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:constructions: Ongoing work on replace first algorithm
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pmonks committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent 9b640b7 commit 6ba26ce
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Showing 7 changed files with 322 additions and 285 deletions.
241 changes: 102 additions & 139 deletions src/lice_comb/impl/id_detection.clj

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/lice_comb/impl/parsing.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[lice-comb.impl.utils :as lciu]
[lice-comb.impl.3rd-party :as lci3]))

;####TODO: REMOVE ME!!!!
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pp])
(defn debug-print
([x] (debug-print x nil))
([x msg]
(println "⭐️⭐️⭐️ ➡️" msg)
(pp/pprint x)
(println "⬅️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️")

; Names that are so cursed we don't even both trying to parse them
(def ^:private cursed-names-d (delay (lcid/load-edn-resource "lice_comb/names.edn")))

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; We don't need to sexp/normalise the keys here, as we never detect an expression from a URI
(lciei/prepend-source uri (lcic/correct result)))))

;####TODO: REMOVE ME!!!!
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pp])
(defn debug-print
([x] (debug-print x nil))
([x msg]
(println "⭐️⭐️⭐️ ➡️" msg)
(pp/pprint x)
(println "⬅️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️")

(defn- determine-strategy
"Returns the strategy (a keyword) for the given `match`, matched to
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203 changes: 83 additions & 120 deletions src/lice_comb/impl/spdx.clj
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[lice-comb.impl.3rd-party :refer [by ascending descending] :as lc3]
[lice-comb.impl.utils :as lciu]))

;####TODO: REMOVE ME!!!!
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pp])
(defn debug-print
([x] (debug-print x nil))
([x msg]
(println "⭐️⭐️⭐️ ➡️" msg)
(pp/pprint x)
(println "⬅️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️")

; The subset of SPDX license identifiers that we use, as an unordered set
(def license-ids-d
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(first (sort-by count non-deprecated-ids))
(first (sort-by count ids)))))

(defn- id-version-replacement
"Returns a regex fragment for a version number (e.g. 2.0.0) anywhere in an id."
[[_ version]]
; Note: regex characters are not escaped here, as that's done later on
(let [version-components (seq (s/split version #"\."))
first-element (first version-components)
remaining-version-components-reversed (seq (reverse (rest version-components)))
leading-elements (seq (reverse (drop-while #(re-matches #"0+" %) remaining-version-components-reversed)))
dot-zero-elements (seq (reverse (take-while #(re-matches #"0+" %) remaining-version-components-reversed)))]
(str "-((v|ver|version)-)?"
(str "0*" first-element)
(str (s/join (map #(str ".0*" %) leading-elements))
(when dot-zero-elements (s/join (map #(str "(.0*" % ")?") dot-zero-elements)))))))

; Note: these regexes uses classes (e.g. [\\/-\s]{1,4}) instead of alternation (e.g. (\\|/|-|\s){1,4}) due to an apparent bug in the JVM's regex libraries when
(defn- replace-version
"Emits a suitable regex for matching the version identified in map `m`
(a map as returned by rencg)."
(let [version-number (get m "versionNumber")
only? (boolean (get m "only"))
version-components (seq (s/split version-number #"\."))
dot-zero? (boolean (re-matches #"0+" (last version-components)))]
(re-pattern (str "((v|ver|versions?)[\\s\\-–—]*)?" ; Note: hyphen, en-dash, em-dash
(if dot-zero?
(s/join "\\." (map #(str "0*" %) (drop-last version-components))) ; Version number ends in ".0", so make the last component optional
(s/join "\\." (map #(str "0*" %) version-components))) ; Version number ends in a non-zero number, so make the last component mandatory
"(\\.0+)*)" ; Allow any number of ".0" to appear at the end
(if only?
"[\\s\\-–—]*(\\+|or[\\s\\-–—]*later)?"))))) ; Note: hyphen, en-dash, em-dash

(defn- replace-with-re-fragment
"For each `String` in `coll`, replaces any matches with `re` with
`replacement`, as per [lice-comb.impl.utils/replacing-split]."
[coll re replacement]
(lciu/mapcat-pred string? #(lciu/replacing-split % re replacement) coll))

; Note: some of the regexes in this namespace uses classes (e.g. [\\/-\s]{1,4}) instead of alternation (e.g. (\\|/|-|\s){1,4}) due to an apparent bug in the JVM's regex libraries when
; the latter are used in look-behind groups. See
(defn- special-case-ids
"Special case handling for specific ids."
[s id]
(case id
"MIT" (s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\\w)MIT(?!\\w)" "(?<!X11[\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]{1,4})MIT(?![\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]{1,4}X11)")
"X11" (s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\\w)X11(?!\\w)" "(MIT[\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]+)?X11([\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]+MIT)?")
"ISC" (s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\\w)ISC(?!\\w)" "(MIT[\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]+)?ISC([\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]+MIT)?")
"Libpng" (s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\\w)libpng(?!\\w)" "(?<!zlib[\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]{1,4})libpng")
"libpng-2.0" (s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\\w)libpng(?!\\w)" "(?<!zlib[\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]{1,4})libpng")

; Only public for the unit tests
(defn id->regex
"Turns `id`, an SPDX license or exception id, into a regex that can be used to
near-match it. Returns `nil` if `id` is blank."
(when-not (s/blank? id)
(-> id
; Trim
; Add flags and start expressions
(->> (str "(?i)(?<=(\\A|\\s))"))
; Replacements
(s/replace #"\+" "\\\\+") ; escape + character
(s/replace #"-(\d+(\.\d+)*)" id-version-replacement) ; version numbers
(s/replace #"-" "[\\\\-\\\\s]*") ; hyphens as optional hyphens or whitespace
(s/replace #"(?i)\blater\b" "\\\\b(lat[eo]r|newer|greater)\\\\b") ; alternative "or later" formulations
(s/replace #"\." "\\\\.") ; escape . character
; Special cases
(special-case-ids id)
; Remove redundant final word boundary match (if any)
(s/replace #"(.*)\\b\z" "$1")
; Add end expressions
(str "(?=(\\s|\\z))")
; And finally turn into a Pattern object
(-> [#"(?i)(?u)(?U)(?<=(\A|\s))" (s/trim id) #"(?=(\s|\z))"]
; Version component
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<=-)(?<versionNumber>\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)(-(?<only>only)|or-later)?(?=(-|\z))"
; Special cases for certain licenses
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)MIT(?!\w)" #"(?<!(X11|ISC)[\\/\-\s]{1,4})MIT(?![\\/\-\s]{1,4}(X11|ISC))")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)X11(?!\w)" #"(MIT[\\/\-\s]{1,4})?X11([\\/\-\s]{1,4}MIT)?")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)ISC(?!\w)" #"(MIT[\\/\-\s]{1,4})?ISC([\\/\-\s]{1,4}MIT)?")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)(?<!zlib/)libpng(?!\w)" #"(?<!zlib/[\\/\-\s]{1,4})libpng(?![\\/\-\s]{1,4}zlib)")
; Character equivalents
(replace-with-re-fragment #"[\s\-]+" #"[\s\-–—]+") ; Note: hyphen, en-dash, em-dash
; Cleanup and combine into a single pattern
(->> (filter #(or (not (string? %)) (not (s/blank? %)))) ; Remove empty strings
(lciu/mapcat-pred string? #(vector (lciu/escape-re %)))
(apply lciu/re-concat)))))

; Notes:
; * we normalise each id so that things like GPL family normalisation are correctly handled (i.e. as per clj-spdx)
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(best-identifier (near-match-id s)))

(defn replace-near-match-ids-with-id
"Replaces all near matched ids in `s` (a `String`) with their actual (best)
SPDX id. Result is a tuple containing the modified `s` and a sequence of
tuples describing the replacements that were performed."
(when s
(loop [s s
replacements []
[f & r] @id-regex-id-pairs-d]
(if-not f
[s replacements]
(let [[re id] f
[new-s replacement] (lciu/explaining-replace s re id)
replacement (seq (filter #(not= (first %) (second %)) replacement)) ; Remove redundant replacements such as ["GPL-2.0-only" "GPL-2.0-only"]
new-replacements (if replacement (apply conj replacements replacement) replacements)]
(recur new-s new-replacements r))))))

(defn- name-version-replacement
"Returns a regex fragment for a version number (e.g. 2.0.0) in a name."
[[_ prefix version]]
(let [license-str (when (s/starts-with? (s/lower-case prefix) "lic") "License")
version-components (s/split version #"\\\.")]
(str license-str " ((v|ver|version)[\\-\\s]*)?" ; Note: whitespace not escaped because that happens later
(s/join "\\." (map #(str "0*" %) version-components)))))

(defn- special-case-names
"Special case handling for specific names."
[s n]
(s/includes? n "Apache")
(s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\w)Apache(?!\w)" "Apache(\\\\s+Software)?")

(s/includes? n "MIT")
(s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\w)MIT(?!\w)" "(?!X11(/?|\\\\s{1,4}))MIT(?!(/?|\\\\s{1,4})X11)")

(and (or (s/includes? n "libpng") (s/includes? n "Libpng"))
(not (s/includes? n "zlib")))
(s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\w)libpng(?!\w)" "(?<!zlib[\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]{1,4})libpng")

(and (s/includes? n "zlib"))
(s/replace s #"(?i)(?<!\w)zlib(/libpng)?(?!\w)" "zlib(([\\\\\\\\/\\\\-\\\\s]+)libpng)?")


; Only public for the unit tests
(defn name->regex
"Turns `n`, a license or exception name, into a regex that can be used to
near-match it. Returns `nil` if `n` is blank."
(when-not (s/blank? n)
(-> n
; Trim & escape
; Start clauses
(->> (str "(?i)(?<!\\w)"))
; "Version" variations (this must come first)
(s/replace #"(?i)(Licen[cs]e\s|version\s|v)\s*(\d+(\\\.\d+)*)" name-version-replacement) ; Note: have to match escaped . here
; Equivalent words and other variability
(s/replace #"(?i)\s+licen[cs]e" "(\\\\s+licen[cs]e)?") ; Note: can't start with \b due to names such as "The Unlicense"
(s/replace #"(?i)\s+Public\b" "(\\\\s+Public)?")
(s/replace #"(?i)\backnowledge?ment" "Acknowledge?ment")
(s/replace #"(?i)\b(and|&)(?!\w)" "(and|&)")
(s/replace #"(?i)\bmerchant[ai]bility\b" "Merchant[ai]bility")
(s/replace #"(?i)\bnon(\\\-)?commercial\b" "Non(\\\\-)?commercial") ; Note: weird syntax in find regex as hyphens have already been escaped
(s/replace #"(?i)\bF(u|\\\*)ck" "[f*][u*][c*][k*]") ; As of SPDX license list v3.25.0, profane names use "F*ck", but we hedge here in case that changes in other versions
; Special cases
(special-case-names n)
; Whitespace variance
(s/replace #"\s+" "[\\\\s\\\\-]+")
; Remove redundant word boundary matches
(s/replace "\\s+\\b" "\\s+")
(s/replace "\\b\\s+" "\\s+")
(s/replace #"(.*)\\b\z" "$1")
; End clauses
(str "(?<orLater>\\s*\\+)?(?!\\w)")
; And finally compile the regex
(-> [#"(?i)(?u)(?U)(?<!\w)" (s/trim n) #"(?!\w)"]
; Version components (2 variants)
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<=[\s\(])((v|ver|versions?)?\s*)?(?<versionNumber>\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)([\s\-–]+((?<only>only)|(or[\s\-]lat[eo]r)))?(?=\w?(\s|\z|\)))"
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<=[\s\(])((v|ver|versions?)?\s*)(?<versionNumber>\d+(\.\d+)*)([\s\-–]+((?<only>only)|(or[\s\-–]lat[eo]r)))?(?=\w?(\s|\z|\)))"
; Alternative spellings, optional words, etc.
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\bthe\s+" #"(The\s*)?")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)(and|&)(?!\w)" #"(and|&)")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\s+licen[cs]e" #"([\s\-–—]+Licen?[cs]e)?") ; Note: the optional missing `n` is a known misspelling in a POM license name:
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\s+public\b" #"([\s\-–—]+Public)?")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\backnowledge?ment" #"Acknowledge?ment") ; No trailing \b, to handle plurals etc.
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\bmerchant[ai]bility\b" #"Merchant[ai]bility")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\bnon-?commercial\b" #"Non[-–—]?commercial") ; Note: hyphen, en-dash, em-dash
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\bf(u|\\\*)ck" #"[f*][u*][c*][k*]") ; As of SPDX license list v3.25.0, profane names use "F*ck", but we hedge here in case that changes in other versions
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)\bopen\s+source" #"(Open[\s\-–—]+Source|OSS|FOSS)")
; Special cases for certain licenses
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)Apache(?!\w)" #"Apache([\s\-–—]+Software)?")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)MIT(?!\w)" #"(?<!(X11|ISC)[\\/\-\s]{1,4})MIT(?![\\/\-\s]{1,4}(X11|ISC))")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)X11(?!\w)" #"(MIT[\\/\-\s]{1,4})?X11([\\/\-\s]{1,4}MIT)?")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)ISC(?!\w)" #"(MIT[\\/\-\s]{1,4})?ISC([\\/\-\s]{1,4}MIT)?")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)(?<!\w)(?<!zlib/)libpng(?!\w)" #"(?<!zlib/[\\/\-\s]{1,4})libpng(?![\\/\-\s]{1,4}zlib)")
; Character equivalents
(replace-with-re-fragment #"(?i)é" #"[ée]") ; As of License List v3.26.0 'é' is the only accented character present
(replace-with-re-fragment #"\"" #"[\"“”„‟'‘’‚‛`]")
(replace-with-re-fragment #"\s*/\s*" #"\s*[\\/\-–—]\s*") ; Note: hyphen, en-dash, em-dash
(replace-with-re-fragment #"[\s\-–]+" #"[\s\-–—]+") ; Note: hyphen, en-dash, em-dash. en-dash is in e.g. the name of LiLiQ-R-1.1
; Cleanup and combine into a single pattern
(->> (filter #(or (not (string? %)) (not (s/blank? %)))) ; Remove empty strings
(lciu/mapcat-pred string? #(vector (lciu/escape-re %)))
(apply lciu/re-concat)))))

; Notes:
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[& res]
(re-pattern (s/join res)))

(defn replace-ncg
"As for `clojure.string/replace`, but uses rencg for regex processing.
* uses [rencg](, so `replacement-fn` must
accept a single argument that is a rencg-style map
* only supports a regex as the second argument (for obvious reasons...)
* only supports a function as the third argument (for obvious reasons...)"
[^CharSequence s ^java.util.regex.Pattern re replacement-fn]
(let [m (re-matcher re s)
ncgs (rencg/re-named-groups re)]
(if (.find m)
(let [buffer (StringBuffer. (.length s))]
(loop [found true]
(if found
(do (.appendReplacement m buffer (java.util.regex.Matcher/quoteReplacement (replacement-fn (rencg/re-groups-ncg m ncgs))))
(recur (.find m)))
(do (.appendTail m buffer)
(.toString buffer)))))

(defn replacing-split
"As for `clojure.string/split`, but replaces whatever `re` matched with
`replacement`, which can be a value or a function of one argument.
* replacement doesn't have to return a `String`, though not doing so will
result in a heterogeneous collection.
* uses [rencg](, so if `replacement` is a
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replaced with. This sequence will be `nil` if no replacements were performed.
* uses [rencg](, so if `replacement` is a
function it must accept a map, not a sequence. It must also return a
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