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Platz Terraform Modules For AWS

This repo contains several Terraform modules for deploying Platz in AWS.

The tags in this repo usually correspond to the tags in the Helm charts repo.

Main Module

The main module deploys Platz itself in an EKS cluster.

It requires the aws, kubernetes and helm providers.

For example (see more below on chart_discovery and k8s_agents):

module "platz" {
  source = ""

  k8s_cluster_name = "EKS CLUSTER NAME"
  ingress = {
    host        = "platz.${}"
    class_name  = ""
    tls         = {
      secret_name        = "TLS SECRET"
      create_certificate = "false"
      create_issuer      = "false"
      issuer_email       = "[email protected]"

  oidc_ssm_params = {
    server_url    = "/platz/oidc/server-url"
    client_id     = "/platz/oidc/client-id"
    client_secret = "/platz/oidc/client-secret"

  chart_discovery = [

  k8s_agents = [

  node_selector = {
    key   = ""
    value = "value"

  backup = module.platz_backup

This module can get the following variables:

Variable Required Default Description
k8s_cluster_name Yes Name of EKS cluster, used for getting credentials
k8s_namespace "platz" Kubernetes namespace name, also used as prefix for AWS resources
create_namespace true Whether to create the namespace passed in the k8s_namespace variable
helm_release_name "platz" The name of the Helm release
chart_version Current version Helm chart version to install/upgrade
ingress Yes Ingress for external access
oidc_ssm_params Yes Mapping containing SSM parameter names for configuring OIDC authentication: server_url, client_id and client_secret
admin_emails [] Email addresses to add as admins instead of regular users. This option is useful for allowing the first admins to log into Platz on a fresh deployment. Note that admins are added only after successful validation against the OIDC server, and if a user doesn't exist with that email. This means that if an admin is later changed to a regular user role, they will never become an admin again unless their user is deleted from the database, or removed from this option.
use_chart_db true Install the postgresql sub-chart (if false, you must pass db_url_override)
db_url_override Provide an override URL for the database (ignored unless use_chart_db is false)
chart_discovery Contains the IAM role for discovering charts in ECR repos, as created by the chart discovery module described below. The outputs of the chart discovery module match the inputs required by this module, so you can pass the module object directly into this module.
k8s_agents An array of outputs from the K8s agent role modules described below. It works similarly to chart_discovery, just pass the module outputs as array elements into this module.
node_selector null Specify key and value to be added to the chart's nodeSelector.
backup null When provided, an hourly cronjob is created that backs up the entire database to the specified bucket. This variable expects the outputs of the backup module, if customizations are needed you can create the resources yourself and manually create the variable properties. It also required a secret to exist with backup encryption key, see below.

Chart Discovery Module

This module sets up the required permissions and notifications for Platz to detect new Helm charts pushed to ECR.

You should deploy this module in the account where you're hosting your ECR registry.

For example:

module "platz_chart_discovery" {
  source = ""

  irsa_oidc_provider = (OIDC Provider)
  irsa_oidc_arn      = (OIDC ARN)

The OIDC provider and ARN are required for allowing Platz to assume into the role created by this module. These inputs are usually created along with the EKS cluster.

When using multiple regions or AWS accounts, several instances of this module can be passed to the main module. In this case you must specify different instance_name attributes to each module:

module "platz_chart_discovery_1" {
  source = ""

  instance_name = "one"

  irsa_oidc_provider = (OIDC Provider)
  irsa_oidc_arn      = (OIDC ARN)

module "platz_chart_discovery_2" {
  source = ""

  instance_name = "two"

  irsa_oidc_provider = (OIDC Provider)
  irsa_oidc_arn      = (OIDC ARN)

module "platz" {
  # ...

  chart_discovery = [

K8s Agent Role Module

This module creates an IAM role used to discover and connect to EKS clusters.

You'd generally need one role per AWS account, as Platz discovers and connects to EKS clusters in all regions using the same IAM role.


module "platz_k8s_agent_role" {
  source = ""

  instance_name      = "default"
  irsa_oidc_provider = (OIDC Provider)
  irsa_oidc_arn      = (OIDC ARN)

Multiple AWS Accounts

If you have more than one AWS account, make sure to choose different names for instance_name as this name is used for creating the statefulset in Kubernetes later on.

When creating the k8s-agent-role module in each account, note that the IRSA provider and ARN must match those of the EKS cluster running Platz.

Since this OIDC provider probably doesn't exist in the remote account where you're only creating the k8s-agent-role module, you'd also have to create another OIDC provider with the URL and thumbprint of the controlling EKS cluster.

For example:

# In the remote AWS account only:

resource "aws_iam_openid_connect_provider" "platz_cluster" {
  client_id_list  = [""]
  thumbprint_list = ["<irsa_thumbprint>"]
  url             = "<irsa_issuer_url>"

module "platz_k8s_agent_role" {
  source = ""

  instance_name      = "prod"
  irsa_oidc_provider = replace(aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.platz_cluster.url, "https://", "")
  irsa_oidc_arn      = aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.platz_cluster.arn

Creating Google OAuth Credentials

  1. Create a new project at
  2. Wait for the project to create, then click "SELECT PROJECT".
  3. Open the hamburger menu, hover over "APIs & Services" and select "Credentials.
  4. Click "Configure Consent Screen" and follow the instructions:
    1. Choose "Internal" when asked for a user type, unless you want to allow any person to login to Platz. Choosing "External" is dangerous.
    2. App name: Platz
    3. User support email: (your email)
    4. Developer contact information: (your email)
    5. Click "Save and Continue"
    6. When asked for scopes, simply click "Save and Continue"
    7. When asked for test users, simply click "Save and Continue"
    8. Click "Back to Dashboard"
  5. On the left, go back to "Credentials".
  6. Click "+ Create Credentials", select "OAuth client ID":
    1. Application type: Web application
    2. Name: Platz
    3. In "Authorized JavaScript origins" click "Add URI" and add the same domain used to deploy Platz, along with an https:// prefix.
    4. In "Authorized redirect URIs" click "Add URI" and fill-in the same URI with the path /auth/google/callback. For example, if the JavaScript origin is add a redirect URI of
    5. Click "Create"
  7. Use the client ID and secret to create the SSM parameters above.

Backup Job Encryption Key

The backup job encrypts the backups using mcrypt with an encryption key that has to exist in a secret.

At the moment the secret has to be created manually like so:

kubectl -n platz create secret generic backup-config --from-literal="encryptionKey=`pwgen -s1``pwgen -s1``pwgen -s1``pwgen -s1`"