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Instructions for running locally

Note: the keto and hydrator directories can be ignored

Go into the api-server directory and run make setup-tilt-cluster to create a kind cluster and a registry for tilt to use.

Next, run tilt up which will proceed to install Kratos, Hydra, OAuthkeeper, Keto, Grafana, the API server and the frontend to the cluster.

The frontend can be accessed at The GraphiQL interface can be accessed at Grafana can be accessed at Hydra is hosted on

The helm values and other configs used for the deployment (like the oathkeeper access rules and keto namespace configs) can be found in api-server/dev.

Whenever a change is made to the deployment configs tilt will automatically redeploy the component. If changes are made to the api server a new image will be built and tilt will update the deployment automatically. For the frontend, the local filesystem is kept in-sync with the container on the cluster and it is run using yarn start. This way a new container for the frontend only needs to be built when there are changes to package.sjon or yarn.lock.