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Meeting 2019 04 12
Josh Hursey edited this page May 9, 2019
1 revision
Josh Hursey (IBM)
Sid Jana (Intel | EEHPC-WG)
Ken Raffenetti (ANL)
Shinji Sumimoto (Fujitsu)
Swaroop Pophale (ORNL)
Jim Garlick (LLNL)
Stephen Herbein (LLNL)
- Discuss PMIx standardization process
- Discuss: https://github.com/pmix/pmix-standard/issues/181
- 2 types of GH Issues
- “Use Case”
- Open for discussion around the general topic
- “RFC”
- Proposal for changes to the standard for discussion
- “Use Case”
- PR:
- Specific changes to the document
- Draft PR until implementation is available
- Template:
- Links to the progress towards acceptance
- Suggestion that the author of the PR should not be the one to merge the PR
- Label for “work in progress” while the working group is working on it still
- Provides the ability to ‘git blame’ a specific change all the way back through the PR -> RFC -> other discussions
- Size of the change:
- Small changes can be specially marked for fast track
- Larger changes go through normal process
- 2 types of GH Issues
- PR 181:
- First reading next week
- Question: How to define voting rights and quorum?
- One vote per organization
- Participating organization
- Anyone can attend a meeting
- Someone from the org must attend 2 of past 3 teleconfs to vote
- For the reading phone call it is important to hear the discussion. We need to capture the discussion.
- The person doing the reading is responsible for capturing the discussion on the PR.
- Volunteer from the broader group to be the note taker for the reading.
- They can record the discussion to help transcribe at a later time. Not for public consumption.
- If not present on the call, then we need to account for those that wish to participate.
- Email to the list or participation on the PR
- How do you signal participation in the last 2 of 3 weeks
- Alternatively have a rotating concall time.
- Send out a doodle poll for next set of teleconfs (2 months out)
- Then we pick a time that works best for the group
- Send out list of PRs ready for voting
- Quorum requirement
- 2/3 of organizations required for a vote
- Do they need to be physically on the call to vote?
- Majority of organizations must approve to move forward
- 2/3 of organizations required for a vote
- Should we separate the reading and the voting between two meetings
- First teleconf the author presents the PR - ‘Reading’
- Second teleconf (no objection in between) then hold a ‘Vote’
- Do we want to separate the Vote from the teleconf?
- For those that cannot attend the teleconf but want to vote
- Circulate items for vote to mailing list
- Send eligible organizations for voting along with agenda
- Question: Implementation requirement
- A single implementation in any open source PMIx library (not just the PRI)
- Discuss: https://github.com/pmix/pmix-standard/issues/181
- (Dave) Working group: Implementation agnostic document
- (Stephen) Working group: Slicing/Grouping of functionality
- https://github.com/pmix/pmix-standard/issues/179
- Once a PR is accepted/merged it is marked as “experimental”
- Transition to “---” : Two 3rd party users of the interface
- After a timeout (say 2 minor versions)
- Need a better / more deterministic time mechanism
- Transition to “---” : Either two implementations or after a timeout
- After a timeout (say 2 minor versions)
- Use voting process to move the status
- Have a PR changing the marking “experimental” -> “accepted”
- List the two users
- Vote on the change to be accepted in the document
- Gives direct traceability
- Transition to “---” : Two 3rd party users of the interface
- (Josh) Wiki to collect use cases
- https://github.com/pmix/pmix-standard/wiki#use-cases
- Move to using GH Issues for description and discussion. Add a link from the wiki to the GH Issue for future reference.
- (Josh) Send email about Voting and Quorum
- Summarize current thinking on the voting process and voting eligibility
- Present options for those that cannot make the calls, but would still like to have a vote.
- Rotating or alternating teleconf time
- Participation on the PR over the past 2 of 3 weeks
- Asynchronous voting via online poll
- (Josh) Create a few Use Case Issues on GH to experiment with the template and set some examples for new participants.