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Once this certificate authority has been created, it will enter a "Pending" state, and output a Certificate Signing Request. The CSR needs to be self-signed (in the case of acmpca_certificate_authority.type being "ROOT") or signed by a root certificate authority if this is meant to be a "SUBORDINATE".

After signing, you will need to use the AWS PCA CLI to manually associate the signed cert back to the certificate authortiy, which will put it in an "Active" state. See for console reference.

If the PCA and certs it issues are in the same account, you can use CreatePermission to configure automatic renewal.

If the PCA and ACM reside in different accounts, share the PCA using a RAM Share to allow ACM in the other account to manage the certificate.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws n/a


Name Type


Name Description Type Default Required
private_certificate_authority n/a
s3_bucket = optional(object({
bucket = string
force_destroy = bool
policy = object({
json = string

acmpca_certificate_authority = object({
enabled = bool
key_storage_security_standard = optional(string)
permanent_deletion_time_in_days = optional(string)
tags = map(string)
type = optional(string)
usage_mode = optional(string)

certificate_authority_configuration = object({
key_algorithm = string
signing_algorithm = string
subject = object({
common_name = optional(string)
country = optional(string)
distinguished_name_qualifier = optional(string)
generation_qualifier = optional(string)
given_name = optional(string)
initials = optional(string)
locality = optional(string)
organization = optional(string)
organizational_unit = optional(string)
pseudonym = optional(string)
state = optional(string)
surname = optional(string)
title = optional(string)

revocation_configuration = optional(object({
crl_configuration = optional(object({
custom_cname = string
enabled = bool
expiration_in_days = string
s3_object_acl = string
ocsp_configuration = optional(object({
enabled = bool
ocsp_custom_cname = string
n/a yes


Name Description
certificate_signing_request n/a