I forked only to fix unable to download through TTY3 as in instructions after verifying through browser login
Openbox EndeavorOS Community Edition
Boot from the Galileo ISO, or the latest ISO
Arm devices, go to https://endeavouros.com/endeavouros-arm-install/
and install the image for your ARM device on a uSD or other storage device.
Select "No desktop" during the Calamares install.
After Calamares install, reboot
switch to TTY3 (Ctrl-Alt-F3)
Login and run:
git clone https://github.com/EndeavourOS-Community-Editions/openbox.git
cd openbox
bash openbox-install.sh (see if this is executable, if not "chmod 755 openbox-install.sh")
Reboot and login via lightdm
Remove the openbox folder in your home directory.
cp -R .config/* ~/.config/
cp .gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0
chmod -R +x ~/.config/openbox/scripts
chmod -R +x ~/.config/rofi/scripts
sudo yay -Syu --needed --noconfirm - < packages-repository.txt
dbus-launch dconf load / < xed.dconf
Get involved at our forum: https://forum.endeavouros.com/t/openbox-edition/13692
- Background handled by nitrogen
- Gtk3 theme handled by obconf
- Filebrowser = Thunar
- Default Terminal-Emulator = xfce4-terminal
- Text-Editor = xed
- Application Launcher = Rofi