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dschu012 edited this page May 11, 2020 · 2 revisions


ID TXT Name Name
0 skeleton1 Skeleton
1 skeleton2 Returned
2 skeleton3 Bone Warrior
3 skeleton4 Burning Dead
4 skeleton5 Horror
5 zombie1 Zombie
6 zombie2 Hungry Dead
7 zombie3 Ghoul
8 zombie4 Drowned Carcass
9 zombie5 Plague Bearer
10 bighead1 Afflicted
11 bighead2 Tainted
12 bighead3 Misshapen
13 bighead4 Disfigured
14 bighead5 Damned
15 foulcrow1 Foul Crow
16 foulcrow2 Blood Hawk
17 foulcrow3 Black Raptor
18 foulcrow4 Cloud Stalker
19 fallen1 Fallen
20 fallen2 Carver
21 fallen3 Devilkin
22 fallen4 Dark One
23 fallen5 Warped One
24 brute2 Brute
25 brute3 Yeti
26 brute4 Crusher
27 brute5 Wailing Beast
28 brute1 Gargantuan Beast
29 sandraider1 Sand Raider
30 sandraider2 Marauder
31 sandraider3 Invader
32 sandraider4 Infidel
33 sandraider5 Assailant
34 gorgon1 an evil force
35 gorgon2 an evil force
36 gorgon3 an evil force
37 gorgon4 an evil force
38 wraith1 Ghost
39 wraith2 Wraith
40 wraith3 Specter
41 wraith4 Apparition
42 wraith5 Dark Shape
43 corruptrogue1 Dark Hunter
44 corruptrogue2 Vile Hunter
45 corruptrogue3 Dark Stalker
46 corruptrogue4 Black Rogue
47 corruptrogue5 Flesh Hunter
48 baboon1 Dune Beast
49 baboon2 Rock Dweller
50 baboon3 Jungle Hunter
51 baboon4 Doom Ape
52 baboon5 Temple Guard
53 goatman1 Moon Clan
54 goatman2 Night Clan
55 goatman3 Blood Clan
56 goatman4 Hell Clan
57 goatman5 Death Clan
58 fallenshaman1 Fallen Shaman
59 fallenshaman2 Carver Shaman
60 fallenshaman3 Devilkin Shaman
61 fallenshaman4 Dark Shaman
62 fallenshaman5 Warped Shaman
63 quillrat1 Quill Rat
64 quillrat2 Spike Fiend
65 quillrat3 Thorn Beast
66 quillrat4 Razor Spine
67 quillrat5 Bush Barb
68 sandmaggot1 Sand Maggot
69 sandmaggot2 Rock Worm
70 sandmaggot3 Devourer
71 sandmaggot4 Giant Lamprey
72 sandmaggot5 Blood Maggot
73 clawviper1 Tomb Viper
74 clawviper2 Claw Viper
75 clawviper3 Salamander
76 clawviper4 Pit Viper
77 clawviper5 Serpent Magus
78 sandleaper1 Sand Leaper
79 sandleaper2 Cave Leaper
80 sandleaper3 Tomb Creeper
81 sandleaper4 Tree Lurker
82 sandleaper5 Cliff Lurker
83 pantherwoman1 Huntress
84 pantherwoman2 Saber Cat
85 pantherwoman3 Night Tiger
86 pantherwoman4 Hell Cat
87 swarm1 Itchies
88 swarm2 Black Locusts
89 swarm3 Plague Bugs
90 swarm4 Hell Swarm
91 scarab1 Dung Soldier
92 scarab2 Death Beetle
93 scarab3 Scarab
94 scarab4 Steel Scarab
95 scarab5 Bone Scarab
96 mummy1 Dried Corpse
97 mummy2 Decayed
98 mummy3 Embalmed
99 mummy4 Preserved Dead
100 mummy5 Cadaver
101 unraveler1 Hollow One
102 unraveler2 Guardian
103 unraveler3 Unraveler
104 unraveler4 Horadrim Ancient
105 unraveler5 Unraveler
106 chaoshorde1 an evil force
107 chaoshorde2 an evil force
108 chaoshorde3 an evil force
109 chaoshorde4 an evil force
110 vulture1 Carrion Bird
111 vulture2 Undead Scavenger
112 vulture3 Hell Buzzard
113 vulture4 Winged Nightmare
114 mosquito1 Sucker
115 mosquito2 Feeder
116 mosquito3 Blood Hook
117 mosquito4 Blood Wing
118 willowisp1 Gloam
119 willowisp2 Swamp Ghost
120 willowisp3 Burning Soul
121 willowisp4 Black Soul
122 arach1 Arach
123 arach2 Sand Fisher
124 arach3 Poison Spinner
125 arach4 Flame Spider
126 arach5 Spider Magus
127 thornhulk1 Thorned Hulk
128 thornhulk2 Bramble Hulk
129 thornhulk3 Thrasher
130 thornhulk4 Spikefist
131 vampire1 Ghoul Lord
132 vampire2 Night Lord
133 vampire3 Dark Lord
134 vampire4 Blood Lord
135 vampire5 The Banished
136 batdemon1 Desert Wing
137 batdemon2 Fiend
138 batdemon3 Gloombat
139 batdemon4 Blood Diver
140 batdemon5 Dark Familiar
141 fetish1 Rat Man
142 fetish2 Fetish
143 fetish3 Flayer
144 fetish4 Soul Killer
145 fetish5 Stygian Doll
146 cain1 Deckard Cain
147 gheed Gheed
148 akara Akara
149 chicken an evil force
150 kashya Kashya
151 rat an evil force
152 rogue1 an evil force
153 hellmeteor an evil force
154 charsi Charsi
155 warriv1 Warriv
156 andariel Andariel
157 bird1 an evil force
158 bird2 an evil force
159 bat an evil force
160 cr_archer1 Dark Ranger
161 cr_archer2 Vile Archer
162 cr_archer3 Dark Archer
163 cr_archer4 Black Archer
164 cr_archer5 Flesh Archer
165 cr_lancer1 Dark Spearwoman
166 cr_lancer2 Vile Lancer
167 cr_lancer3 Dark Lancer
168 cr_lancer4 Black Lancer
169 cr_lancer5 Flesh Lancer
170 sk_archer1 Skeleton Archer
171 sk_archer2 Returned Archer
172 sk_archer3 Bone Archer
173 sk_archer4 Burning Dead Archer
174 sk_archer5 Horror Archer
175 warriv2 Warriv
176 atma Atma
177 drognan Drognan
178 fara Fara
179 cow an evil force
180 maggotbaby1 Sand Maggot Young
181 maggotbaby2 Rock Worm Young
182 maggotbaby3 Devourer Young
183 maggotbaby4 Giant Lamprey Young
184 maggotbaby5 Blood Maggot Young
185 camel an evil force
186 blunderbore1 Blunderbore
187 blunderbore2 Gorebelly
188 blunderbore3 Mauler
189 blunderbore4 Urdar
190 maggotegg1 Sand Maggot Egg
191 maggotegg2 Rock Worm Egg
192 maggotegg3 Devourer Egg
193 maggotegg4 Giant Lamprey Egg
194 maggotegg5 Blood Maggot Egg
195 act2male an evil force
196 act2female an evil force
197 act2child an evil force
198 greiz Greiz
199 elzix Elzix
200 geglash Geglash
201 jerhyn Jerhyn
202 lysander Lysander
203 act2guard1 an evil force
204 act2vendor1 an evil force
205 act2vendor2 an evil force
206 crownest1 Foul Crow Nest
207 crownest2 Blood Hawk Nest
208 crownest3 Black Raptor Nest
209 crownest4 Cloud Stalker Nest
210 meshif1 Meshif
211 duriel Duriel
212 bonefetish1 Undead Rat Man
213 bonefetish2 Undead Fetish
214 bonefetish3 Undead Flayer
215 bonefetish4 Undead Soul Killer
216 bonefetish5 Undead Stygian Doll
217 darkguard1 an evil force
218 darkguard2 an evil force
219 darkguard3 an evil force
220 darkguard4 an evil force
221 darkguard5 an evil force
222 bloodmage1 an evil force
223 bloodmage2 an evil force
224 bloodmage3 an evil force
225 bloodmage4 an evil force
226 bloodmage5 an evil force
227 maggot Maggot
228 sarcophagus Mummy Sarcophagus
229 radament Radament
230 firebeast an evil force
231 iceglobe an evil force
232 lightningbeast an evil force
233 poisonorb an evil force
234 flyingscimitar Flying Scimitar
235 zealot1 Zakarumite
236 zealot2 Faithful
237 zealot3 Zealot
238 cantor1 Sexton
239 cantor2 Cantor
240 cantor3 Heirophant
241 cantor4 Heirophant
242 mephisto Mephisto
243 diablo Diablo
244 cain2 Deckard Cain
245 cain3 Deckard Cain
246 cain4 Deckard Cain
247 frogdemon1 Swamp Dweller
248 frogdemon2 Bog Creature
249 frogdemon3 Slime Prince
250 summoner The Summoner
251 tyrael1 Tyrael
252 asheara Asheara
253 hratli Hratli
254 alkor Alkor
255 ormus Ormus
256 izual Izual
257 halbu Halbu
258 tentacle1 Water Watcher
259 tentacle2 River Stalker
260 tentacle3 Stygian Watcher
261 tentaclehead1 Water Watcher
262 tentaclehead2 River Stalker
263 tentaclehead3 Stygian Watcher
264 meshif2 Meshif
265 cain5 Deckard Cain
266 navi Flavie
267 bloodraven Blood Raven
268 bug an evil force
269 scorpion an evil force
270 rogue2 Rogue Scout
271 roguehire an evil force
272 rogue3 an evil force
273 gargoyletrap Gargoyle Trap
274 skmage_pois1 Returned Mage
275 skmage_pois2 Bone Mage
276 skmage_pois3 Burning Dead Mage
277 skmage_pois4 Horror Mage
278 fetishshaman1 RatMan Shaman
279 fetishshaman2 Fetish Shaman
280 fetishshaman3 Flayer Shaman
281 fetishshaman4 Soul Killer Shaman
282 fetishshaman5 Stygian Doll Shaman
283 larva Larva
284 maggotqueen1 Sand Maggot Queen
285 maggotqueen2 Rock Worm Queen
286 maggotqueen3 Devourer Queen
287 maggotqueen4 Giant Lamprey Queen
288 maggotqueen5 Blood Maggot Queen
289 claygolem Clay Golem
290 bloodgolem Blood Golem
291 irongolem Iron Golem
292 firegolem Fire Golem
293 familiar an evil force
294 act3male an evil force
295 baboon6 Night Marauder
296 act3female an evil force
297 natalya Natalya
298 vilemother1 Flesh Spawner
299 vilemother2 Stygian Hag
300 vilemother3 Grotesque
301 vilechild1 Flesh Beast
302 vilechild2 Stygian Dog
303 vilechild3 Grotesque Wyrm
304 fingermage1 Doom Caster
305 fingermage2 Strangler
306 fingermage3 Storm Caster
307 regurgitator1 Corpulent
308 regurgitator2 Corpse Spitter
309 regurgitator3 Maw Fiend
310 doomknight1 Doom Knight
311 doomknight2 Abyss Knight
312 doomknight3 Oblivion Knight
313 quillbear1 Quill Bear
314 quillbear2 Spike Giant
315 quillbear3 Thorn Brute
316 quillbear4 Razor Beast
317 quillbear5 Barbed Giant
318 snake an evil force
319 parrot an evil force
320 fish an evil force
321 evilhole1 an evil force
322 evilhole2 an evil force
323 evilhole3 an evil force
324 evilhole4 an evil force
325 evilhole5 an evil force
326 trap-firebolt a Trap
327 trap-horzmissile a Trap
328 trap-vertmissile a Trap
329 trap-poisoncloud a Trap
330 trap-lightning a Trap
331 act2guard2 Kaelan
332 invisospawner an evil force
333 diabloclone Diablo
334 suckernest1 Sucker Nest
335 suckernest2 Feeder Nest
336 suckernest3 Blood Hook Nest
337 suckernest4 Blood Wing Nest
338 act2hire Guard
339 minispider an evil force
340 boneprison1 undefined
341 boneprison2 undefined
342 boneprison3 undefined
343 boneprison4 undefined
344 bonewall an evil force
345 councilmember1 Council Member
346 councilmember2 Council Member
347 councilmember3 Council Member
348 turret1 a Turret
349 turret2 a Turret
350 turret3 a Turret
351 hydra1 Hydra
352 hydra2 Hydra
353 hydra3 Hydra
354 trap-melee a Trap
355 seventombs an evil force
356 dopplezon Decoy
357 valkyrie Valkyrie
358 act2guard3 an evil force
359 act3hire Iron Wolf
360 megademon1 Balrog
361 megademon2 Pit Lord
362 megademon3 Venom Lord
363 necroskeleton Necroskeleton
364 necromage Necromage
365 griswold Griswold
366 compellingorb Compelling Orb
367 tyrael2 Tyrael
368 darkwanderer Dark Wanderer
369 trap-nova a Trap
370 spiritmummy an evil force
371 lightningspire Lightning Spire
372 firetower Fire Tower
373 slinger1 Slinger
374 slinger2 Spear Cat
375 slinger3 Night Slinger
376 slinger4 Hell Slinger
377 act2guard4 an evil force
378 act2guard5 an evil force
379 skmage_cold1 Returned Mage
380 skmage_cold2 Bone Mage
381 skmage_cold3 Death Mage
382 skmage_cold4 Horror Mage
383 skmage_fire1 Returned Mage
384 skmage_fire2 Bone Mage
385 skmage_fire3 Burning Dead Mage
386 skmage_fire4 Horror Mage
387 skmage_ltng1 Returned Mage
388 skmage_ltng2 Bone Mage
389 skmage_ltng3 Burning Dead Mage
390 skmage_ltng4 Horror Mage
391 hellbovine Hell Bovine
392 window1 undefined
393 window2 undefined
394 slinger5 Spear Cat
395 slinger6 Night Slinger
396 fetishblow1 Rat Man
397 fetishblow2 Fetish
398 fetishblow3 Flayer
399 fetishblow4 Soul Killer
400 fetishblow5 Stygian Doll
401 mephistospirit an evil force
402 smith The Smith
403 trappedsoul1 Trapped Soul
404 trappedsoul2 Trapped Soul
405 jamella Jamella
406 izualghost Izual
407 fetish11 Rat Man
408 malachai Hadriel
409 hephasto Hephasto The Armorer
Expansion undefined
410 wakeofdestruction Wake of Fire
411 chargeboltsentry Charged Bolt Sentry
412 lightningsentry Lightning Sentry
413 bladecreeper Blade Sentinel
414 invisopet Pet
415 infernosentry Inferno Sentry
416 deathsentry Death Sentry
417 shadowwarrior Shadow Warrior
418 shadowmaster Shadow Master
419 druidhawk Raven
420 spiritwolf Spirit Wolf
421 fenris Dire Wolf
422 spiritofbarbs Spirit of Barbs
423 heartofwolverine Heart of Wolverine
424 oaksage Oak Sage
425 plaguepoppy Plague Poppy
426 cycleoflife Cycle of Life
427 vinecreature Vine Creature
428 druidbear Grizzly
429 eagle Eagle
430 wolf Wolf
431 bear Bear
432 barricadedoor1 Barricaded Door
433 barricadedoor2 Barricaded Door
434 prisondoor Prison Door
435 barricadetower Barricaded Tower
436 reanimatedhorde1 Rot Walker
437 reanimatedhorde2 Reanimated Horde
438 reanimatedhorde3 Prowling Dead
439 reanimatedhorde4 Unholy Corpse
440 reanimatedhorde5 Defiled Warrior
441 siegebeast1 Siege Beast
442 siegebeast2 Crush Beast
443 siegebeast3 Blood Bringer
444 siegebeast4 Gore Bearer
445 siegebeast5 Demon Steed
446 snowyeti1 Snow Drifter
447 snowyeti2 Abominable
448 snowyeti3 Chilled Froth
449 snowyeti4 Frozen Abyss
450 wolfrider1 Fallen Wolfrider
451 wolfrider2 Carver Wolfrider
452 wolfrider3 Devilkin Wolfrider
453 minion1 Enslaved
454 minion2 Slayer
455 minion3 Ice Boar
456 minion4 Fire Boar
457 minion5 Hell Spawn
458 minion6 Ice Spawn
459 minion7 Greater Hell Spawn
460 minion8 Greater Ice Spawn
461 suicideminion1 Fanatic Enslaved
462 suicideminion2 Berserker Slayer
463 suicideminion3 Consumed Ice Boar
464 suicideminion4 Consumed Fire Boar
465 suicideminion5 Frenzied Hell Spawn
466 suicideminion6 Frenzied Ice Spawn
467 suicideminion7 Insane Hell Spawn
468 suicideminion8 Insane Ice Spawn
469 succubus1 Succubus
470 succubus2 Vile Temptress
471 succubus3 Stygian Harlot
472 succubus4 Hell Temptress
473 succubus5 Blood Temptress
474 succubuswitch1 Siren
475 succubuswitch2 Vile Witch
476 succubuswitch3 Stygian Fury
477 succubuswitch4 Blood Witch
478 succubuswitch5 Hell Witch
479 overseer1 Overseer
480 overseer2 Lasher
481 overseer3 Overlord
482 overseer4 Blood Boss
483 overseer5 Hell Whip
484 minionspawner1 Demon Portal
485 minionspawner2 Demon Portal
486 minionspawner3 Demon Portal
487 minionspawner4 Demon Portal
488 minionspawner5 Demon Portal
489 minionspawner6 Demon Portal
490 minionspawner7 Demon Portal
491 minionspawner8 Demon Portal
492 imp1 Demon Imp
493 imp2 Demon Rascal
494 imp3 Demon Gremlin
495 imp4 Demon Trickster
496 imp5 Demon Sprite
497 catapult1 Catapult
498 catapult2 Catapult
499 catapult3 Catapult
500 catapult4 Catapult
501 frozenhorror1 Frozen Creeper
502 frozenhorror2 Frozen Terror
503 frozenhorror3 Frozen Scourge
504 frozenhorror4 Frozen Horror
505 frozenhorror5 Frozen Scorch
506 bloodlord1 Moon Lord
507 bloodlord2 Night Lord
508 bloodlord3 Blood Lord
509 bloodlord4 Hell Lord
510 bloodlord5 Death Lord
511 larzuk Larzuk
512 drehya Anya
513 malah Malah
514 nihlathak Nihlathak
515 qual-kehk Qual-Kehk
516 catapultspotter1 Catapult
517 catapultspotter2 Catapult
518 catapultspotter3 Catapult
519 catapultspotter4 Catapult
520 cain6 Deckard Cain
521 tyrael3 Tyrael
522 act5barb1 Combatant
523 act5barb2 Combatant
524 barricadewall1 Barricade
525 barricadewall2 Barricade
526 nihlathakboss Nihlathak
527 drehyaiced Anya
528 evilhut Evil Demon Hut
529 deathmauler1 Death Mauler
530 deathmauler2 Death Brawler
531 deathmauler3 Death Slasher
532 deathmauler4 Death Berserker
533 deathmauler5 Death Brigadier
534 act5pow Barbarian Captive
535 act5barb3 Guard
536 act5barb4 Guard
537 ancientstatue1 Talic the Defender
538 ancientstatue2 Madawc the Guardian
539 ancientstatue3 Korlic the Protector
540 ancientbarb1 Talic
541 ancientbarb2 Madawc
542 ancientbarb3 Korlic
543 baalthrone Baal
544 baalcrab Baal
545 baaltaunt Baal
546 putriddefiler1 Putrid Defiler
547 putriddefiler2 Wretched Defiler
548 putriddefiler3 Fetid Defiler
549 putriddefiler4 Rancid Defiler
550 putriddefiler5 Rank Defiler
551 painworm1 Pain Worm
552 painworm2 Torment Worm
553 painworm3 Agony Worm
554 painworm4 Menace Worm
555 painworm5 Anguish Worm
556 bunny an evil force
557 baalhighpriest Council Member
558 venomlord Venom Lord
559 baalcrabstairs Baal
560 act5hire1 an evil force
561 act5hire2 an evil force
562 baaltentacle1 Festering Appendages
563 baaltentacle2 Festering Appendages
564 baaltentacle3 Festering Appendages
565 baaltentacle4 Festering Appendages
566 baaltentacle5 Festering Appendages
567 injuredbarb1 an evil force
568 injuredbarb2 an evil force
569 injuredbarb3 an evil force
570 baalclone Baal
571 baalminion1 Minion of Destruction
572 baalminion2 Minion of Destruction
573 baalminion3 Minion of Destruction
574 worldstoneeffect an evil force
575 sk_archer6 Burning Dead Archer
576 sk_archer7 Bone Archer
577 sk_archer8 Burning Dead Archer
578 sk_archer9 Returned Archer
579 sk_archer10 Horror Archer
580 bighead6 Afflicted
581 bighead7 Tainted
582 bighead8 Misshapen
583 bighead9 Disfigured
584 bighead10 Damned
585 goatman6 Moon Clan
586 goatman7 Night Clan
587 goatman8 Hell Clan
588 goatman9 Blood Clan
589 goatman10 Death Clan
590 foulcrow5 Foul Crow
591 foulcrow6 Blood Hawk
592 foulcrow7 Black Raptor
593 foulcrow8 Cloud Stalker
594 clawviper6 Claw Viper
595 clawviper7 Pit Viper
596 clawviper8 Salamander
597 clawviper9 Tomb Viper
598 clawviper10 Serpent Magus
599 sandraider6 Marauder
600 sandraider7 Infidel
601 sandraider8 Sand Raider
602 sandraider9 Invader
603 sandraider10 Assailant
604 deathmauler6 Death Mauler
605 quillrat6 Quill Rat
606 quillrat7 Spike Fiend
607 quillrat8 Razor Spine
608 vulture5 Carrion Bird
609 thornhulk5 Thorned Hulk
610 slinger7 Slinger
611 slinger8 Slinger
612 slinger9 Slinger
613 cr_archer6 Vile Archer
614 cr_archer7 Dark Archer
615 cr_lancer6 Vile Lancer
616 cr_lancer7 Dark Lancer
617 cr_lancer8 Black Lancer
618 blunderbore5 Blunderbore
619 blunderbore6 Mauler
620 skmage_fire5 Returned Mage
621 skmage_fire6 Burning Dead Mage
622 skmage_ltng5 Returned Mage
623 skmage_ltng6 Horror Mage
624 skmage_cold5 Bone Mage
625 skmage_pois5 Horror Mage
626 skmage_pois6 Horror Mage
627 pantherwoman5 Huntress
628 pantherwoman6 Saber Cat
629 sandleaper6 Cave Leaper
630 sandleaper7 Tomb Creeper
631 wraith6 Ghost
632 wraith7 Wraith
633 wraith8 Specter
634 succubus6 Succubus
635 succubus7 Hell Temptress
636 succubuswitch6 Siren
637 succubuswitch7 Hell Witch
638 succubuswitch8 Vile Witch
639 willowisp5 Gloam
640 willowisp6 Black Soul
641 willowisp7 Burning Soul
642 fallen6 Carver
643 fallen7 Devilkin
644 fallen8 Dark One
645 fallenshaman6 Carver Shaman
646 fallenshaman7 Devilkin Shaman
647 fallenshaman8 Dark Shaman
648 skeleton6 Bone Warrior
649 skeleton7 Returned
650 batdemon6 Gloombat
651 batdemon7 Fiend
652 bloodlord6 Moon Lord
653 bloodlord7 Hell Lord
654 scarab6 Scarab
655 scarab7 Steel Scarab
656 fetish6 Flayer
657 fetish7 Stygian Doll
658 fetish8 Soul Killer
659 fetishblow6 Flayer
660 fetishblow7 Stygian Doll
661 fetishblow8 Soul Killer
662 fetishshaman6 Flayer Shaman
663 fetishshaman7 Stygian Doll Shaman
664 fetishshaman8 Soul Killer Shaman
665 baboon7 Temple Guard
666 baboon8 Temple Guard
667 unraveler6 Guardian
668 unraveler7 Unraveler
669 unraveler8 Horadrim Ancient
670 unraveler9 Horadrim Ancient
671 zealot4 Zealot
672 zealot5 Zealot
673 cantor5 Heirophant
674 cantor6 Heirophant
675 vilemother4 Grotesque
676 vilemother5 Flesh Spawner
677 vilechild4 Grotesque Wyrm
678 vilechild5 Flesh Beast
679 sandmaggot6 Blood Maggot
680 maggotbaby6 Blood Maggot Young
681 maggotegg6 Blood Maggot Egg
682 minion9 Slayer
683 minion10 Hell Spawn
684 minion11 Greater Hell Spawn
685 arach6 Arach
686 megademon4 Balrog
687 megademon5 Pit Lord
688 imp6 Demon Imp
689 imp7 Demon Trickster
690 bonefetish6 Undead Stygian Doll
691 bonefetish7 Undead Soul Killer
692 fingermage4 Strangler
693 fingermage5 Storm Caster
694 regurgitator4 Maw Fiend
695 vampire6 Blood Lord
696 vampire7 Ghoul Lord
697 vampire8 Dark Lord
698 reanimatedhorde6 Unholy Corpse
699 dkfig1 Doom Knight
700 dkfig2 Doom Knight
701 dkmag1 Oblivion Knight
702 dkmag2 Oblivion Knight
703 mummy6 Cadaver
704 ubermephisto Mephisto
705 uberdiablo Diablo
706 uberizual Izual
707 uberandariel Lilith
708 uberduriel Duriel
709 uberbaal Baal
710 demonspawner Evil Demon Hut
711 demonhole an evil force
712 megademon6 Pit Lord
713 dkmag3 Oblivion Knight
714 imp8 Demon Trickster
715 swarm5 Hell Swarm
716 sandmaggot7 Blood Maggot
717 arach7 Arach
718 scarab8 Steel Scarab
719 succubus8 Hell Temptress
720 succubuswitch9 Vile Witch
721 corruptrogue6 Flesh Hunter
722 cr_archer8 Dark Archer
723 cr_lancer9 Black Lancer
724 overseer6 Hell Whip
725 skeleton8 Returned
726 sk_archer11 Horror Archer
727 skmage_fire7 Burning Dead Mage
728 skmage_ltng7 Horror Mage
729 skmage_cold6 Bone Mage
730 skmage_pois7 Horror Mage
731 vampire9 Dark Lord
732 wraith9 Specter
733 willowisp8 Burning Soul

Super Uniques

ID TXT Name Name
0 Bishibosh Bishibosh
1 Bonebreak Bonebreaker
2 Coldcrow Coldcrow
3 Rakanishu Rakanishu
4 Treehead WoodFist Treehead WoodFist
5 Griswold Griswold
6 The Countess The Countess
7 Pitspawn Fouldog Pitspawn Fouldog
8 Flamespike the Crawler Flamespike the Crawler
9 Boneash Bone Ash
10 Radament Radament
11 Bloodwitch the Wild Bloodwitch the Wild
12 Fangskin Fangskin
13 Beetleburst Beetleburst
14 Leatherarm Creeping Feature
15 Coldworm the Burrower Coldworm the Burrower
16 Fire Eye Fire Eye
17 Dark Elder Dark Elder
18 The Summoner The Summoner
19 Ancient Kaa the Soulless Ancient Kaa the Soulless
20 The Smith The Smith
21 Web Mage the Burning Sszark the Burning
22 Witch Doctor Endugu Witch Doctor Endugu
23 Stormtree Stormtree
24 Sarina the Battlemaid Battlemaid Sarina
25 Icehawk Riftwing Icehawk Riftwing
26 Ismail Vilehand Ismail Vilehand
27 Geleb Flamefinger Geleb Flamefinger
28 Bremm Sparkfist Bremm Sparkfist
29 Toorc Icefist Toorc Icefist
30 Wyand Voidfinger Wyand Voidbringer
31 Maffer Dragonhand Maffer Dragonhand
32 Winged Death Darkwing
33 The Tormentor The Tormentor
34 Taintbreeder Taintbreeder
35 Riftwraith the Cannibal Riftwraith the Cannibal
36 Infector of Souls Infector of Souls
37 Lord De Seis Lord De Seis
38 Grand Vizier of Chaos Grand Vizier of Chaos
39 The Cow King The Cow King
40 Corpsefire Corpsefire
41 The Feature Creep Hephasto The Armorer
42 Siege Boss Shenk the Overseer
43 Ancient Barbarian 1 Talic
44 Ancient Barbarian 2 Madawc
45 Ancient Barbarian 3 Korlic
46 Axe Dweller Axe Dweller
47 Bonesaw Breaker Bonesaw Breaker
48 Dac Farren Dac Farren
49 Megaflow Rectifier Eldritch the Rectifier
50 Eyeback Unleashed Eyeback the Unleashed
51 Threash Socket Thresh Socket
52 Pindleskin Pindleskin
53 Snapchip Shatter Snapchip Shatter
54 Anodized Elite Hell's Belle
55 Vinvear Molech Vinvear Molech
56 Sharp Tooth Sayer Sharptooth Slayer
57 Magma Torquer Magma Torquer
58 Blaze Ripper Blaze Ripper
59 Frozenstein Frozenstein
60 Nihlathak Nihlathak
61 Baal Subject 1 Colenzo the Annihilator
62 Baal Subject 2 Achmel the Cursed
63 Baal Subject 3 Bartuc the Bloody
64 Baal Subject 4 Ventar the Unholy
65 Baal Subject 5 Lister the Tormentor
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