Fuber is an on-call taxi service hosted on Google App Engine.
Webapp2 framework is used to expose the functionality through REST APIs. The application uses app engine's datastore to store the details of cabs and user requests.
The current features of Fuber include:
- fetch all available cabs in the vicinity,
- fetch details of a particular cab,
- update the location of a particular cab and make it available,
- create a new request for cab,
- fetch the status of a particular request,
- update the status of a particular request.
A running application exists on:
To deploy the application in a different project, clone the repository and refer to the guide below:
In the following sections you will find the specification of all URIs defined and examples on how to use them
URI: /cabs/?latitude=lat&longitude=lon
- GET: Retrieve all available cabs within 5km radius of the given location
For example:
Run the curl command
$ curl -k -u root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET 'https://my-project1-153906.appspot.com/cabs/?latitude=12.72&longitude=77.92'
which returns the output
{"status": "Success", "data": [{"latitude": 12.710000000000001, "cabid": "C02", "longitude": 77.920000000000002}, {"latitude": 12.73, "cabid": "C03", "longitude": 77.939999999999998}]}
URI: /cabs/cabid
- GET: Retrieve the details of the particular cab containing the cabid
For example:
The curl command
$ curl -k -u root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET 'https://my-project1-153906.appspot.com/cabs/C02'
returns the output
{"status": "Success", "data": {"available": true, "latitude": 12.71, "colour": "Pink", "cabid": "C02", "longitude": 77.92}}
- PUT: Update the location of the cab and make cab available
For example:
The curl command
$ curl -k -u root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"latitude":"12.73", "longitude":"77.95"}' 'https://my-project1-153906.appspot.com/cabs/C02'
returns the output
{"status": "Success", "data": "Cab made available in new location"}
URI: /requests/reqid
- GET: Retrieve the details of the particular request
For example:
The curl command
$ curl -k -u root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET 'https://my-project1-153906.appspot.com/requests/289a0ce1'
returns the output
{"status": "Success", "data": "Complete"}
- POST: Create a new request for cab at the current location and preferred colour, if any
For example:
The curl command
$ curl -k -u root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"latitude":"12.71","longitude":"77.92","colour":"Pink"}' 'https://my-project1-153906.appspot.com/requests/'
returns the output
{"status": "Success", "data": {"latitude": 12.710000000000001, "cabid": "C02", "req_id": "1973b136", "longitude": 77.920000000000002}}
- PUT: Update the status of a particular request
For example:
The curl command
$ curl -k -u root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"status":"Complete"}' 'https://my-project1-153906.appspot.com/requests/1973b136'
returns the output
{"status": "Success", "data": "Request status updated"}
To run the unit tests, execute the following command from Google Cloud SDK Shell:
$ cd tests\
$ python runner.py <Google SDK Path>
The output should be as below:
testAssignCab (cabs_test.CabsTest) ... ok
testCabsListing (cabs_test.CabsTest) ... ok
testGetCabDetails (cabs_test.CabsTest) ... ok
testUpdateCabLocation (cabs_test.CabsTest) ... ok
testCreateNewReq (request_test.RequestsTest) ... ok
testGetRequest (request_test.RequestsTest) ... ok
testUpdateReqStatus (request_test.RequestsTest) ... ok
Ran 7 tests in 0.096s