhat similar to scores made by CONTAINS but rules for them are too complicated to be explained here.

Word Ranges {#wordranges}

This feature allows returning the positions of matches of a query inside the indexed text. This is done by creating a virtual column which gets as its value an array of arrays, one array for each top level term of the text query expression. The component arrays in turn contain word positions, expressed as the ordinal number of the first and last word of each match of the term in question. The ordinal numbers are counted from 0, skipping noise words.

select dbg_obj_print (r), * from ftt
    where contains (dt, 'foo', ranges, r);

Prints the array

(L(0 0 ) )

to the server standard output, indicating that the match starts and ends at the 0'th word, inclusive.

This feature can be used to show specific portions of matching documents in applications. This is internally used as part of the xcontains predicate for XML text. Also see the function search_excerpt ().

Using Offband Data for Faster Filtering {#offbanddata}

When evaluating a select where there is a contains predicate and filtering conditions on columns of the table on which the text index is defined it is useful to store the most frequently used columns in the free text index instead of the table itself.

The rationale is that in order to access the filtering data the engine will do a merge join with the text index table instead of a nested loop join with the actual table. Further note that if the columns to be accessed are not in the index that begins with the free text document id actually 2 random accesses will be needed: 1. to get the primary key based on the document id and 2. to get the filtering criterion based on the primary key. It is vastly more efficient to do a merge join in the text index to get frequently needed non-text filtering or sorting keys.

If the text index is maintained in background mode the offband data will also be maintained with a delay. This should not be a problem however since this is no more delayed than the text data itself.

If a select with a contains does not reference any columns from the indexed table besides the document id, then no access to the actual table will be generated in the compiled query. Likewise, if only columns found in the index used to link the document id to the table are referenced, only that index will be accessed. A special case of the latter situation is where the document id is the primary key itself. This will speed up retrieving the row for free text hits.

Let us consider a query for getting articles where the author name is at a specific value:

select id from article where contains (description, 'sample')
    and author_name = 'John Pumpkin';

This can be alternately written as

select id from article
    where contains (description, 'sample', offband, author_name)
    and author_name = 'John Pumpkin';

In the latter case the author_name will be retrieved from the text index, saving 2 random accesses, one to the index on dtid and the other to the table itself per each free text hit.

The notation is different because the semantic is slightly different. The author_name in the latter case is the name at the time of indexing the article and in the latter case it is the name at the time of evaluating the query. There can be a difference if the index is maintained with a delay. For most applications this is however irrelevant. offband data should not be used for often changing, transactional data.

Now consider

select * from (select top 10  dtid from article
    where contains (description, 'sample', offband, author_name)
    order by author_name) a, article b where a.dtid = b.dtid;

The derived table select the 10 first articles matching the text condition in order of author_name. This does not itself access the article table at all. The outer select will then select the full row for these 10 articles. This is possible since the inner select only references dtid, which is the free text index document id and author_name which is declared an offband column in the text index.

This does less disk access than

select top 10 * from article
    where contains (description, sample', offband, author_name)
    order by author_name;

In this case, all matches are fetched, including the row in the article table and all are sorted and the top 10 are returned. This differs from the first by the fact that this accesses the article table for each of the text hits, not only the top 10. This can easily make a 3x speed difference when running in memory and much greater when I/O is involved, not to mention the adverse impact of more I/O on the working set.

Order of Hits {#orderofhits}

Rows from a select where there is a contains predicate and no exact match of the primary key of the table are produced in the order of the document id of the free text index if there is no ORDER BY. If there is an ORDER BY matching an index, the query is evaluated in the order of that index and each consecutive row in the order of the index is compared against the free text expression. This is practically never desirable.

If results are desired in the order of the free text document id, there MUST BE NO ORDER BY. The DESCENDING option of contains should be used to produce the reverse order, see contains reference section. If another sorting order is desired, an ORDER BY can be used but to avoid using an index the ordering columns should be expressions or ordinal numbers of result columns.


select * from article where contains (description, 'sample')
  order by id;

Will have the effect of traversing the table in the order of id and checking each row for free text match. This is practically NEVER good.

To produce the results in order of id instead of dtid it is better to write

select id, * from article where contains (description, 'sample')
  order by 1;


select * from article where contains (description, 'sample')
  order by id + 0;

Noise Words {#noisewords}

Noise words are often occurring words which can be skipped to save space in the indexing, such as 'the', 'of', and' etc. These are ignored when they occur in queries or documents to be indexed. The set of noise words is configurable and is read from the noise.txt file, in the server's working directory, at server start up. Words mentioned in that file will be ignored for both indexing and querying.

The file noise.txt consists of control lines and text lines. A text line is just a string of one or more words to be declared as noise. Please keep them shorter than 1000 characters.

Control lines are those starting with "Language:" or "Encoding:" (case is important) "Language: lang-id" tells the system to use rules for language "lang-id" for subsequent text lines, until either another "Language:" control line or end of file. Similarly, "Encoding: enc-id" tells the system to use rules for encoding "enc-id". Control lines are always in plain ASCII, no matter which encoding is active for text lines. By default, the server default language and "UTF-8" encoding will be used.

The simplest way of composing noise.txt is to place every word on a separate line and save the file in UTF-8 encoding; this will work fine for most European languages.


Noise words seem to be case-insensitive, but this is not so. If you enter a word on a text line, up to four noise words will be registered:

the word exactly as it was entered; an uppercased form of this word, if it is defined for active language; an lowercased form of this word, if it is defined for active language; a capitalized form, with one (or more) first chars in upper case and the rest in lower case. An error is signalled for a free text query consisting exclusively of noise words.

It is important to understand that changes in noise.txt may invalidate free text indexes that were filled with the previous version of noise.txt. For example, if a text contains a phrase 'A B C' and after indexing the word 'B' is added to the noise.txt then 'contains' predicate will properly search for words 'A' and 'C' but will fail to find the phrase 'A B C' or 'A C' due to differences in counting of word positions. The 'xcontains' predicate is even more sensitive to changes in word positions, because any change in word counting will corrupt the index for element names. In addition, "persistent XML" documents may contain pre-calculated word positions for all elements and these positions may become out of sync with positions in free text index, so it is best not to change noise.txt if the database contains any free text indexes on persistent XMLs.

Querying Free Text Indexes {#queryingftcols}

CONTAINS predicate {#containspredicate}

Returns TRUE if a free text indexed column matches a text expression.


    contains (column, expr, opt_or_value ....)

      | START_ID ',' scalar_exp
      | END_ID ',' scalar_exp
      | SCORE_LIMIT ',' scalar_exp
      | RANGES ',' variable
      | OFFBAND column

variable: IDENTIFIER

The column must refer to a column for which there exists a free text index. The expr must be a narrow or wide string expression whose syntax matches the rules in 'Text Query Syntax'. The START_ID is the first allowed document ID to be selected by the expression in its traversal order, e.g. least or equal for ascending and greatest or equal for descending. END_ID is the last allowed ID in the traversal order. For descending order the START_ID must be >= END_ID for hits to be able to exist. For ascending order the START_ID must be <= END_ID for hits to be able to exist.

DESCENDING specifies that the search will produce the hit with the greatest ID first, as defined by integer or composite collation. RANGES specifies that the query variable following the RANGES keyword will be bound to the word position ranges of the hits of the expression inside the document. The variable is in scope inside the enclosing SELECT statement.

SCORE_LIMIT specifies a minimum score that hits must have or exceed to be considered matches of the predicate.

OFFBAND specifies that the following column will be retrieved from the free text index instead of the actual table. For this to be possible the column must have been declared as offband with the CLUSTERED WITH option of the CREATE TEXT INDEX statement.



The XCONTAINS Predicate .

Comments {#fttcomments}

Order - If the select statement containing the contains predicate does not specify an exact match of the primary key of the table having the contains predicate, then the contains predicate will be the 'driving' condition, meaning that rows come in ascending or descending order of the free text document ID.

The DESCENDING keyword specifies the descending order of the free text index document ID and has nothing to do with a possible ORDER BY of the enclosing statement. Even if there is an ORDER BY in the enclosing statement the DESCENDING keyword of contains has an effect in the interpretation of the STRT_ID and END_ID contains options.

If there is a full equality match of the primary key of the table, this will be the driving predicate and contains will only be used to check if the text expression matches the single row identified by the full match of the primary key.

The contains predicate may not appear outside of a select statement and may only reference a column for which a free text index has been declared. The first argument must be a column for which there is such an index. The text expression may be variable and computed, although it must be constant during the evaluation of the select statement containing it.

The contains predicate must be a part of the top level AND of the WHERE clause of the containing select. It may not for example be a term of an OR predicate in the select but can be AND'ed with an OR expression.

Text Expression Syntax {#textexprsyntax}

expr ::= proximity_expr
    expr AND expr
    | expr OR expr
    | expr AND NOT  expr
    | '(' expr ')'

word_expr ::=
    | '"' phrase '"'

proximity_expr ::=
    | proximity_expr NEAR word_expr

word ::=
    <word char>*

phrase ::=
    | phrase <whitespace> word

word_char ::=  alphanumeric characters, '*',  ISO Latin accented characters.

A word is a sequence of word characters. A phrase is a sequence of words separated by white spaces and enclosed in double quotes. If a word contains a wildcard character it must be quoted with double quotes.


An expression may not consist of all negative terms, e.g. (not a) and (not b) is not a valid expression but 'c and not a and not b' is a valid expression.

Note that the NEAR connective may not be used between AND'ed or OR'ed terms. It can be used to combine words or phrases.

select count (*) from docs
where contains (text, '"virtual database"')

returns the count of documents with one or more occurrences of "virtual" immediately followed by "database".

'performance and (tuning or optimization)'

specifies documents with performance and either 'tuning' or optimization' in any respective positions.

'graphics and not (graphics near user near interface)'

matches documents with the word graphics more than 100 words away from 'user' or 'interface'.

'"sql interfac*"'

matches documents with SQL followed by a word beginning with 'interfac'.

'"dragon*" and not "once upon a time"'

matches documents with words beginning with 'dragon' and not containing the phrase 'once upon a time'.

Text Triggers {#txttrig}

The text trigger mechanism allows implementing a broad range of content tracking functionality. The idea is storing free text or XPATH queries in association to a text indexed column of a table. When the content of the table changes through inserts or updates, the new data is matched against a base of stored queries and hits are marked into a separate table. The data being tracked may either be plain text or XML. In the event of XML, both free text and XPATH queries can be stored.

The benefit of the text trigger system as opposed to other forms of periodic content tracking is that the incoming data itself indexes a base of stored queries instead of a base of stored queries repeatedly indexing the database. This means that only the changes are compared to the stored queries and that queries that could not even in principle match will not be tried. This results in a qualitatively better performance and scalability than repeatedly running a batch of queries over updated data and thus makes possible personalized information filtering applications that would be impractical with other approaches.

Creating Text Triggers {#createtxttrg}

The CREATE TEXT TRIGGER statement creates a set of tables and procedures named after the table and column being watched. The TT_QUERY_<xx> table contains the set of queries, the TT_HIT_<xx> table records the matches and the TT_USER_<xx> table can be used to map stored queries to specific users that should be notified.


CREATE TEXT TRIGGER ON <table> [(<data_column>)]
DROP TEXT TRIGGER ON <table> [(<data_column>)]

The <data_column> is optional and must be a text indexed column.

The table to be watched by a text trigger should have a free text indexed column. This may or may not be XML data.

The <table> must be text indexed before creating text trigger on it.

create table ftt (id integer not null primary key, dt long varchar);
create text xml index on ftt (dt);
create text trigger on ftt;

Adding queries to the text trigger

TT_QUERY_ftt ('virtuoso and server and international',
  1, 'Virtuoso international support', '[email protected]');

this adds a query which will filter only documents matching words 'virtuoso', 'server' and 'international', named 'Virtuoso international support' of the user with Id equal to 1 with e-mail notification.

TT_XPATH_QUERY_ftt ('/chapter[@label = ''XI'']',
  2, 'Chapter XI changes', '');

this will add an XPATH query which will filter only XML documents matching Chapter XI, named 'Chapter XI changes' of the user with Id equal to 2 without e-mail notification.

insert into ftt values (1, 'virtuoso server international');
insert into ftt values (2, 'virtuoso international');

select TTH_D_ID, TTH_T_ID, TTH_U_ID, TTH_TS from ftt_dt_HIT;

will produce

TTH_U_ID    TTH_D_ID         TTH_T_ID    TTH_TS

1           1                1           2001-01-17 12:35:30

Meaning that row from 'ftt' with id equal to 1 matches query with TT_ID equal to 1 defined for user with ID equal to 1. Also the hit is registered on '2001-01-17 12:35:30'.

Created Database Objects {#createddbobjs}

Text trigger hits table. Text trigger stores hits on documents matching a condition within this table.

<table_name>_<data_column>_HIT (
  TTH_U_ID INTEGER,   -- references User table TTU_U_ID
  TTH_D_ID ANY,       -- references matching document id
  TTH_T_ID INTEGER,   -- references matching query TT_ID
  TTH_TITLE VARCHAR,  -- user application specific
  TTH_URL VARCHAR,    -- user application specific
  TTH_TS TIMESTAMP,   -- time of registering a hit
  TTH_NOTIFY VARCHAR, -- e-mail address for notification

Text trigger queries table, where the query definition procedure stores the user specific queries.

<table_name>_<data_column>_QUERY (
  TT_WORD VARCHAR,  -- the most effective word for searching
  TT_ID INTEGER,    -- id of query
  TT_QUERY VARCHAR, -- text of the query, in case of XPATH query this
                -- column contains a serialized value
  TT_CD VARCHAR,    -- user data
  TT_COMMENT VARCHAR, -- Human readable label with general purpose
  TT_XPATH VARCHAR,   -- text of XPATH query
  TT_PREDICATE VARCHAR, -- Virtuoso/PL function hook

One query can add one or more rows to the queries table.

Text trigger users table, in it query definition procedure add a reference between query and user.

<table_name>_<data_column>_USER (
  TTU_T_ID INTEGER, -- references text query TT_ID
  TTU_U_ID INTEGER, -- references application specific users table ID
  TTU_NOTIFY VARCHAR, -- e-mail address list for notification
  TTU_COMMENT VARCHAR, -- Human readable label of query definition.


In the case of e-mail notification to the main addresses the string passed as address list must be in the following format: '<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>'.

Procedures that are used for adding text queries.

TT_QUERY_<table_name> (in query_text varchar, in user_id integer,
  in label varchar, in notification_address varchar)

Used for adding XPATH queries.

TT_XPATH_QUERY_<table_name> (in xpath_query_text varchar , in user_id integer,
in label varchar, in notification_address varchar)

Used to send notifications to the users. This procedure is usually called by the server event scheduler.

TT_NOTIFY_<table_name> ();

Generated Tables and Internals {#tablesandinternals}

Generated Tables and Procedures {#gentabsaprocs}

vt_create_text_index makes a separate table for storing the text index information and separate procedures and triggers for maintaining this data. These are automatically dropped if the original table is dropped.

The updates to the indexed column are recorded in a separate update tracking table. This table, named VTLOG_<qualifier>_<owner>_<table> contains a row for each row in the indexed table that has been changed since the text index was last updated.

The text index is stored in a table named <table>_<column>_WORDS. The generated tables are made under the qualifier that is current at the time of their creation. The owner is the creating user.

The procedures are: {#procs}

VT_INDEX_<qualifier>_<owner>_<table>  (in flag integer)

This re-indexes the table. A flag of 0 makes the index, a flag of 1 deletes data found in the table from the index.

VT_INC_INDEX_<qualifier>_<owner>_<table>  (in flag integer) ()

This function refreshes the index using the change tracking information in the VTLOG_ table.

Tables and Procedures Created By Text Triggers {#fttrigtblsandprocs}



      TTH_D_ID         INTEGER   - document ID, references unique id of [TARGET_TABLE]
      TTH_T_ID         INTEGER   - query ID, references QUERY table
      TTH_U_ID         INTEGER   - user ID, references USER table
      TTH_TS           TIMESTAMP - date and time of retrieval
      TTH_NOTIFY       VARCHAR   - e-mail address of user for notification
      TTH_TITLE        VARCHAR   - not used (can be filled with user-defined trigger)
      TTH_URL          VARCHAR   - not used (can be filled with user-defined trigger)



      TT_ID            INTEGER   - Unique ID of query
      TT_QUERY         VARCHAR   - query text
      TT_WORD          VARCHAR   - the best word for query
      TT_COMMENT       VARCHAR   - Description
      TT_CD            VARCHAR   - user data (not used)
      TT_PREDICATE     VARCHAR   - not used
      TT_XPATH         VARCHAR   - XPATH expression.  If specified,
                        the test is this XPATH predicate,
                        see separate section.



      TTU_U_ID         INTEGER - unique user ID can reference SYS_USERS.
      TTU_T_ID         INTEGER - query ID, references QUERY table
      TTU_COMMENT      VARCHAR - Description
      TTU_NOTIFY       VARCHAR - e-mail address of user for notification

Note that the queries are available given a table wide query identifier and an 'entry point' word. Such a word is a word that must occur in the document in order for the query to have a possibility of matching the document, The query text and other attributes are denormalized so that the primary key is the word, id pair when the id itself is unique. Note that in the case of an AND of words, the least frequent of the words will be used as unique entry point of the query, so that it will not be tried on documents that do not contain this word. However, a query with OR'ed terms may have several such words, hence the possibility of multiple rows in the query table for the same query.

The TT_USER_<xx> table maps from the query to a user. The idea of this is to allow a single query to have multiple users. Consider an application which allows creating personalized information filtering profiles. It is to be expected that multiple users would store the same profiles. Therefore the link between the user and the query is entitized as this table. The user specific comment and notification mode are thus stored here, not with the query. The notification mode itself is application dependent. The user id is an application dependent id that can be used to reference application user entities. Some applications may use this whereas other applications will have all queries on a single user.

When a hit is noticed an entry is made into the TT_HIT_<xx> table. One row is inserted for each unique document id, query id, user id combination for which the document matches the query and there is a link to a user from the query through TT_USER_<xx>. A query with no row in TT_USEER_<xx> is an integrity error. The number of times the pattern is found in each document or its free text hit score has no effect on the hit insertion.

One may note that defining application specific triggers on the hit table can be used to add immediate application reactions to incoming data.

The free text triggers are matched against the new content immediately before the content is inserted into the free text index. Therefore the batch mode setting affects the time of matching. In all situations, the matching takes place after the data is inserted but before the free text index is updated. If text index maintenance is in synchronous (non-batched) mode, the text trigger match and hit generation is in the same transaction as the update to the content being watched.

Procedures {#fttprocs}

For queries definition

tt_query_[TARGET_TABLE_NAME] (
        in [query text] varchar,        - query expression
        in [user_id] integer,       - user id references SYS_USERS or SYS_DAV_USER
        in [comment] varchar,       - description
        in [e-mail or empty] varchar)   - e-mail address for user notification

or hits registration (used inside text index procedures)

vt_hits_[TARGET_TABLE_NAME] (inout [batch] any, inout [words array] any)

Triggers {#ftttrigs}

for hits removal after document delete occurred


Examples {#fttexamples_01}

-- create a table
create table T1 (id integer, dt varchar, primary key (id));

-- define text index
create text index on T1 (dt);

-- create text trigger
create text trigger on T1;

-- define an query
tt_query_T1 ('xyz and abc', 1, 'This is a test query', null);

-- do some inserts
insert into T1 (id, dt) values (1, 'xyz');
insert into T1 (id, dt) values (2, 'xyz abc');
insert into T1 (id, dt) values (3, 'abc');
update T1 set dt = 'xyz qwe abc' where id = 2;

select TTH_TS, dt from T1, T1_dt_HIT where id = TTH_D_ID order by TTH_TS desc;
-- produces following
TTH_TS      dt

2000-10-24 18:25:53  xyz qwe abc
2000-10-24 18:25:53  xyz qwe abc

Removing A Text Index {#droptxtindex}

A text index is dropped by dropping the words table with DROP TABLE. This will drop all triggers, procedures and auxiliary tables. The words table is in the qualifier and owner of the indexed table and is named <table>_<column>_WORDS.


-- drops the text index created in the vt_create_text_index example

Removing A Text Trigger {#droptxttrig}

Used to drop text trigger definition on text indexed table. The operation also drop all tables created by create text trigger statement.


DROP TEXT TRIGGER ON <table> [(<data_column>)]

drop text trigger on ftt;

will drop the text trigger definition from table ftt.

Or using the stored procedure:

vt_drop_ftt_dedup {#fn_vt_drop_ftt_dedup}

For detailed description and example use of the function, see vt_drop_ftt in the Functions Reference Guide.

Internationalization & Unicode {#ftinternationalization}

The text being indexed and the text query expression may both be wide strings. The word boundaries used to cut the text in words in both queries and index maintenance may depend on a language declared for the text index.

The default language has white space and punctuation as word delimiters and will recognize Unicode ideographic characters as self standing. A single non-ideographic character will always be considered noise and not indexed.

Non-ASCII Unicode values are converted to UTF8 before being stored into the word table as narrow strings. Narrow 8 bit strings are stored in the words table as is.



Performance {#ftperformance}

For indexing large volumes it is critical to run the indexing process over large volumes of data. This is accomplished by using the batch update mode. This is activated with the VT_BATCH_UPDATE procedure.

When this mode is on the index will be updated after a settable interval, doing all the updates accumulated since the last batch in a single go. The size of a single batch is configurable in the virtuoso.ini file using the FreeTextBatchSize option. This is the number of bytes of text which will be processed as one sweep over the index. A value of 1MB is often suitable. Even All changes are processed in a batch at the set interval. If there are more characters of text to index / unindex than the batch size, the operation is broken into several transactions, each processing about FreeTextBatchSize bytes worth of text. This improves concurrency and cuts down on locking.

The command

DB.DBA.vt_batch_update ('DB.DBA.ARTICLE', 'ON', 1);

turns on the batch mode for the article table with a 1 minute delay between index refreshes. The table name must be fully qualified and is case sensitive. The correct case is seen in the administration interface tables list of the isql tables command etc.


If the free text document ID is an integer, which is encouraged for compactness, the values 0 and negative are reserved.

Free Text Functions {#fttfuncs}

vt_batch_dedup {#fn_vt_batch_dedup}

For detailed description and example use of the function, see vt_batch in the Functions Reference Guide.

vt_batch_d_id_dedup {#fn_vt_batch_d_id_dedup}

For detailed description and example use of the function, see vt_batch_d_id in the Functions Reference Guide.

vt_batch_feed_dedup {#fn_vt_batch_feed_dedup}

For detailed description and example use of the function, see vt_batch_feed in the Functions Reference Guide.

vt_batch_feed_offband_dedup {#fn_vt_batch_feed_offband_dedup}

For detailed description and example use of the function, see vt_batch_feed_offband in the Functions Reference Guide.

vt_batch_update_dedup {#fn_vt_batch_update_dedup}

For detailed description and example use of the function, see vt_batch_update in the Functions Reference Guide.

vt_is_noise_dedup {#fn_vt_is_noise_dedup}

For detailed description and example use of the function, see vt_is_noise in the Functions Reference Guide.

Text index log table. In case of batch update mode this table is used to store a log of actions over text indexed table.

VTLOG_<table> (
  VTLOG_<document_id_col> ANY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
            -- references text indexed table by document id
            -- time of insert/update/delete action
            -- type of log 'I' 'U' 'D' for insert, update or delete
            -- in case of update or delete are stored words which should be deleted
            -- in case of update or delete are stored offband data should be deleted

Text index batch procedure. This procedure log, process and stores already filled _vt_batch, caused storing of words in index table.

VT_BATCH_PROCESS_<table> (inout _vt_batch any)

Text trigger hook function. This function, for existing text trigger definition, applies the filtering queries (if defined) to the _strings, and if the _vt_batch matches any of them then add new record in HITS table (see Text trigger)

VT_HITS_<table> (inout _vt_batch any, inout _strings any);

Text index words table. This table maintains distinct words collected from all documents from text indexed table.

<table>_<column>_WORDS (
  VT_WORD VARCHAR,  -- distinct word
  VT_D_ID ANY,  -- referencing the first matching
            -- document id in text indexed table
  VT_D_ID_2 ANY,  -- referencing the last matching document
            -- id in text indexed table
  VT_DATA VARCHAR,  -- string with document id's and word
            -- positions where the word is matched
  VT_LONG_DATA LONG VARCHAR, -- the same as VT_DATA but in a
            -- case of large amount of data

Text indexing procedure, using for clearing and creating the text index. If flag is equal to 1 then index data will be cleared, else if equal to 0 then index data will generated. Note that for large tables generating the index can run for a long time and the server will go into atomic mode.

VT_INDEX_<table> (in _flag integer)

Procedure for incremental update of text index. In case of batch mode update this procedure must be called to process the entries in log table and refresh text index data. Before calling this function the contains/xcontains predicate may not match the newest inserted, updated or deleted documents. This function is also registered for scheduled action if the vt_batch_update() function is called with refresh interval greater than zero. (See vt_batch_update function)

VT_INC_INDEX_<table> ()

Text indexing and unindexing hook procedures. These are user-defined procedure which can access additional related data and perform preprocessing and call vt_batch_feed inside. These procedures receive the free text id as argument and can use this to retrieve data related to the row being indexed. If the text index is created with 'USING FUNCTION' clause then internally generated procedures and functions will include calls to these. If these procedures return 1 then the caller will skip filling a vt_batch, assuming the hook function already filled it, otherwise the caller will proceed as if there had been no hook.

The difference between these two functions is that ..._INDEX_HOOK will be called upon insertion of new data or after update, but .._UNINDEX_HOOK will be called after delete or before update on the text indexed table.


This function is USER-DEFINED, the user can create it before or after creating a text index.

In the second case the text index MUST be create with the 'NOT INSERT' option. After the hook is defined, the index can be filled with with 'VT_INDEX_<table>(0)' procedure.

<table>_<column>_INDEX_HOOK (inout _vt_batch any, inout d_id any)
<table>_<column>_UNINDEX_HOOK (inout _vt_batch any, inout d_id any)

create table fth (id integer not null primary key, dt varchar, c1 varchar);

create procedure fth_dt_index_hook (inout vtb any, inout d_id integer)
  declare data any;
  data := coalesce ((select concat (dt, ' ', c1)
    from fth where id = d_id), null);
  if (data is null)
    return 0;
  vt_batch_feed (vtb, data, 0);
  return 1;

create procedure fth_dt_unindex_hook (inout vtb any, inout d_id integer)
  declare data any;
  data := coalesce ((select concat (dt, ' ', c1)
    from fth where id = d_id), null);
  if (data is null)
    return 0;
  vt_batch_feed (vtb, data, 1);
    return 1;

insert into fth values (1, 'abc', 'one');

create text index on fth (dt) with key id using function;

test the text index:

select id from fth where contains (dt, 'abc');
select id from fth where contains (dt, 'one');

Both select statements will return 1 because the content is concatenated with an additional column.

Note that in the case of using additional columns, they should be added as offband data to the text index, otherwise update them will not affect the index.

<table>_<column>_QUERY table (see Text trigger definition)
<table>_<column>_USER table (see Text trigger definition)
<table>_<column>_HIT table (see Text trigger definition)
TT_QUERY_<table>_<column> procedure (see Text trigger definition)

Table for text indexes system information

  VI_TABLE VARCHAR,  -- Fully qualified text indexed table name
  VI_INDEX VARCHAR,  -- Index name
  VI_COL VARCHAR,  -- Data column name
  VI_ID_COL VARCHAR,  -- Document id column name
  VI_INDEX_TABLE VARCHAR,  -- fully qualified name of table with words
            -- (See: <table>_<column>_WORDS table)
  VI_ID_IS_PK INTEGER,  -- if the document id is specified by user or
            -- used primary key then it equal to 1
  VI_ID_CONSTR VARCHAR,  -- serialized value with id column(s) names
  VI_OFFBAND_COLS VARCHAR,  -- serialized value of offband data columns names
  VI_OPTIONS VARCHAR,  -- reserved
  VI_LANGUAGE VARCHAR,  -- language which applied to the document contents
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