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Wrapper around Geolix to help maintain a Maxmind GeoIP database.

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GeoIP Elixir

Wrapper around Geolix that supports periodic refresh of the GeoIP database.


def deps do
  [{:geo, git: "[email protected]:platogo/geoip-elixir.git"}, tag: "1.4.8"]

Make sure to specify the Maxmind license key in your application:

config :geo,
  maxmind_license_key: "your key"

You can also set the env variable MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY.

Use Geolix lookup functions to query for IP addresses. See Geolix readme for further details.



You can manually disable database refresh completely (useful for tests which don't need the GeoIP database):

config :geo, :disable_refresh, true

In order to use a fake database, add something similar to the following configuration to your configuration:

config :geolix,
  databases: [
      id: :city,
      adapter: Geolix.Adapter.Fake,
      data: %{
        {1, 1, 1, 1} => %{country: %{iso_code: "AT"}, location: %{time_zone: "Europe/Vienna"}},
        {2, 2, 2, 2} => %{country: %{iso_code: "HU"}, location: %{time_zone: "Europe/Budapest"}},

In order to use a downloaded database, use the following:

geolix_database_path = "/absolute/path/to/ip_database.tar.gz"

config :geo,
  disable_refresh: false,
  database_path: geolix_database_path

config :geolix,
  databases: [
      id: :city,
      adapter: Geolix.Adapter.MMDB2,
      source: geolix_database_path


This should be changed so we no longer use Application.get_env/2 for configuration, supervision is handled in the including application, and Task is preferred over GenServer.