A collection of tools and helpers built around epgsql.
Generates code to simplify database records handling.
Here is a short tutorial:
Include basic model types:
-module(some_module). -include_lib("epgsql_utils/include/epgsql_utils_model.hrl").
Declare parse transform:
-compile({parse_transform, epgsql_utils_model}).
Define or include records which is supposed transformed. Type "key" is reserved for primary keys declarations. Types are taken from epgsql_utils_orm by default. Any other module can be specified explicitly.
-record(example, { id::key(pos_integer()), name::string(), info::some_module:info() }).
Delcare corresponding table for each record which is supposed to be transformed
-export_record_model([ {example, [{table, {db_shema, table_name}}]} ]).
Declare pack/2 and unpack/2 functions. Make sure that all the custom types can be processed too.
pack(example, V) -> Result = some_packing_function(); pack(T, V) -> pack_record(T, V). unpack(example, V) -> Result = some_unpacking_function(); unpack(T, V) -> unpack_record(T, V).
Fin. The records will be parsed and can be used with epgsql_utils_orm:
epgsql_utils_orm:get_by_cond({some_module, example}, [])